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Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Estonia
1 × Hungary
1 × India
1 × Italy
1 × Japan
1 × Poland
1 × South Korea
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
M.M.Bonsangue J.J.M.M.Rutten D.Kozen N.Oliveira L.S.Barbosa J.Jeannin K.Mamouras D.Petrisan N.Foster M.Milano L.Thompson J.Endrullis H.H.Hansen D.Hendriks A.Polonsky T.Shelley L.Lyons T.Moher C.Dasgupta B.L.Silva J.Adámek F.Bonchi M.Hülsbusch B.König S.Milius
Talks about:
coalgebra (6) polynomi (2) analysi (2) kleen (2) infinitari (1) elementari (1) framework (1) construct (1) synthesi (1) procedur (1)

Person: Alexandra Silva

DBLP DBLP: Silva:Alexandra

Contributed to:

ICALP (2) 20152015
POPL 20152015
RTA 20152015
CHI 20142014
SAC 20142014
ESOP 20132013
FOSSACS 20122012
FOSSACS 20092009
LICS 20092009
FoSSaCS 20082008

Wrote 10 papers:

ICALP-v2-2015-KozenMP0 #algebra
Nominal Kleene Coalgebra (DK, KM, DP, AS), pp. 286–298.
POPL-2015-FosterKM0T #algebra
A Coalgebraic Decision Procedure for NetKAT (NF, DK, MM, AS, LT), pp. 343–355.
RTA-2015-EndrullisHHP0 #equation #framework #induction #reasoning
A Coinductive Framework for Infinitary Rewriting and Equational Reasoning (JE, HHH, DH, AP, AS), pp. 143–159.
CHI-2014-ShelleyLMDSS #data analysis #design #student
Information-building applications: designing for data exploration and analysis by elementary school students (TS, LL, TM, CD, BLS, AS), pp. 2123–2132.
SAC-2014-OliveiraSB #analysis #coordination
Quantitative analysis of Reo-based service coordination (NO, AS, LSB), pp. 1247–1254.
Language Constructs for Non-Well-Founded Computation (JBJ, DK, AS), pp. 61–80.
FoSSaCS-2012-AdamekBHKMS #algebra
A Coalgebraic Perspective on Minimization and Determinization (JA, FB, MH, BK, SM, AS), pp. 58–73.
FoSSaCS-2009-BonsangueRS #algebra #polynomial #theorem
A Kleene Theorem for Polynomial Coalgebras (MMB, JJMMR, AS), pp. 122–136.
LICS-2009-BonsangueRS #algebra #polynomial
An Algebra for Kripke Polynomial Coalgebras (MMB, JJMMR, AS), pp. 49–58.
FoSSaCS-2008-BonsangueRS #algebra #automaton #logic #synthesis
Coalgebraic Logic and Synthesis of Mealy Machines (MMB, JJMMR, AS), pp. 231–245.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.