Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
Collaborated with:
J.Bardram J.Min J.Wiese S.Amini J.Zimmerman J.I.Hong
Talks about:
sleep (2) activ (2) smartphon (1) detector (1) qualiti (1) complex (1) analysi (1) theori (1) hospit (1) analyz (1)
Person: Afsaneh Doryab
DBLP: Doryab:Afsaneh
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CHI-2014-MinDWAZH #detection #named #quality #smarttech
- Toss-n-turn: smartphone as sleep and sleep quality detector (JKM, AD, JW, SA, JZ, JIH), pp. 477–486.
- CSCW-2011-BardramD #analysis #process
- Activity analysis: applying activity theory to analyze complex work in hospitals (JB, AD), pp. 455–464.