11 papers:
CASE-2015-LengWDC #fuzzy- Fuzzy sliding mode control for pan-tilt-zoom system driven by ultrasonic motor (XL, SW, YD, YC), pp. 868–873.
CHI-2014-WilsonCSB #feedback #locality- Perception of ultrasonic haptic feedback on the hand: localisation and apparent motion (GW, TC, SS, SAB), pp. 1133–1142.
MLDM-2014-MalenichevSKMM #automation- An Automatic Matching Procedure of Ultrasonic Railway Defectograms (AM, VS, OK, VM, AM), pp. 315–327.
CASE-2012-ChoiFN #analysis #assembly- Vibration analysis in robotic ultrasonic welding for battery assembly (SC, TAF, SN), pp. 550–554.
CASE-2012-GuKJ #distance #metric #multi- Distance measurement for tower crane obstacle based on multi-ultrasonic sensors (LG, XK, JJ), pp. 1028–1032.
CASE-2012-YanG #estimation #physics- Time-delay estimation of ultrasonic echoes based on the physical model matching (XY, LG), pp. 469–473.
HIMI-IIE-2007-IshiiYIN #navigation #using- A Navigation System Using Ultrasonic Directional Speaker with Rotating Base (KI, YY, MI, KN), pp. 526–535.
SAC-2007-YiYC #mobile #multi #using- Tracking multiple mobile objects using IEEE 802.15.4-based ultrasonic sensor devices (SY, JY, HC), pp. 1638–1639.
ICEIS-v5-2005-HoriN- Ultrasonic Sensors for the Elderly and Caregivers in a Nursing Home (TH, YN), pp. 110–115.
ICPR-1998-WuML #effectiveness #image- An effective entropic thresholding for ultrasonic images (LW, SM, HL), pp. 1552–1554.
ICPR-1996-HolderTM #mobile #navigation #using- Mobile robot navigation by wall following using a rotating ultrasonic scanner (MBH, MMT, SBM), pp. 298–302.