18 papers:
TACAS-2015-AbdullaAAJLS #model checking- Stateless Model Checking for TSO and PSO (PAA, SA, MFA, BJ, CL, KFS), pp. 353–367.
PLDI-2015-Huang #concurrent #model checking #reduction #source code- Stateless model checking concurrent programs with maximal causality reduction (JH), pp. 165–174.
OOPSLA-2015-DemskyL #model checking #named- SATCheck: SAT-directed stateless model checking for SC and TSO (BD, PL), pp. 20–36.
OOPSLA-2015-JensenMRDV #model checking- Stateless model checking of event-driven applications (CSJ, AM, VR, DD, MTV), pp. 57–73.
PEPM-2014-BransenDS #attribute grammar #evaluation #incremental #lazy evaluation- Lazy stateless incremental evaluation machinery for attribute grammars (JB, AD, SDS), pp. 145–156.
DLT-J-2013-KutribMW14a #automaton #finite #multi- Stateless One-Way Multi-Head Finite Automata with Pebbles (MK, AM, MW), pp. 1141–1160.
AFL-2011-NagyO- Deterministic Pushdown-CD-Systems of Stateless Deterministic R(1)-Automata (BN, FO), pp. 328–342.
LATA-2011-NagyO- Globally Deterministic CD-Systems of Stateless R(1)-Automata (BN, FO), pp. 390–401.
AFL-J-2008-KutribMO10 #automaton #on the- On Stateless Two-Pushdown Automata and Restarting Automata (MK, HM, FO), pp. 781–798.
LATA-2010-NagyO- CD-Systems of Stateless Deterministic R(1)-Automata Accept All Rational Trace Languages (BN, FO), pp. 463–474.
DLT-2009-FriscoI #automaton #finite #multi #on the- On Stateless Multihead Finite Automata and Multihead Pushdown Automata (PF, OHI), pp. 240–251.
PLDI-2008-MusuvathiQ #model checking- Fair stateless model checking (MM, SQ), pp. 362–371.
STOC-2008-AwerbuchK #distributed #linear #source code- Stateless distributed gradient descent for positive linear programs (BA, RK), pp. 691–700.
AFL-2008-KutribMO #automaton #on the- On Stateless Two-Pushdown Automata and Restarting Automata (MK, HM, FO), pp. 257–268.
ASPLOS-2002-CookseyJG- A stateless, content-directed data prefetching mechanism (RC, SJ, DG), pp. 279–290.
CSMR-2000-Sneed #component #distributed #generative #reuse #source code- Generation of Stateless Components from Procedural Programs for Reuse in a Distributed System (HMS), pp. 183–188.
ICEIS-1999-LiSH #collaboration #enterprise- Applications of Stateless Client Systems in Collaborative Enterprises (SFL, QSF, AH), pp. 665–673.
SOSP-1999-SchmidtLN #architecture #interactive #performance- The interactive performance of SLIM: a stateless, thin-client architecture (BKS, MSL, JDN), pp. 32–47.