Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Finland
1 × Greece
1 × Iceland
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ A.A.Bulatov P.Jeavons V.Dalmau D.Marx C.Carvalho B.Larose F.Börner
Talks about:
constraint (5) satisfact (3) problem (3) complex (3) dualiti (2) order (2) first (2) caterpillar (1) algorithm (1) structur (1)
Person: Andrei A. Krokhin
DBLP: Krokhin:Andrei_A=
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- LICS-2011-Krokhin #complexity #first-order
- The Complexity of Evaluating First-Order Sentences over a Fixed Structure (AAK), p. 331.
- CSL-2010-Krokhin #constraints
- Tree Dualities for Constraint Satisfaction (AAK), pp. 32–33.
- ICALP-A-2008-KrokhinM #on the
- On the Hardness of Losing Weight (AAK, DM), pp. 662–673.
- LICS-2008-CarvalhoDK #constraints #problem
- Caterpillar Duality for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CC, VD, AAK), pp. 307–316.
- LICS-2004-DalmauKL #first-order #graph #problem #reflexive
- First-Order Definable Retraction Problems for Posets and Reflexive Graph (VD, AAK, BL), pp. 232–241.
- CSL-2003-BornerBJK #algorithm #complexity #constraints #quantifier
- Quantified Constraints: Algorithms and Complexity (FB, AAB, PJ, AAK), pp. 58–70.
- STOC-2001-BulatovKJ #complexity #constraints
- The complexity of maximal constraint languages (AAB, AAK, PJ), pp. 667–674.
- ICALP-2000-BulatovKJ #algebra #constraints #finite #problem
- Constraint Satisfaction Problems and Finite Algebras (AAB, AAK, PJ), pp. 272–282.