Tag #theory and practice
106 papers:
ICPC-2019-FakhouryRHA #readability #source code- Improving source code readability: theory and practice (SF, DR, SAH, VA), pp. 2–12.
ICML-2019-GaoL0O - Rate Distortion For Model Compression: From Theory To Practice (WG, YHL, CW0, SO), pp. 2102–2111.
KDD-2019-FaloutsosFGJW - Forecasting Big Time Series: Theory and Practice (CF, VF, JG, TJ, YW), pp. 3209–3210.
KDD-2019-Huang0DLLPST0Y0 #algorithm #learning #network- Learning From Networks: Algorithms, Theory, and Applications (XH, PC0, YD, JL, HL0, JP, LS, JT0, FW0, HY, WZ0), pp. 3221–3222.
KDD-2019-VreekenY #data mining #mining- Modern MDL meets Data Mining Insights, Theory, and Practice (JV, KY), pp. 3229–3230.
CAV-2019-PadhiMN0 #synthesis- Overfitting in Synthesis: Theory and Practice (SP, TDM, AVN, RS0), pp. 315–334.
CIKM-2018-AiMLC #learning #rank- Unbiased Learning to Rank: Theory and Practice (QA, JM, YL, WBC), pp. 2305–2306.
ECOOP-2018-ProkopecL - Theory and Practice of Coroutines with Snapshots (AP, FL), p. 32.
AdaEurope-2018-GutierrezP #distributed #realtime #scheduling- Theory and Practice of EDF Scheduling in Distributed Real-Time Systems (JJG, HP0), pp. 123–137.
KDD-2017-How #learning #nondeterminism- Planning and Learning under Uncertainty: Theory and Practice (JPH), p. 19.
SEFM-2016-AbrahamK #satisfiability- Satisfiability Checking: Theory and Applications (EÁ, GK), pp. 9–23.
ECIR-2016-SchuthB #evaluation #online- Living Labs for Online Evaluation: From Theory to Practice (AS, KB), pp. 893–896.
KDD-2016-Srivastava #machine learning #scalability- Large-Scale Machine Learning at Verizon: Theory and Applications (AS), p. 417.
CSL-2016-Ciabattoni #calculus #logic- Analytic Calculi for Non-Classical Logics: Theory and Applications (AC), p. 1.
SIGMOD-2015-ChuBS #database #evaluation #parallel #performance #query- From Theory to Practice: Efficient Join Query Evaluation in a Parallel Database System (SC, MB, DS), pp. 63–78.
CHI-2014-DalsgardD #concept #human-computer #research- Between theory and practice: bridging concepts in HCI research (PD, CD), pp. 1635–1644.
KDD-2014-BonchiGL #clustering #correlation- Correlation clustering: from theory to practice (FB, DGS, EL), p. 1972.
KMIS-2014-Muthaiyah #implementation #information management- Knowledge Management Technology Implementation — Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice (SM), pp. 393–399.
SIGIR-2014-Carterette #information retrieval #statistics #testing- Statistical significance testing in information retrieval: theory and practice (BC), p. 1286.
POPL-2014-SergeyVJ #analysis #composition #higher-order- Modular, higher-order cardinality analysis in theory and practice (IS, DV, SLPJ), pp. 335–348.
IJCAR-2014-Lellmann #axiom #strict- Axioms vs Hypersequent Rules with Context Restrictions: Theory and Applications (BL), pp. 307–321.
SIGMOD-2013-ZhuMXLTZ #distance #network #query #towards- Shortest path and distance queries on road networks: towards bridging theory and practice (ADZ, HM, XX, SL, YT, SZ), pp. 857–868.
ITiCSE-2013-CrescenziEK #student- From theory to practice: NP-completeness for every CS student (PC, EE, VK), pp. 16–21.
ICSM-2013-LeTL #fault #locality- Theory and Practice, Do They Match? A Case with Spectrum-Based Fault Localization (TDBL, FT, DL), pp. 380–383.
IFM-2013-GiachinoGLLW #analysis #concurrent- Deadlock Analysis of Concurrent Objects: Theory and Practice (EG, CAG, CL, ML, PYHW), pp. 394–411.
CIKM-2013-Fagin - Applying theory to practice (RF), pp. 3–4.
ICML-c3-2013-WytockK #algorithm #energy #random- Sparse Gaussian Conditional Random Fields: Algorithms, Theory, and Application to Energy Forecasting (MW, JZK), pp. 1265–1273.
SIGIR-2013-GaoYSL #internet- Internet advertising: theory and practice (BG, JY, DS, TYL), p. 1135.
KR-2012-GrastienHT - Conflict-Based Diagnosis of Discrete Event Systems: Theory and Practice (AG, PH, ST).
FASE-2012-AbadiEF #slicing- Fine Slicing — Theory and Applications for Computation Extraction (AA, RE, YAF), pp. 471–485.
VLDB-2011-ZhangM0 #matrix #revisited- Storing Matrices on Disk: Theory and Practice Revisited (YZ, KM, JY), pp. 1075–1086.
DiGRA-2011-BatemanLN - Player Typology in Theory and Practice (CB, RL, LEN).
ICEIS-v2-2011-YeL - Analyzing Data from AVL/APC System for Improving Transit Management — Theory and Practice (YY, JL), pp. 267–274.
BX-2011-Czarnecki - Model Synchronization: Theory and Practice (KC), p. 52.
LCTES-2011-Cullmann #analysis #novel #persistent- Cache persistence analysis: a novel approachtheory and practice (CC), pp. 121–130.
LICS-2011-Kobayashi #higher-order #model checking- Higher-Order Model Checking: From Theory to Practice (NK0), pp. 219–224.
VMCAI-2011-ChengRKB #embedded #fault tolerance #game studies #synthesis #using- Synthesis of Fault-Tolerant Embedded Systems Using Games: From Theory to Practice (CHC, HR, AK, CB), pp. 118–133.
IFL-2010-HinzeHJ - Theory and Practice of Fusion (RH, TH, DWHJ), pp. 19–37.
CIKM-2010-RaghavanI #probability #retrieval- Probabilistic first pass retrieval for search advertising: from theory to practice (HR, RI), pp. 1019–1028.
ICML-2010-GavishNC #graph #learning #multi- Multiscale Wavelets on Trees, Graphs and High Dimensional Data: Theory and Applications to Semi Supervised Learning (MG, BN, RRC), pp. 367–374.
ICML-2010-KalyanakrishnanS #multi #performance- Efficient Selection of Multiple Bandit Arms: Theory and Practice (SK, PS), pp. 511–518.
MoDELS-v1-2010-GuerraLKP #named- Inter-modelling: From Theory to Practice (EG, JdL, DSK, RFP), pp. 376–391.
ICSE-2010-BudnikCK #automation #testing- Bridging the Gap Between the Theory and Practice of Software Test Automation (CJB, WKC, GMK), pp. 445–446.
ICSE-2010-MedvidovicT #architecture- Software architecture: foundations, theory, and practice (NM, RNT), pp. 471–472.
ICSE-2010-TillmannHX #testing- Parameterized unit testing: theory and practice (NT, JdH, TX), pp. 483–484.
CAV-2010-Malacaria #data flow #question- Quantitative Information Flow: From Theory to Practice? (PM), pp. 20–22.
CAV-2010-Rybalchenko #constraints #theorem proving #verification- Constraint Solving for Program Verification: Theory and Practice by Example (AR), pp. 57–71.
CSL-2010-Rybalchenko #constraints #theorem proving #verification- Constraint Solving for Program Verification: Theory and Practice by Example (AR), p. 51.
VLDB-2009-ArenasPRR - Inverting Schema Mappings: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice (MA, JP, JLR, CR), pp. 1018–1029.
FM-2009-VakkalankaVGK #execution #semantics- Reduced Execution Semantics of MPI: From Theory to Practice (SSV, AV, GG, RMK), pp. 724–740.
CEFP-2009-Kennedy - Types for Units-of-Measure: Theory and Practice (AK), pp. 268–305.
GTTSE-2009-Selic #design #modelling #perspective #re-engineering- The Theory and Practice of Modeling Language Design for Model-Based Software Engineering — A Personal Perspective (BS), pp. 290–321.
LCTES-2009-ZouABL #embedded #flexibility #graph #realtime- PTIDES on flexible task graph: real-time embedded systembuilding from theory to practice (JZ, JSA, DFB, EAL), pp. 31–40.
CADE-2009-Korovin #automation #reasoning- Instantiation-Based Automated Reasoning: From Theory to Practice (KK), pp. 163–166.
SIGMOD-2008-CecchetCA #database #middleware #replication- Middleware-based database replication: the gaps between theory and practice (EC, GC, AA), pp. 739–752.
DAC-2008-GolsonC #implementation #physics- Flow engineering for physical implementation: theory and practice (SG, PC), p. 1.
VLDB-2007-BernsteinH #model management- Model Management and Schema Mappings: Theory and Practice (PAB, HH), pp. 1439–1440.
HCI-IDU-2007-YueWW #design #interactive #ubiquitous- Designing Transparent Interaction for Ubiquitous Computing: Theory and Application (WY, HW, GW), pp. 331–339.
SAT-2007-GomesHSS - Short XORs for Model Counting: From Theory to Practice (CPG, JH, AS, BS), pp. 100–106.
SIGMOD-2006-Cohen - User-defined aggregate functions: bridging theory and practice (SC), pp. 49–60.
ITiCSE-2005-Vinha #learning #reuse- Reusable learning objects: theory to practice (AV), p. 413.
ICSM-2005-OBrienBE #empirical- Empirically Studying Software Practitioners — Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice (MPO, JB, CE), pp. 433–442.
PODS-2004-GottlobKBHF - The Lixto Data Extraction Project — Back and Forth between Theory and Practice (GG, CK, RB, MH, SF), pp. 1–12.
PODS-2003-RameshMZ #data mining #mining- Feasible itemset distributions in data mining: theory and application (GR, WM, MJZ), pp. 284–295.
ITiCSE-2003-Nodelman #learning #programming- Learning computer graphics by programming: linking theory and practice (VN), p. 261.
SEKE-2003-Strelzoff #recognition- Revision Recognition for Scientific Computing: Theory and Application (AS), pp. 46–53.
LICS-2003-Kwiatkowska #model checking #probability- Model checking for probability and time: from theory to practice (MZK), p. 351–?.
SAC-2002-Huang #divide and conquer #parallel- Grid-enabled parallel divide-and-conquer: theory and practice (CHH), pp. 865–869.
SAC-2002-RinePG #re-engineering- ACM SAC2002 software engineering: theory and applications (SETA) track description (DCR, JFP, JPG), pp. 969–970.
HPDC-2002-ThainL #fault #grid- Error Scope on a Computational Grid: Theory and Practice (DT, ML), pp. 199–208.
CADE-2002-Horrocks #logic #reasoning- Reasoning with Expressive Description Logics: Theory and Practice (IH), pp. 1–15.
LICS-2001-Abiteboul #semistructured data- Semistructured Data: from Practice to Theory (SA), pp. 379–386.
ICALP-2000-Broder #independence #permutation- Min-wise Independent Permutations: Theory and Practice (AZB), p. 808.
KR-2000-HorrocksT #axiom #reasoning- Reasoning with Axioms: Theory and Practice (IH, ST), pp. 285–296.
GCSE-2000-Bassett #adaptation #component- The Theory and Practice of Adaptive Components (PB), pp. 1–14.
PODS-1999-Raman #clustering #database #locality- Locality Preserving Dictionaries: Theory and Application to Clustering in Databases (VR), pp. 337–345.
ICML-1999-NgHR #policy- Policy Invariance Under Reward Transformations: Theory and Application to Reward Shaping (AYN, DH, SJR), pp. 278–287.
STOC-1998-DoolyGS - TCP Dynamic Acknowledgment Delay: Theory and Practice (DRD, SAG, SDS), pp. 389–398.
WIA-1997-Wood - WIA and Theory and Practice (DW), pp. 1–6.
HCI-SEC-1997-AsiuM #design #reasoning- The Role of Case-Based Reasoning in Instructional Design: Theory and Practice (BA, MDM), pp. 153–156.
HCI-SEC-1997-Okamoto #information management #interface #people #towards- Toward Rehabilitation Cognitive Engineering-Gap Between Theory and Practice in the Human Interface of Information Processing Devices for People with Disabilities (AO), pp. 551–554.
SAS-1997-CharlierF #abstract interpretation #on the- On the Desirable Link Between Theory and Practice in Abstract Interpretation (BLC, PF), pp. 379–387.
CSCW-1996-HiltzT #collaboration #learning #network #online- Asynchronous Learning Networks: The Theory and Practice of Collaborative Learning Online (SRH, MT), p. 5.
CADE-1996-SnyderS #semantics- Rewrite Semantics for Production Rule Systems: Theory and Applications (WS, JGS), pp. 508–522.
ICML-1995-AuerHM - Theory and Applications of Agnostic PAC-Learning with Small Decision Trees (PA, RCH, WM), pp. 21–29.
TAPSOFT-1995-EhrigM #aspect-oriented #development #process- A Decade of TAPSOFT: Aspects of Process and Prospects in Theory and Practice of Software Development (HE, BM), pp. 3–24.
TAPSOFT-1995-Floyd #development- Theory and Practice of Software Development: Stages in a Debate (CF), pp. 25–41.
CADE-1994-MullerW #composition #higher-order- Theory and Practice of Minimal Modular Higher-Order E-Unification (OM, FW), pp. 650–664.
ILPS-1994-Rajasekar #constraints #logic programming #string- Constraint Logic Programming on Strings: Theory and Applications (AR), p. 681.
VLDB-1993-Grefen #approach #declarative #specification #transaction- Combining Theory and Practice in Integrity Control: A Declarative Approach to the Specification of a Transaction Modification Subsystem (PWPJG), pp. 581–591.
ICSE-1993-LichterSZ #industrial #prototype- Prototyping in Industrial Software Projects — Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice (HL, MSH, HZ), pp. 221–229.
SOSP-1991-LampsonABW #authentication #distributed- Authentication in Distributed Systems: Theory and Practice (BWL, MA, MB, EW), pp. 165–182.
SEKE-1990-DeckH #re-engineering- Cleanroom Software Engineering: Theory and Practice (MDD, PAH), pp. 71–77.
RTA-1989-Lankford - Generalized Gröbner Bases: Theory and Applications. A Condensation (DL), pp. 203–221.
POPL-1988-Felleisen - The Theory and Practice of First-Class Prompts (MF), pp. 180–190.
CFLP-1987-BeierleV #canonical #data type #specification- Theory and Practice of Canonical Term Functors in Abstract Data Type Specifications (CB, AV), pp. 320–334.
CSCW-1986-CashmanS #complexity- Achieving sustainable complexity through information technology: theory and practice (PMC, DS), pp. 307–317.
CSCW-1986-FosterS #named- Cognoter: theory and practice of a colab-orative tool (GF, MS), pp. 7–15.
CRAI-1986-Goodenough #ada #compilation #testing #validation- Ada Compiler Validation: An Example of Software Testing Theory and Practice (JBG), pp. 195–232.
SIGIR-1985-DAmoreM - One-Time Complete Indexing of Text: Theory and Practice (RJD, CPM), pp. 155–164.
VLDB-1978-Smith #database #design- Comments on the paper “Data Base Design in Theory and Practice” by Bo Sundgren (JMS), pp. 17–18.
VLDB-1978-Sundgren #database #design- Data Base Design in Theory and Practice (BS), pp. 3–16.
VLDB-1978-Theys #database #design- Comments on the Paper “Data Base Design in Theory and Practice” (MT), pp. 19–20.
POPL-1978-Johnson #compilation- A Portable Compiler: Theory and Practice (SCJ), pp. 97–104.
ICSE-1976-Carrow #programming- Structured Programming: From Theory to Practice (JCC), pp. 370–372.
SOSP-1969-NeedhamH #design #operating system- Theory and practice in operating system design (RMN, DFH), pp. 8–12.