5 papers:
- CHI-2015-OskampBHG #analysis #design #evaluation #multi #named
- TerraGuide: Design and Evaluation of a Multi-Surface Environment for Terrain Visibility Analysis (MO, CB, RH, TCNG), pp. 3553–3562.
- PLDI-2013-DeVitoHAHV #multi #named
- Terra: a multi-stage language for high-performance computing (ZD, JH, AA, PH, JV), pp. 105–116.
- SAC-2006-HazelTVW #approach #named #scalability
- TerraCost: a versatile and scalable approach to computing least-cost-path surfaces for massive grid-based terrains (TH, LT, JV, RW), pp. 52–57.
- SOSP-2003-GarfinkelPCRB #framework #named #virtual machine
- Terra: a virtual machine-based platform for trusted computing (TG, BP, JC, MR, DB), pp. 193–206.
- SIGMOD-2000-BarclaySG #named
- TerraServer: A Spatial Data Warehouse (TB, DRS, JG), pp. 307–318.