Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Georgia
1 × Italy
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.B.Kiesler S.R.Fussell R.Zadeh J.N.Cummings T.Matthews T.P.Moran A.Kittur
Talks about:
collabor (2) visual (2) remot (2) what (2) workplac (1) synchron (1) research (1) challeng (1) disrupt (1) centric (1)
Person: Aruna D. Balakrishnan
DBLP: Balakrishnan:Aruna_D=
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- CHI-2011-ZadehBKC #challenge #design #what
- What’s in a move?: normal disruption and a design challenge (RZ, ADB, SBK, JNC), pp. 2897–2906.
- CSCW-2011-BalakrishnanKCZ #integration #matter #research #what #why
- Research team integration: what it is and why it matters (ADB, SBK, JNC, RZ), pp. 523–532.
- CHI-2010-BalakrishnanMM #tool support
- Fitting an activity-centric system into an ecology of workplace tools (ADB, TM, TPM), pp. 787–790.
- CSCW-2010-BalakrishnanFKK #analysis #collaboration #information management #visualisation
- Pitfalls of information access with visualizations in remote collaborative analysis (ADB, SRF, SBK, AK), pp. 411–420.
- CHI-2008-BalakrishnanFK #collaboration #question #visualisation
- Do visualizations improve synchronous remote collaboration? (ADB, SRF, SBK), pp. 1227–1236.