26 papers:
VLDB-2014-LondheGZNS #community #detection- Matching Titles with Cross Title Web-Search Enrichment and Community Detection (NL, VG, AZ, HQN, RKS), pp. 1167–1178.
KDD-2014-Melli #automation #parsing #semantics- Shallow semantic parsing of product offering titles (for better automatic hyperlink insertion) (GM), pp. 1670–1678.
KEOD-2013-ZarradDZ #approach #wiki- Title-based Approach to Relation Discovery from Wikipedia (RZ, ND, EZ), pp. 70–80.
DocEng-2012-TruranGCZ #authoring #guidelines- A section title authoring tool for clinical guidelines (MT, GG, MC, DZ), pp. 41–44.
CIKM-2012-GopalakrishnanIMRS #using- Matching product titles using web-based enrichment (VG, SPI, AM, RR, SHS), pp. 605–614.
SAC-2011-WangXYC #markov #web- Tagging web product titles based on hidden Markov model (PW, BX, YY, LC), pp. 43–48.
HT-2010-KleinSN #question- Is this a good title? (MK, JLS, MLN), pp. 3–12.
HT-2010-LipczakM #collaboration- The impact of resource title on tags in collaborative tagging systems (ML, EEM), pp. 179–188.
CIKM-2009-KanungoGKW #algorithm #summary #user satisfaction #web- Web search result summarization: title selection algorithms and user satisfaction (TK, NG, KYK, LW), pp. 1581–1584.
MLDM-2009-ChanguelLB #automation #html #learning- A General Learning Method for Automatic Title Extraction from HTML Pages (SC, NL, BBM), pp. 704–718.
DocEng-2008-AdamDS #identification #web- Identifying and expanding titles in web texts (CA, ED, PSD), pp. 213–216.
KDD-2008-ChakrabartiKP #generative #web- Generating succinct titles for web URLs (DC, RK, KP), pp. 79–87.
SIGIR-2008-JohoHJ #documentation #summary #using- Emulating query-biased summaries using document titles (HJ, DH, JMJ), pp. 709–710.
DRR-2007-TaghvaCLBN #documentation #generative- Title extraction and generation from OCR’d documents (KT, AC, SEL, JB, TAN).
ICDAR-2007-BeusekomKSB #documentation #image #logic- Example-Based Logical Labeling of Document Title Page Images (JvB, DK, FS, TMB), pp. 919–923.
ECIR-2006-BoydellS #collaboration #ranking #web- Title and Snippet Based Result Re-ranking in Collaborative Web Search (OB, BS), pp. 484–487.
SIGIR-2005-HuXSHSCL #documentation #html #retrieval #web- Title extraction from bodies of HTML documents and its application to web page retrieval (YH, GX, RS, GH, SS, YC, HL), pp. 250–257.
ICPR-v1-2004-MitchellY #image #segmentation- Connected Pattern Segmentation and Title Grouping in Newspaper Images (PEM, HY), pp. 397–400.
CIKM-2003-BeitzelJCG #automation #evaluation #taxonomy #using- Using titles and category names from editor-driven taxonomies for automatic evaluation (SMB, ECJ, AC, DAG), pp. 17–23.
SIGIR-2002-JinHZ #information retrieval- Title language model for information retrieval (RJ, AGH, CZ), pp. 42–48.
ICDAR-2001-NajmanGB #recognition #using- Indexing Technical Drawings Using Title Block Structure Recognition (LN, OG, SB), pp. 587–591.
ICML-2001-JinH #approach #information retrieval #learning #word- Learning to Select Good Title Words: An New Approach based on Reverse Information Retrieval (RJ, AGH), pp. 242–249.
KDD-2000-KarguptaCKO #distributed #information management #parallel- Distributed and parallel knowledge discovery (workshop session — title only) (HK, PC, VK, ZO), p. 534.
ICDAR-1993-WieserP #analysis #image #layout- Layout and analysis: Finding text, titles, and photos in digital images of newspaper pages (JW, AP), pp. 774–777.
SIGIR-1985-Kwok #automation #documentation #probability #similarity- Experiments with Cited Titles for Automatic Document Indexing and Similarity Measure in a Probabilistic Context (KLK), pp. 165–178.
SIGIR-1984-Kwok #feedback #probability #retrieval #similarity- A Document-Document Similarity Measure Based on Cited Titles and Probability Theory, and Its Application to Relevance Feedback Retrieval (KLK), pp. 221–231.