6 papers:
CAV-2015-DesaiSQBE #abstraction #approximate #distributed- Approximate Synchrony: An Abstraction for Distributed Almost-Synchronous Systems (AD, SAS, SQ, DB, JCE), pp. 429–448.
PADL-2014-SivaramakrishnanZJ #named- RCML: A Prescription for Safely Relaxing Synchrony (KCS, LZ, SJ), pp. 1–16.
CSCW-2013-ParkLLLSSS #game studies #named #social- ExerSync: facilitating interpersonal synchrony in social exergames (TP, UL, BL, HL, SS, SS, JS), pp. 409–422.
CHI-2011-BalaamFGH- Enhancing interactional synchrony with an ambient display (MB, GF, JG, EH), pp. 867–876.
POPL-2006-CohenDEPPP #network #realtime- N-synchronous Kahn networks: a relaxed model of synchrony for real-time systems (AC, MD, CE, CP, FP, MP), pp. 180–193.
SOSP-1987-BirmanJ #distributed- Exploiting Virtual Synchrony in Distributed Systems (KPB, TAJ), pp. 123–138.