Tag #guidelines
139 papers:
ICSA-2019-VerdecchiaML #android #architecture #empirical- Guidelines for Architecting Android Apps: A Mixed-Method Empirical Study (RV, IM, PL), pp. 141–150.
ICSA-2019-WohlrabEPH #architecture #consistency- Improving the Consistency and Usefulness of Architecture Descriptions: Guidelines for Architects (RW, UE, PP, RH), pp. 151–160.
ICSME-2019-ElazharySEZ #git #process #question- Do as I Do, Not as I Say: Do Contribution Guidelines Match the GitHub Contribution Process? (OE, MADS, NAE, AZ), pp. 286–290.
SANER-2019-MeloCT #developer #exception #java- Unveiling Exception Handling Guidelines Adopted by Java Developers (HM, RC, CT), pp. 128–139.
DiGRA-2019-KankainenP #design #game studies #hybrid- Hybrid Board Game Design Guidelines (VK, JP).
FDG-2019-CullenR #community #streaming- Necklines and 'naughty bits': constructing and regulating bodies in live streaming community guidelines (ALLC, BR), p. 8.
CHI-PLAY-2018-PorterBR #artificial reality #case study #game studies #migration- Guidelines on Successfully Porting Non-Immersive Games to Virtual Reality: A Case Study in Minecraft (JPI, MB, AR), pp. 405–415.
ICML-2018-AlaaS #algorithm #design- Limits of Estimating Heterogeneous Treatment Effects: Guidelines for Practical Algorithm Design (AMA, MvdS), pp. 129–138.
VS-Games-2017-RizvicDAHCIOB #interactive- Guidelines for interactive digital storytelling presentations of cultural heritage (SR, ND, FA, BH, FFC, AI, VO, DB), pp. 253–259.
ESEC-FSE-2017-HarmsRI #architecture- Guidelines for adopting frontend architectures and patterns in microservices-based systems (HH, CR, LLI), pp. 902–907.
ASE-2016-MaroAWS #maintenance #traceability- Traceability maintenance: factors and guidelines (SM, AA, RW, JPS), pp. 414–425.
ASE-2016-MoonenABR #mining #recommendation #using- Practical guidelines for change recommendation using association rule mining (LM, SDA, DB, TR), pp. 732–743.
- ICSE-2016-StolRF #overview #re-engineering #research
- Grounded theory in software engineering research: a critical review and guidelines (KJS, PR, BF0), pp. 120–131.
SIGITE-2015-McMahon15a #comparison #education- A Comparison between the ACM/IEEE Computer Science 2013 Curriculum Guidelines and the Information Technology 2008 Curriculum Guidelines (REM), p. 107.
HOFM-2015-ErbaturH #named #programming #type system- GuideForce: Type-Based Enforcement of Programming Guidelines (SE, MH0), pp. 75–89.
CHI-PLAY-2015-GaleMP #artificial reality #heuristic #smarttech- Heuristic Guidelines for Playful Wearable Augmented Reality Applications (NG, PMB, IP), pp. 529–534.
DUXU-DD-2015-BrejchaLXMXWL #design #user interface- Chinese UI Design Guidelines 2.0 (JB, HL, QX, HM, MX, LW, ZL), pp. 122–129.
DUXU-DD-2015-CamposBFNC #experience #heuristic #industrial #multimodal- Combining Principles of Experience, Traditional Heuristics and Industry Guidelines to Evaluate Multimodal Digital Artifacts (FC, RB, WF, EVN, WC), pp. 130–137.
HCI-DE-2015-AbibA #design #interactive #process #social- Guidelines to Integrate Professional, Personal and Social Context in Interaction Design Process: Studies in Healthcare Environment (JCA, JCA), pp. 119–131.
LCT-2015-KaprosP #api #education #usability- Usability of Educational Technology APIs: Findings and Guidelines (EK, NP), pp. 249–260.
ICEIS-v3-2015-CanteriGSI #design #education #game studies #set #video- Video Games in Education of Deaf Children — A Set of Pratical Design Guidelines (RdPC, LSG, TAFdS, CEAI), pp. 122–129.
ICEIS-v3-2015-NicastroPAMBT #approach #case study #interface #mobile- A Semiotic-informed Approach to Interface Guidelines for Mobile Applications — A Case Study on Phenology Data Acquisition (FN, RP, BA, LPCM, CB, RdST), pp. 34–43.
BX-2015-AnjorinLKSS #approach #graph grammar- A Systematic Approach and Guidelines to Developing a Triple Graph Grammar (AA, EL, RK, AS, PS), pp. 81–95.
SAC-2015-AbibA #design #process- Integrating contexts in healthcare: guidelines to help the designers at design process (JCA, JCA), pp. 182–184.
DAC-2015-KoJKLS #design- Guidelines to design parity protected write-back L1 data cache (YK, RJ, YK, KL, AS), p. 6.
FM-2014-SanatiMM #decidability #logic #metric #using- Analyzing Clinical Practice Guidelines Using a Decidable Metric Interval-Based Temporal Logic (MYS, WM, TSEM), pp. 611–626.
CHI-PLAY-2014-TongZE #design #game studies- Design guidelines for audio-based game features (TT, DZ, SE), pp. 443–444.
CHI-2014-BroySAS #3d #design #interface #prototype #tool support- FrameBox and MirrorBox: tools and guidelines to support designers in prototyping interfaces for 3D displays (NB, SS, FA, AS), pp. 2037–2046.
CHI-2014-MuellerI #game studies- Movement-based game guidelines (FM, KI), pp. 2191–2200.
CHI-2014-SecklerHBOT #design #empirical #evaluation #web- Designing usable web forms: empirical evaluation of web form improvement guidelines (MS, SH, JABA, KO, ANT), pp. 1275–1284.
CHI-2014-ZaczynskiW #design #game studies #interactive- Establishing design guidelines in interactive exercise gaming: preliminary data from two posing studies (MZ, ADW), pp. 1875–1884.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-SheikhDS #design #knowledge base #towards #usability #women- Usability Guidelines for Designing Knowledge Base in Rural Areas — Towards Women Empowerment (JAS, HSD, FJS), pp. 462–469.
HCI-TMT-2014-BatistaUF #adaptation #design #interface #process #web- A Model and Guidelines for the Interface Design Process for Adaptive Web Applications (IDPAWA) (CRB, VRU, AMdVF), pp. 387–398.
HCI-TMT-2014-HoroldMK #testing #usability- Guidelines for Usability Field Tests in the Dynamic Contexts of Public Transport (SH, CM, HK), pp. 489–499.
SCSM-2014-AlvesMA #gamification #mobile #network #social- Guidelines for the Gamification in Mobile Social Networks (FPA, CM, JCA), pp. 559–570.
KEOD-2014-RedavidFCE - Guidelines and Tool for Meaningful OWL-S Services Annotations (DR, SF, BDC, FE), pp. 130–137.
KMIS-2014-FredjLC #algorithm- Characterizing Generalization Algorithms — First Guidelines for Data Publishers (FBF, NL, ICW), pp. 360–366.
ICSE-2014-RempelMKC #consistency #traceability- Mind the gap: assessing the conformance of software traceability to relevant guidelines (PR, PM, TK, JCH), pp. 943–954.
DocEng-2013-TruranSGC #automation #generative- Automatic generation of limited-depth hyper-documents from clinical guidelines (MT, JS, GG, MC), pp. 245–248.
ITiCSE-2013-ZarbHR #communication #programming #student- Industry-inspired guidelines improve students’ pair programming communication (MZ, JH, JR), pp. 135–140.
CHI-2013-McMillanMC #human-computer #mobile #scalability- Categorised ethical guidelines for large scale mobile HCI (DM, AM, MC), pp. 1853–1862.
DUXU-NTE-2013-ArningZM #design #exclamation #framework #interface #platform #requirements- Join the Ride! User Requirements and Interface Design Guidelines for a Commuter Carpooling Platform (KA, MZ, HM), pp. 10–19.
DUXU-WM-2013-SchneidermeierBW #design- Design Guidelines for Coffee Vending Machines (TS, MB, CW), pp. 432–440.
HCI-AMTE-2013-BurghardtSW #usability- Usability Guidelines for Desktop Search Engines (MB, TS, CW), pp. 176–183.
HCI-AS-2013-GarciaN #design #game studies- Design Guidelines for Audio Games (FEG, VPdAN), pp. 229–238.
PPDP-2013-Holdermans #data type #functional #random testing #testing- Random testing of purely functional abstract datatypes: guidelines for dealing with operation invariance (SH), pp. 275–284.
DAC-2013-HillsZMSWWM #agile #design- Rapid exploration of processing and design guidelines to overcome carbon nanotube variations (GH, JZ, CM, MMS, HW, HSPW, SM), p. 10.
DocEng-2012-TruranGCZ #authoring- A section title authoring tool for clinical guidelines (MT, GG, MC, DZ), pp. 41–44.
CSEET-2012-LeBlancB #education- Exploring the Computer Science 2013 Curriculum Guidelines (RL, MB), pp. 75–76.
ICSM-2012-DurdikKKKSW - Sustainability guidelines for long-living software systems (ZD, BK, HK, KK, JS, RW), pp. 517–526.
CHI-2012-PowerFPS #problem #web- Guidelines are only half of the story: accessibility problems encountered by blind users on the web (CP, APF, HP, DS), pp. 433–442.
SEKE-2012-BoaratiP #design #identification #interface- Identification Guidelines for the Design of Interfaces in the context of ECAs and ADHD (SRSB, CSAP), pp. 594–598.
MoDELS-2012-MaraeeB #analysis #comparative #constraints #modelling #recommendation #uml- Inter-association Constraints in UML2: Comparative Analysis, Usage Recommendations, and Modeling Guidelines (AM, MB), pp. 302–318.
DAC-2012-LeeKYBS #design #power management- Circuit and system design guidelines for ultra-low power sensor nodes (YL, YK, DY, DB, DS), pp. 1037–1042.
DATE-2012-Steinbach #modelling- Guidelines for model based systems engineering (DS), pp. 159–160.
DiGRA-2011-TiemstraBBG #design #game studies #interactive- Guidelines to Design Interactive Open-ended Play Installations for Children Placed in a Free Play Environment (GT, RvdB, TB, MdG).
FDG-2011-Vanhatupa #experience #game studies #personalisation- Guidelines for personalizing the player experience in computer role-playing games (JMV), pp. 46–52.
CHI-2011-LinehanKLC #design #education #game studies- Practical, appropriate, empirically-validated guidelines for designing educational games (CL, BK, SWL, GC), pp. 1979–1988.
DUXU-v1-2011-HongK #mobile #smarttech #usability #web- Mobile Web Usability: Developing Guidelines for Mobile Web via Smart Phones (SH, SCK), pp. 564–572.
DUXU-v1-2011-KaptanG #design #implementation #physics #usability #user interface- Effects of Physical Display Size on GUI Designers’ Perception and Implementation of Usability Guidelines (SNK, MG), pp. 128–137.
DUXU-v1-2011-Maguire #design- Guidelines on Website Design and Colour Selection for International Acceptance (MCM), pp. 162–171.
DUXU-v1-2011-Masita-MwangiRA #design #interactive #mobile #self- Enhancing Interactions of Self-help Groups in Africa through Mobile Solutions: Design Guidelines (MMM, FRB, PA), pp. 621–629.
ICEIS-v1-2011-YamaguchiDF #process #visualisation- Guidelines for the Choice of Visualization Techniques Applied in the Process of Knowledge Extraction (JKY, MMD, CF), pp. 183–189.
ICEIS-v4-2011-VitolsAH #design #evaluation #information management #web- Evaluation of Cross-cultural Web Information System Design Guidelines (GV, IA, YH), pp. 275–280.
KMIS-2011-PittetCN #evolution #ontology #tool support #version control- Guidelines for a Dynamic Ontology — Integrating Tools of Evolution and Versioning in Ontology (PP, CC, CN), pp. 173–179.
RecSys-2011-Tschersich #design #mobile #recommendation- Design guidelines for mobile group recommender systems to handle inaccurate or missing location data (MT), pp. 359–362.
SEKE-2011-ChiuchiSSV #performance- Efficiency and portability: guidelines to develop websites (CAC, RCGdS, ABS, CRV), pp. 37–41.
FoSSaCS-2011-StahlV - A Trace-Based View on Operating Guidelines (CS, WV), pp. 411–425.
FDG-2010-NortonWL #game studies #interface #video- Exploring strategies and guidelines for developing full body video game interfaces (JN, CAW, JJLJ), pp. 155–162.
ICEIS-SAIC-2010-Foster10a #adaptation #industrial #multi- Adapting Multiple-Choice Item-writing Guidelines to an Industrial Context (RMF), pp. 71–74.
SEKE-2010-CintoP #design #human-computer #interface- Human-Computer Interface Design Guidelines: An Expert System (TC, CSAP), pp. 361–366.
MoDELS-v2-2010-InsfranGA #design #development #model transformation #quality- Design Guidelines for the Development of Quality-Driven Model Transformations (EI, JGH, SA), pp. 288–302.
SPLC-2010-CetinaGFP #design #product line #prototype- Designing and Prototyping Dynamic Software Product Lines: Techniques and Guidelines (CC, PG, JF, VP), pp. 331–345.
ITiCSE-2009-HawthorneKCW - Revised associate-level curricular guidelines in computer science (EKH, KJK, RDC, AMW), p. 374.
SIGITE-2009-Connolly #design #education #using #web- No longer partying like it’s 1999: designing a modern web stream using the it2008 curriculum guidelines (RWC), pp. 74–79.
SIGITE-2009-HawthorneKCW - Revised content and format of associate-level computing curricular guidelines (EKH, KJK, RDC, AMW), p. 199.
SIGITE-2009-JacksonHTWE #education- Changes to an IT program in response to the IT 2008 curriculum guidelines (HJ, LH, LST, JW, HJCE), pp. 192–198.
ICPC-2009-HusseinTBK #comprehension #design- Sonification design guidelines to enhance program comprehension (KH, ET, IIB, SK), pp. 120–129.
DiGRA-2009-PereiraR #design #game studies #learning- Design Guidelines for Learning Games: the Living Forest Game Design Case (LLP, LGR).
CHI-2009-GrossmanFA #metric #overview- A survey of software learnability: metrics, methodologies and guidelines (TG, GWF, RA), pp. 649–658.
HCD-2009-KobayashiN #matrix #usability- Mapping of Usability Guidelines onto User’s Temporal Viewpoint Matrix (TK, HN), pp. 75–83.
HCD-2009-UrokoharaYNK #effectiveness- A Proposal for “Work-Effective Guidelines” for the Growth of HCD (HU, TY, HN, SK), pp. 1080–1089.
HCI-AUII-2009-DetweilerB #online #towards #trust- Trust in Online Technology: Towards Practical Guidelines Based on Experimentally Verified Theory (CD, JB), pp. 605–614.
HIMI-II-2009-FuS #design #formal method #web- Formalizing Design Guidelines of Legibility on Web Pages (FLF, CHS), pp. 17–25.
HIMI-II-2009-NakataniSSN #case study #design #interface- A Study of Auditory Warning Signals for the Design Guidelines of Man-Machine Interfaces (MN, DS, NS, SN), pp. 826–834.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-NakanishiTO #artificial reality #complexity #design #effectiveness #using #verification- Study for Establishing Design Guidelines for Manuals using Augmented Reality Technology — Verification and Expansion of the Basic Model Describing “Effective Complexity” (MN, SiT, YO), pp. 21–26.
ECMDA-FA-2009-ChenM #consistency #uml- A Language-Theoretic View on Guidelines and Consistency Rules of UML (ZC, GM), pp. 66–81.
ITiCSE-2008-HawthorneKCW - Computer science and information technology associate-level curricular guidelines (EKH, KJK, RDC, AMW), p. 350.
ICSM-2008-RiccaPT #lessons learnt #maintenance #using- Guidelines on the use of Fit tables in software maintenance tasks: Lessons learned from 8 experiments (FR, MDP, MT), pp. 317–326.
SAC-2008-WainerBD #automation #framework #implementation #named- ST-guide: a framework for the implementation of automatic clinical guidelines (JW, CZB, MPD), pp. 1325–1332.
DATE-2008-ZhangPM #design #logic- Design Guidelines for Metallic-Carbon-Nanotube-Tolerant Digital Logic Circuits (JZ, NP, SM), pp. 1009–1014.
DocEng-2007-GeorgJ #documentation- A document engineering environment for clinical guidelines (GG, MCJ), pp. 69–78.
AGTIVE-2007-AmelunxenLSS #graph transformation #modelling- Checking and Enforcement of Modeling Guidelines with Graph Transformations (CA, EL, AS, IS), pp. 313–328.
HCI-AS-2007-Cipolla-FicarraF #industrial #online #quality- Guidelines of Quality for Industrial Online Tourism (MCF, FVCF), pp. 12–21.
HCI-AS-2007-Rodriguez-AscasoNBS #design #experience #user interface- Human Factors: User Experience Design Guidelines for Telecare Services (ARA, BvN, SB, TS), pp. 413–417.
HCI-IDU-2007-BevanS #question #standard #usability #web- Are Guidelines and Standards for Web Usability Comprehensive? (NB, LS), pp. 407–419.
HCI-IPT-2007-BlumK #design #user interface- Design Guidelines for PDA User Interfaces in the Context of Retail Sales Support (RB, KK), pp. 226–235.
HIMI-IIE-2007-LazzariB #education #experience #problem #quality #towards- Towards Guidelines on Educational Podcasting Quality: Problems Arising from a Real World Experience (ML, AB), pp. 404–412.
HIMI-MTT-2007-Miki #collaboration #development #using- Use of Socio-technical Guidelines in Collaborative System Development (HM), pp. 90–97.
OCSC-2007-PanKL #community #design #game studies #online- Sociability Design Guidelines for the Online Gaming Community: Role Play and Reciprocity (YCP, LK, JJL), pp. 426–434.
VISSOFT-2007-ParninG #design #visualisation- Design Guidelines for Ambient Software Visualization in the Workplace (CP, CG), pp. 18–25.
FM-2006-SchmittHBRM #interactive #verification- Interactive Verification of Medical Guidelines (JS, AH, MB, WR, MM), pp. 32–47.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-GrimanPM #approach #development #process- Methodological Guidelines for SQA in Development Process — An Approach Based on the SPICE Model (AG, MAP, LEM), pp. 269–275.
SAC-2006-SchmidtT #design #development #ubiquitous- Methods and guidelines for the design and development of domestic ubiquitous computing applications (AS, LT), pp. 1928–1929.
ITiCSE-2005-MullerH #algorithm #multi #object-oriented #problem- Guidelines for a multiple-goal CS introductory course: algorithmic problem-solving woven into OOP (OM, BH), p. 356.
ICSE-2005-AtleeLLST #re-engineering #source code- Software engineering 2004: ACM/IEEE-CS guidelines for undergraduate programs in software engineering (JMA, RJL, TCL, AEKS, JBT), pp. 623–624.
SCAM-2004-HouHR #c++ #programming #specification- Specifying the Law of Demeter and C++ Programming Guidelines with FCL (DH, HJH, PR), pp. 119–127.
CHI-2004-LuchiniQS #design #tool support- Design guidelines for learner-centered handheld tools (KL, CQ, ES), pp. 135–142.
ICEIS-v3-2004-ChapmanS #enterprise #on the #security- On Information Security Guidelines for Small/Medium Enterprises (DC, LS), pp. 3–9.
CHI-2003-BeierV #design #framework #user interface #web- The bull’s-eye: a framework for web application user interface design guidelines (BB, MWV), pp. 489–496.
ECDL-2002-WilsonLG #design- Guidelines for Designing Electronic Books (RW, ML, FG), pp. 47–60.
CSEET-2002-BevanWM #programming #using- Guidelines for the Use of Pair Programming in a Freshman Programming Class (JB, LLW, CEM), pp. 100–107.
CHI-2002-QuintanaKS #case study- A Case Study to Distill Structural Scaffolding Guidelines for Scaffolded Software Environments (CQ, JK, ES), pp. 81–88.
ITiCSE-2001-KollingR #education #java #object-oriented- Guidelines for teaching object orientation with Java (MK, JR), pp. 33–36.
SEKE-2001-VincenziNMDR - Bayesian-Learning Based Guidelines to determine Equivalente Mutants (AMRV, EYN, JCM, MED, RAFR), pp. 180–187.
SAC-2000-TichelaarCD #component #coordination #design- Design Guidelines for Coordination Components (ST, JCC, SD), pp. 270–277.
ECDL-1999-ThengDMBT #design #library- Design Guidelines and User-Centred Digital Libraries (YLT, ED, NMN, GB, HWT), pp. 167–183.
CHI-1999-Vinson #design #navigation- Design Guidelines for Landmarks to Support Navigation in Virtual Environments (NGV), pp. 278–285.
HCI-CCAD-1999-AkoumianakisSPS #design- Universal accessibility: process-oriented design guidelines (DA, MS, AP, CS), pp. 807–811.
HCI-EI-1999-OHaraB #using- Software Tool for the Use of Human Factors Engineering Guidelines to Conduct Control Room Evaluations (JMO, WSB), pp. 973–977.
HCI-EI-1999-Vanderdonckt99a #automation #generative #online #repository- Automated Generation of an On-Line Guidelines Repository (JV), pp. 998–1002.
HCI-EI-1999-WandkeH #interactive- Completing Human Factor Guidelines by Interactive Examples (HW, JH), pp. 983–987.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Firesmith #case study #modelling- Use Case Modeling Guidelines (DF), pp. 184–193.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-JoyceKGKKLLSW #design #recommendation #repository- Developing laboratories for the SIGCSE computing laboratory repository: guidelines, recommendations, and sample labs (report of the ITiCSE 1997 working group on designing laboratory materials for computing courses) (DTJ, DK, JGP, EBK, WK, CL, KL, ES, RAW), pp. 1–12.
HCI-CC-1997-ShihG #design #question- Do Existing Menu Design Guidelines Work in Chinese? (HMS, RSG), pp. 161–164.
HCI-SEC-1997-Brath #3d #analysis #experience #interactive #visualisation- 3D Interactive Information Visualization: Guidelines from Experience and Analysis of Applications (RB), pp. 865–868.
HCI-SEC-1997-RodriguezBM #design #navigation #web- Page Design Guidelines for Improving World Wide Web Navigation (NJR, JAB, IM), pp. 835–838.
ICSE-1997-KiczalesLLMMM #design #implementation- Open Implementation Design Guidelines (GK, JL, CVL, CM, AM, GCM), pp. 481–490.
ITiCSE-1996-KnoxWJKKLMPR #education #using- Use of laboratories in computer science education: guidelines for good practice: report of the working group on computing laboratories (DK, UW, DTJ, EBK, JK, AL, JPM, VKP, KAR), pp. 167–181.
CAiSE-1996-BatesBFL #analysis #formal method #object-oriented- Guidelines for Formalizing Fusion Object-Oriented Analysis Methods (BWB, JMB, RBF, MMLP), pp. 222–233.
HT-ECHT-1994-MadiganCGVB - Repertory Hypergrids: An Application to Clinical Practice Guidelines (DM, CRC, JG, OV, JB), pp. 117–125.
CIKM-1994-HeinleinKD #classification #representation- Representation of Medical Guidelines on Top of a Classification-Based System (CH, KK, PD), pp. 415–422.
TRI-Ada-1994-WorkmanC #design #metric #quality- Quality Guidelines = Designer Metrics (DAW, RC), pp. 29–40.
HCI-ACS-1993-VaananenH #case study #communication #multi #testing #usability- Testing Acceptance and Usability of Multimedia in Man-Machine Communication: A Case Study and Guidelines (KV, DH), pp. 450–455.
AdaEurope-1993-Schwille #exception #using- Use and Abuse of Exceptions — 12 Guidelines for Proper Exception Handling (JS), pp. 141–152.
CHI-1991-Mackay91a #question #using #video- Ethical issues in the use of video: is it time to establish guidelines? (WEM), pp. 403–405.
CHI-1991-TetzlaffS #design #interface #using- The use of guidelines in interface design (LT, DRS), pp. 329–333.
ASPLOS-1982-McLearST - Guidelines for Creating a Debuggable Processor (REM, DMS, ET), pp. 100–106.
ASPLOS-1982-Rymarczyk #pipes and filters- Coding Guidelines for Pipelined Processors (JWR), pp. 12–19.