6 papers:
CHI-2015-SalehiIBAOMC- We Are Dynamo: Overcoming Stalling and Friction in Collective Action for Crowd Workers (NS, LI, MSB, AA, EO, KM, C), pp. 1621–1630.
DATE-2013-JooyaB #power management #using- Using synchronization stalls in power-aware accelerators (AJ, AB), pp. 400–403.
PLDI-2012-BaconCS #configuration management #garbage collection #hardware #realtime- And then there were none: a stall-free real-time garbage collector for reconfigurable hardware (DFB, PC, SS), pp. 23–34.
STOC-1998-AlbersGL #parallel- Minimizing Stall Time in Single and Parallel Disk Systems (SA, NG, SL), pp. 454–462.
HPCA-1998-MillerJL #architecture- Non-Stalling CounterFlow Architecture (MFM, KJJ, SLL), pp. 334–341.
ICALP-1993-Senizergues #effectiveness #theorem- An Effective Version of Stallings’ Theorem in the Case of Context-Free Groups (GS), pp. 478–495.