13 papers:
STOC-2011-PatrascuT #power of- The power of simple tabulation hashing (MP, MT), pp. 1–10.
DAC-2010-LefteriuM #generative #modelling #parametricity- Generating parametric models from tabulated data (SL, JM), pp. 679–682.
GT-VMT-2010-Kahl- Co-tabulations, Bicolimits and Van-Kampen Squares in Collagories (WK).
CIAA-2002-AlonsoDF #automaton #bidirectional- Tabulation of Bidirectional Push Down Automata (MAA, VJD, MVF), pp. 35–46.
ICLP-2002-CharatonikMP #constraints #infinity #model checking- Constraint-Based Infinite Model Checking and Tabulation for Stratified CLP (WC, SM, AP), pp. 115–129.
CL-2000-KameyaS #learning #logic programming #performance #source code- Efficient EM Learning with Tabulation for Parameterized Logic Programs (YK, TS), pp. 269–284.
DAC-1994-SilveiraEWCK #approach #performance #simulation #using- An Efficient Approach to Transmission Line Simulation Using Measured or Tabulated S-parameter Data (LMS, IME, JW, MC, KSK), pp. 634–639.
PLILP-1994-Barklund #source code- Tabulation of Functions in Definite Clause Programs (JB), pp. 465–466.
ICLP-1994-ClergerieL #logic programming #named- LPDA: Another look at Tabulation in Logic Programming (EVdlC, BL), pp. 470–486.
ICDAR-1993-ChandranK #recognition- Structural recognition of tabulated data (SC, RK), pp. 516–519.
ICLP-1993-BolD- The Underlying Search for Magic Templates and Tabulation (RNB, LD), pp. 793–811.
ILPS-1993-BolD #semantics- Tabulated Resolution for Well Founded Semantics (RNB, LD), pp. 199–219.
ICLP-1986-TamakiS86- OLD Resolution with Tabulation (HT, TS), pp. 84–98.