8 papers:
CSEET-2013-EterovicGB #approach #education #process- Teaching software processes to professionals: The approach taken by an evening master’s degree program (YE, GG, JB), pp. 309–313.
ICPR-2012-YokotaHKW #analysis #estimation #image- Estimation of earthquake ground motion by image analysis of sliding objects taken with a fixed camera (AY, TH, HK, TW), pp. 784–787.
DRR-2011-LiuZ #image #mobile #using- Segmenting texts from outdoor images taken by mobile phones using color features (ZL, HZ), pp. 1–10.
ICSM-2009-AnbalaganV #debugging #on the #open source #predict- On predicting the time taken to correct bug reports in open source projects (PA, MAV), pp. 523–526.
ICSE-2009-BuseW #execution- The road not taken: Estimating path execution frequency statically (RPLB, WW), pp. 144–154.
CSMR-2008-Ebert #approach #metamodelling- Metamodels Taken Seriously: The TGraph Approach (JE), p. 2.
ITiCSE-2002-Wirth #education- Computing science education: the road not taken (NW), pp. 1–3.
ICPR-v4-2000-NakamuraSO #3d #image #re-engineering #sequence- 3D Reconstruction of Book Surface Taken from Image Sequence with Handy Camera (KN, HS, SO), pp. 4575–4578.