Manuel V. Hermenegildo, Torsten Schaub
Technical Communications of the 26th International Conference on Logic Programming
ICLP, 2010.
@proceedings{ICLP-2010, address = "Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom", editor = "Manuel V. Hermenegildo and Torsten Schaub", ee = "", isbn = "978-3-939897-17-0", publisher = "{Schloss Dagstuhl — Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik}", series = "{Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics}", title = "{Technical Communications of the 26th International Conference on Logic Programming}", volume = 7, year = 2010, }
Event page:
Contents (39 items)
- ICLP-2010-Aref10 #datalog #enterprise #industrial #research
- Datalog for Enterprise Software: from Industrial Applications to Research (MA), p. 1.
- ICLP-2010-Fages10 #biology #logic #paradigm
- A Logical Paradigm for Systems Biology (FF), pp. 2–3.
- ICLP-2010-AlbertiGL10 #abduction #constraints #proving #runtime
- Runtime Addition of Integrity Constraints in an Abductive Proof Procedure (MA, MG, EL), pp. 4–13.
- ICLP-2010-Balduccini10 #heuristic #learning #set
- Learning Domain-Specific Heuristics for Answer Set Solvers (MB), pp. 14–23.
- ICLP-2010-BasolEFI10 #source code
- HEX Programs with Action Atoms (SB, OE, MF, GI), pp. 24–33.
- ICLP-2010-BautersJSVC10 #communication #set #source code
- Communicating Answer Set Programs (KB, JJ, SS, DV, MDC), pp. 34–43.
- ICLP-2010-Brass10 #bottom-up #evaluation #implementation
- Implementation Alternatives for Bottom-Up Evaluation (SB), pp. 44–53.
- ICLP-2010-CorapiRL10 #abduction #induction #logic programming
- Inductive Logic Programming as Abductive Search (DC, AR, EL), pp. 54–63.
- ICLP-2010-FayruzovJVCC10 #performance #set #source code
- Efficient Solving of Time-dependent Answer Set Programs (TF, JJ, DV, CC, MDC), pp. 64–73.
- ICLP-2010-Fierens10 #logic #modelling #performance #probability
- Improving the Efficiency of Gibbs Sampling for Probabilistic Logical Models by Means of Program Specialization (DF), pp. 74–83.
- ICLP-2010-Guenot10 #calculus #linear #logic #proving
- Focused Proof Search for Linear Logic in the Calculus of Structures (NG), pp. 84–93.
- ICLP-2010-Janhunen10 #constraints #revisited #semantics #source code
- Sampler Programs: The Stable Model Semantics of Abstract Constraint Programs Revisited (TJ), pp. 94–103.
- ICLP-2010-Lopez-GarciaDB10 #debugging #framework #resource management #verification
- A Framework for Verification and Debugging of Resource Usage Properties: Resource Usage Verification (PLG, LD, FB), pp. 104–113.
- ICLP-2010-Maher10 #approximate #constraints
- Contractibility and Contractible Approximations of Soft Global Constraints (MJM), pp. 114–123.
- ICLP-2010-MantadelisJ10 #probability
- Dedicated Tabling for a Probabilistic Setting (TM, GJ), pp. 124–133.
- ICLP-2010-PereiraP10 #logic programming #semantics #source code
- Tight Semantics for Logic Programs (LMP, AMP), pp. 134–143.
- ICLP-2010-Near10 #logic programming #relational #source code #specification
- From Relational Specifications to Logic Programs (JPN), pp. 144–153.
- ICLP-2010-OetschPT10 #source code
- Methods and Methodologies for Developing Answer-Set Programs — Project Description (JO, JP, HT), pp. 154–161.
- ICLP-2010-RiguzziS10 #logic programming #reasoning #source code
- Tabling and Answer Subsumption for Reasoning on Logic Programs with Annotated Disjunctions (FR, TS), pp. 162–171.
- ICLP-2010-SantosM10 #named #prolog
- Subsumer: A Prolog theta-subsumption engine (JS, SM), pp. 172–181.
- ICLP-2010-ShakarianSS10 #network #optimisation #problem #social #source code #using
- Using Generalized Annotated Programs to Solve Social Network Optimization Problems (PS, VSS, MLS), pp. 182–191.
- ICLP-2010-SimariS10 #abduction #logic programming #probability #source code
- Abductive Inference in Probabilistic Logic Programs (GIS, VSS), pp. 192–201.
- ICLP-2010-Wernhard10 #logic programming
- Circumscription and Projection as Primitives of Logic Programming (CW), pp. 202–211.
- ICLP-2010-SaeedloeiG10 #definite clause grammar
- Timed Definite Clause Ω-Grammars (NS, GG), pp. 212–221.
- ICLP-2010-Alqaddoumi10 #functional #logic programming #parallel #towards #virtual machine
- Towards a Parallel Virtual Machine for Functional Logic Programming (AA), pp. 222–225.
- ICLP-2010-Alviano10 #datalog #set #source code
- Dynamic Magic Sets for Disjunctive Datalog Programs (MA), pp. 226–235.
- ICLP-2010-P10 #concurrent #constraints #programming #similarity
- Bisimilarity in Concurrent Constraint Programming (AAAP), pp. 236–240.
- ICLP-2010-Dandois10 #logic programming #program analysis #source code
- Program analysis for code duplication in logic programs (CD), pp. 241–247.
- ICLP-2010-Demeyer10 #concurrent #declarative #program analysis #programming
- Program Analysis to Support Concurrent Programming in Declarative Languages (RD), pp. 248–254.
- ICLP-2010-Drescher10 #constraints #programming #set
- Constraint Answer Set Programming Systems (CD), pp. 255–264.
- ICLP-2010-Gaggl10 #programming #towards
- Towards a General Argumentation System based on Answer-Set Programming (SAG), pp. 265–269.
- ICLP-2010-Lopez10 #modelling #process
- Models for Trustworthy Service and Process Oriented Systems (HAL), pp. 270–276.
- ICLP-2010-Martinez10 #concurrent #constraints #design #implementation #linear #logic programming #programming language
- Design and Implementation of a Concurrent Logic Programming Language with Linear Logic Constraints (TM), pp. 277–280.
- ICLP-2010-Pahlavi10 #higher-order #learning #logic
- Higher-order Logic Learning and λ-Progol (NP), pp. 281–285.
- ICLP-2010-Parisini10 #branch #constraints #framework #programming
- Local Branching in a Constraint Programming Framework (FP), pp. 286–288.
- ICLP-2010-Saeedloei10 #cyber-physical #logic programming
- Logic Programming Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems (NS), pp. 289–293.
- ICLP-2010-Snow10 #λ-calculus
- Realizing the Dependently Typed λ Calculus (ZS), pp. 294–299.
- ICLP-2010-Toro-Bermudez10 #interactive
- Structured Interactive Musical Scores (MTB), pp. 300–302.
- ICLP-2010-Zwirchmayr10 #analysis
- Cutting-Edge Timing Analysis Techniques (JZ), pp. 303–305.
12 ×#source code
10 ×#logic programming
7 ×#constraints
5 ×#programming
5 ×#set
4 ×#logic
3 ×#abduction
3 ×#concurrent
3 ×#probability
2 ×#datalog
10 ×#logic programming
7 ×#constraints
5 ×#programming
5 ×#set
4 ×#logic
3 ×#abduction
3 ×#concurrent
3 ×#probability
2 ×#datalog