277 papers:
ECSA-2015-BaresiS #approach #architecture- An Architecture-Centric Approach for Dynamic Smart Spaces (LB, AS), pp. 277–284.
SIGMOD-2015-JerglerSJ #distributed #framework #named #workflow- D2WORM: A Management Infrastructure for Distributed Data-centric Workflows (MJ, MS, HAJ), pp. 1427–1432.
VLDB-2015-AbdelazizHSKM #data analysis #framework #named #rdf- SPARTex: A Vertex-Centric Framework for RDF Data Analytics (IA, RH, SS, PK, NM), pp. 1880–1891.
VLDB-2015-CrottyGDKBCZ #architecture #compilation #workflow- An Architecture for Compiling UDF-centric Workflows (AC, AG, KD, TK, CB, UÇ, SZ), pp. 1466–1477.
VLDB-2015-WuHYY #evaluation #performance #query #visualisation- Efficient Evaluation of Object-Centric Exploration Queries for Visualization (YW, BH, JY, CY), pp. 1752–1763.
CHI-2015-GannonGF #approach #design #named- Tactum: A Skin-Centric Approach to Digital Design and Fabrication (MG, TG, GWF), pp. 1779–1788.
CHI-2015-HoubenM #named #prototype #tool support- WatchConnect: A Toolkit for Prototyping Smartwatch-Centric Cross-Device Applications (SH, NM), pp. 1247–1256.
CHI-2015-MitraHG #quality- Comparing Person- and Process-centric Strategies for Obtaining Quality Data on Amazon Mechanical Turk (TM, CJH, EG), pp. 1345–1354.
CSCW-2015-GiesbrechtCS #mobile- Back in Sight, Back in Mind: Picture-Centric Support for Mobile Counseling Sessions (TG, TC, GS), pp. 486–495.
CAiSE-2015-EstanolST #modelling #process #uml #validation #verification- Verification and Validation of UML Artifact-Centric Business Process Models (ME, MRS, ET), pp. 434–449.
CAiSE-2015-WeiBO #interface #web #web service- Deriving Artefact-Centric Interfaces for Overloaded Web Services (FW, AB, CO), pp. 501–516.
ICEIS-v1-2015-BrodskyL #knowledge base #modelling #reuse #towards- Decision Guidance Analytics Language (DGAL) — Toward Reusable Knowledge Base Centric Modeling (AB, JL), pp. 67–78.
ECIR-2015-GebremeskelV #documentation #ranking- Entity-Centric Stream Filtering and Ranking: Filtering and Unfilterable Documents (GGG, APdV), pp. 303–314.
ECIR-2015-LimCLK #community #constraints #detection #using- Detecting Location-Centric Communities Using Social-Spatial Links with Temporal Constraints (KHL, JC, CL, SK), pp. 489–494.
KDD-2015-ZhouLB #analysis #clustering #graph- Integrating Vertex-centric Clustering with Edge-centric Clustering for Meta Path Graph Analysis (YZ, LL, DB), pp. 1563–1572.
SIGIR-2015-FangOHML #classification #topic #twitter- Topic-centric Classification of Twitter User’s Political Orientation (AF, IO, PH, CM, NL), pp. 791–794.
SAC-2015-BadouelHKM #approach #collaboration #distributed- A grammatical approach to data-centric case management in a distributed collaborative environment (EB, LH, GEK, CM), pp. 1834–1839.
SAC-2015-BoukAK #bibliography #challenge #network #research- Vehicular content centric network (VCCN): a survey and research challenges (SHB, SHA, DK), pp. 695–700.
SAC-2015-Fongen #tuple- Data-centric authorization and integrity control in a Linda tuplespace (AF), pp. 1827–1833.
SAC-2015-GomesB #integration #mobile #network- Feasibility of information-centric networking integration into LTE mobile networks (AG, TB), pp. 627–633.
ESEC-FSE-2015-Feth #optimisation #security #trade-off- User-centric security: optimization of the security-usability trade-off (DF), pp. 1034–1037.
CGO-2015-KimHSLH #architecture #concurrent #cpu #modelling #programming #scheduling #thread- Locality-centric thread scheduling for bulk-synchronous programming models on CPU architectures (HSK, IEH, JAS, SSL, WmWH), pp. 257–268.
ECSA-2014-MusilMB #architecture #coordination #metamodelling #social #towards #web- Towards a Coordination-Centric Architecture Metamodel for Social Web Applications (JM, AM, SB), pp. 106–113.
CASE-2014-MarkovskiH #framework #modelling #reliability- A synthesis-centric model-based systems engineering framework for reliable supervision of systems with general distributions (JM, HH), pp. 436–442.
DAC-2014-GuglielmoPC #composition #design #synthesis- A Design Methodology for Compositional High-Level Synthesis of Communication-Centric SoCs (GDG, CP, LPC), p. 6.
DAC-2014-KimJC #energy #mobile- Content-centric Display Energy Management for Mobile Devices (DK, NJ, HC), p. 6.
DAC-2014-TsengHPK #energy #manycore #mobile #scheduling- User-Centric Energy-Efficient Scheduling on Multi-Core Mobile Devices (PHT, PCH, CCP, TWK), p. 6.
DATE-2014-DingLM- WCET-Centric dynamic instruction cache locking (HD, YL, TM), pp. 1–6.
DocEng-2014-SchmitzP #big data #tool support- Humanist-centric tools for big data: berkeley prosopography services (PS, LP), pp. 179–188.
SIGMOD-2014-MondalD #graph #named #query #scalability- EAGr: supporting continuous ego-centric aggregate queries over large dynamic graphs (JM, AD), pp. 1335–1346.
VLDB-2014-FuOPZ #component #declarative #javascript #named #using- FORWARD: Data-Centric UIs using Declarative Templates that Efficiently Wrap Third-Party JavaScript Components (YF, KWO, YP, EZ), pp. 1649–1652.
VLDB-2014-QuamarDL #graph #named #scalability- NScale: Neighborhood-centric Analytics on Large Graphs (AQ, AD, JL), pp. 1673–1676.
VLDB-2014-YanCLN #distributed #framework #graph #named- Blogel: A Block-Centric Framework for Distributed Computation on Real-World Graphs (DY, JC, YL, WN), pp. 1981–1992.
CHI-2014-Smith #analysis #comprehension #game studies #generative- Understanding procedural content generation: a design-centric analysis of the role of PCG in games (GS), pp. 917–926.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-FordSCT #energy #personalisation- Personalized Energy Priorities: A User-Centric Application for Energy Advice (RF, OS, AC, PT), pp. 542–553.
DUXU-TMT-2014-KojoHV #mobile #self #testing- Customer Journey Mapping of an Experience-Centric Service by Mobile Self-reporting: Testing the Qualiwall Tool (IK, MH, JPV), pp. 261–272.
SCSM-2014-Kanawati #community #detection #network- Seed-Centric Approaches for Community Detection in Complex Networks (RK), pp. 197–208.
ICEIS-v2-2014-MerouaniMS #approach #consistency #formal method #process #testing #towards- Formalizing Artifact-Centric Business Processes — Towards a Conformance Testing Approach (HM, FM, HSB), pp. 368–374.
CIKM-2014-CalvaneseMET #modelling #process #uml- Verifiable UML Artifact-Centric Business Process Models (DC, MM, ME, ET), pp. 1289–1298.
CIKM-2014-LuciaF #classification #knowledge-based #named #network- EgoCentric: Ego Networks for Knowledge-based Short Text Classification (WL, EF), pp. 1079–1088.
KDD-2014-ZhouL #classification #mining #multi #network- Activity-edge centric multi-label classification for mining heterogeneous information networks (YZ, LL), pp. 1276–1285.
KR-2014-LomuscioM14a #bound #model checking- Model Checking Unbounded Artifact-Centric Systems (AL, JM).
MoDELS-2014-WestmanN #contract #cyber-physical #design- Environment-Centric Contracts for Design of Cyber-Physical Systems (JW, MN), pp. 218–234.
MoDELS-2014-WestmanN #contract #cyber-physical #design- Environment-Centric Contracts for Design of Cyber-Physical Systems (JW, MN), pp. 218–234.
SAC-2014-HuergoPD #approach #identification #modelling #using- A method to identify services using master data and artifact-centric modeling approach (RSH, PFP, FCD), pp. 1225–1230.
SAC-2014-MoraCGZJEBAH #named- MUSES: a corporate user-centric system which applies computational intelligence methods (AMM, PdlC, JJMG, SZ, MJ, AIEA, MB, HA, ZH), pp. 1719–1723.
HPDC-2014-KhorasaniVGB #graph #named- CuSha: vertex-centric graph processing on GPUs (FK, KV, RG, LNB), pp. 239–252.
ECSA-2013-Kuster #architecture #design #modelling #traceability #validation- Architecture-Centric Modeling of Design Decisions for Validation and Traceability (MK), pp. 184–191.
QoSA-2013-KonersmannDGR #approach #architecture #evolution #towards- Towards architecture-centric evolution of long-living systems (the ADVERT approach) (MK, ZD, MG, RHR), pp. 163–168.
PODS-2013-HaririCGDM #relational #verification- Verification of relational data-centric dynamic systems with external services (BBH, DC, GDG, AD, MM), pp. 163–174.
VLDB-2013-DeutchMT #analysis #named #process- PROPOLIS: Provisioned Analysis of Data-Centric Processes (DD, YM, VT), pp. 1302–1305.
CSMR-2013-BorrielloMC #android #architecture #migration #towards- Migrating Android Applications towards Service-centric Architectures with Sip2Share (AB, FM, GC), pp. 413–416.
CSMR-2013-JamshidiGAP #architecture #evolution #framework #research- A Framework for Classifying and Comparing Architecture-centric Software Evolution Research (PJ, MG, AA, CP), pp. 305–314.
PLDI-2013-NowatzkiSCSER #architecture #constraints #framework #scheduling- A general constraint-centric scheduling framework for spatial architectures (TN, MST, LDC, KS, CE, BR), pp. 495–506.
CHI-2013-HoubenBVLC #ad hoc #case study #information management- Activity-centric support for ad hoc knowledge work: a case study of co-activity manager (SH, JEB, JV, KL, KC), pp. 2263–2272.
CHI-2013-JuhlinZSF #design- Fashionable shape switching: explorations in outfit-centric design (OJ, YZ, CS, YF), pp. 1353–1362.
CHI-2013-WagnerNGHM #design #interactive #multi- Body-centric design space for multi-surface interaction (JW, MN, SG, SH, WEM), pp. 1299–1308.
CSCW-2013-SaidFJA #algorithm #collaboration #evaluation #recommendation- User-centric evaluation of a K-furthest neighbor collaborative filtering recommender algorithm (AS, BF, BJJ, SA), pp. 1399–1408.
DHM-SET-2013-GiabbanelliDASF #game studies #health #self- Supporting a Participant-Centric Management of Obesity via a Self-improving Health Game (PJG, PD, LA, TS, DTF), pp. 189–196.
HCI-UC-2013-Acharya #named #privacy- SP-CIP: A Secure and Privacy Aware Patient Centric Information Portal (SA), pp. 3–9.
ICEIS-v2-2013-BenhaddiBA #approach #evaluation #formal method #implementation #user satisfaction- Formalization of the User Centric SOA Approach — Implementation and End User Satisfaction Evaluation (MB, KB, EHA), pp. 481–488.
CIKM-2013-SubbianAS #analysis #mining #social- Content-centric flow mining for influence analysis in social streams (KS, CCA, JS), pp. 841–846.
CIKM-2013-ZhouC #documentation- Entity-centric document filtering: boosting feature mapping through meta-features (MZ, KCCC), pp. 119–128.
ECMFA-2013-Ritter #network- A Network-Centric BPMN Model for Business Network Management (DR), pp. 152–164.
SAC-2013-BraunMS #network- Service-centric networking extensions (TB, AM, VAS), pp. 583–590.
SAC-2013-GaoB #architecture- User centric complex event processing based on service oriented architectures (FG, SB), pp. 1933–1934.
ICSE-2013-MarinoHDVTV #concurrent #detection #source code- Detecting deadlock in programs with data-centric synchronization (DM, CH, JD, MV, FT, JV), pp. 322–331.
SOSP-2013-RoyMZ #graph #named #streaming #using- X-Stream: edge-centric graph processing using streaming partitions (AR, IM, WZ), pp. 472–488.
ICST-2013-GrechanikHB #database #testing- Testing Database-Centric Applications for Causes of Database Deadlocks (MG, BMMH, UB), pp. 174–183.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-KebirSCC #approach #component #identification #object-oriented- Quality-Centric Approach for Software Component Identification from Object-Oriented Code (SK, ADS, SC, AC), pp. 181–190.
DAC-2012-DingLM- WCET-centric partial instruction cache locking (HD, YL, TM), pp. 412–420.
SIGMOD-2012-JinRXL #approach #distance #graph #query #scalability- A highway-centric labeling approach for answering distance queries on large sparse graphs (RJ, NR, YX, VEL), pp. 445–456.
VLDB-2012-AgrawalAW #in the cloud #perspective #privacy- Secure and Privacy-Preserving Data Services in the Cloud: A Data Centric View (DA, AEA, SW), pp. 2028–2029.
VLDB-2012-MihaylovIG #named #recursion- REX: Recursive, Delta-Based Data-Centric Computation (SRM, ZGI, SG), pp. 1280–1291.
VLDB-2012-MorishimaSMAF #crowdsourcing #declarative #framework #named- CyLog/Crowd4U: A Declarative Platform for Complex Data-centric Crowdsourcing (AM, NS, TM, HA, SF), pp. 1918–1921.
ITiCSE-2012-PoonSTK #corpus #detection #source code- Instructor-centric source code plagiarism detection and plagiarism corpus (JYHP, KS, YFT, MYK), pp. 122–127.
EDOC-2012-SilvaPS #composition #flexibility #framework #named- A-DynamiCoS: A Flexible Framework for User-centric Service Composition (EGdS, LFP, MvS), pp. 81–92.
ICEIS-J-2012-StuckenschmidtNF12a #integration- User-Centric Data Integration with the MappingAssistant (HS, JN, FF), pp. 323–339.
ICEIS-v3-2012-StuckenschmidtNF #case study #integration- A Study in User-centric Data Integration (HS, JN, FF), pp. 5–14.
CIKM-2012-LiuFCW #enterprise #query- Entity centric query expansion for enterprise search (XL, HF, FC, MW), pp. 1955–1959.
CIKM-2012-LongGXK #approach #design #using- A simple approach to the design of site-level extractors using domain-centric principles (CL, XG, CX, SK), pp. 1517–1521.
CIKM-2012-Shiraishi0KA #communication- Simultaneous realization of page-centric communication and search (YS, JZ, YK, TA), pp. 2719–2721.
CIKM-2012-SongKNCXB #network #social- Discretionary social network data revelation with a user-centric utility guarantee (YS, PK, SN, GC, MX, SB), pp. 1572–1576.
CIKM-2012-YaoS12a #classification #web- A tag-centric discriminative model for web objects classification (LY, QZS), pp. 2247–2250.
KDD-2012-MengWLZLW #summary #topic #twitter- Entity-centric topic-oriented opinion summarization in twitter (XM, FW, XL, MZ, SL, HW), pp. 379–387.
KMIS-2012-KeumKB #collaboration #communication #design #framework- Architeture Design of a Network-centric Platform for Unified Communication and Collaboration Applications (CK, SK, HB), pp. 294–297.
KR-2012-BelardinelliLP #abstraction #verification- An Abstraction Technique for the Verification of Artifact-Centric Systems (FB, AL, FP).
SEKE-2012-ChenCZS #analysis #approach #integration- A Model-centric Approach for the Integration of Software Analysis Methods (XC, JC, ZZ, LS), pp. 211–216.
PLATEAU-2012-OliveroLDR- Tracking human-centric controlled experiments with biscuit (FO, ML, MD, RR), pp. 1–6.
SAC-2012-SchrecklingPH #android #data access #named- Constroid: data-centric access control for android (DS, JP, DH), pp. 1478–1485.
ICSE-2012-MirakhorliSCC #approach #automation #quality #traceability- A tactic-centric approach for automating traceability of quality concerns (MM, YS, JCH, MÇ), pp. 639–649.
ICSE-2012-RessiaBN #debugging- Object-centric debugging (JR, AB, ON), pp. 485–495.
HPDC-2012-ChenASYB #multi #performance #question- Achieving application-centric performance targets via consolidation on multicores: myth or reality? (LYC, DA, ES, AY, WB), pp. 37–48.
PPoPP-2012-HoeflerS #detection #optimisation- Communication-centric optimizations by dynamically detecting collective operations (TH, TS), pp. 305–306.
ICST-2012-ZamanAH #analysis #empirical #performance #scalability- A Large Scale Empirical Study on User-Centric Performance Analysis (SZ, BA, AEH), pp. 410–419.
VLDB-2011-MogaT #named #realtime- UpStream: A Storage-centric Load Management System for Real-time Update Streams (AM, NT), pp. 1442–1445.
VLDB-2011-OgasawaraOVDPM #algebra #approach #workflow- An Algebraic Approach for Data-Centric Scientific Workflows (ESO, DdO, PV, JD, FP, MM), pp. 1328–1339.
ESOP-2011-CairesPSVF #data access #type system- Type-Based Access Control in Data-Centric Systems (LC, JAP, JCS, HTV, LF), pp. 136–155.
CSMR-2011-AmouiDET #adaptation #evolution #runtime #towards- Software Evolution towards Model-Centric Runtime Adaptivity (MA, MD, JE, LT), pp. 89–92.
ICALP-v1-2011-HirtZ- Player-Centric Byzantine Agreement (MH, VZ), pp. 281–292.
DUXU-v1-2011-PetrovicS #towards- Make Space for the Customer: The Shift towards Customer Centricity (KP, MS), pp. 485–490.
HCI-MIIE-2011-BlockLT #approach #social #social media- A Context Centric Approach to Utilize Social Media Services on Public Terminals (MB, JL, ST), pp. 474–482.
HIMI-v1-2011-Mori #towards- Some Issues toward Creating Human-Centric Services (HM), pp. 118–121.
HIMI-v1-2011-NasozBPR #metadata- A User-Centric Metadata Creation Tool for Preserving the Nation’s Ecological Data (FN, RCB, CJP, DJR), pp. 122–131.
HIMI-v1-2011-PlumbaumSKA #approach #semantics #user interface- My Personal User Interface: A Semantic User-Centric Approach to Manage and Share User Information (TP, KS, MK, SA), pp. 585–593.
EDOC-2011-VaculinHHCNS #declarative #modelling #process- Declarative business artifact centric modeling of decision and knowledge intensive business processes (RV, RH, TH, CC, AN, PS), pp. 151–160.
ICEIS-v3-2011-HafiddiNBAK #approach #architecture- A Context-aware Service Centric Approach for Service Oriented Architectures (HH, MN, HB, BEA, AK), pp. 176–183.
ICEIS-v3-2011-WangWWL #modelling #using #workflow- Formally Modeling and Analyzing Data-centric Workflow using WFCP-net and ASK-CTL (ZW, JW, LW, GL), pp. 139–144.
ICEIS-v4-2011-BenhaddiBA #approach #modelling- Model-driven Approach for User-centric Mashuped SOA (MB, KB, EHA), pp. 116–123.
CIKM-2011-KimQYL #approach #behaviour- Advertiser-centric approach to understand user click behavior in sponsored search (SK, TQ, HY, TYL), pp. 2121–2124.
KMIS-2011-GoncalvesP #approach #challenge #process #towards- Business Processes and Organisations — Challenges and Opportunities Towards a People-centric Approach (NPG, JASP), pp. 418–423.
RecSys-2011-KnijnenburgWK #evaluation #recommendation- A pragmatic procedure to support the user-centric evaluation of recommender systems (BPK, MCW, AK), pp. 321–324.
RecSys-2011-PuCH #evaluation #framework #recommendation- A user-centric evaluation framework for recommender systems (PP, LC, RH), pp. 157–164.
SEKE-2011-Kaiser #concurrent #debugging #higher-order #using- Constructing Subtle Concurrency Bugs Using Synchronization-Centric Second-Order Mutation Operators (LWGK), pp. 244–249.
SEKE-2011-ZhangSPCM #architecture #design #quality #recommendation #towards- Towards Quality Based Solution Recommendation in Decision-Centric Architecture Design (LZ, YS, YP, XC, HM), pp. 776–781.
SIGIR-2011-StrotgenGJ #documentation #multi #similarity- An event-centric model for multilingual document similarity (JS, MG, CJ), pp. 953–962.
ESEC-FSE-2011-Durdik #approach #architecture #elicitation #requirements- An architecture-centric approach for goal-driven requirements elicitation (ZD), pp. 384–387.
ESEC-FSE-2011-SahaNDNSC #fault #locality #source code- Fault localization for data-centric programs (DS, MGN, PD, VKN, VS, SC), pp. 157–167.
ICSE-2011-Mirakhorli #approach #architecture #requirements- Tracing architecturally significant requirements: a decision-centric approach (MM), pp. 1126–1127.
CGO-2011-LiuM #analysis #locality #problem #using- Pinpointing data locality problems using data-centric analysis (XL, JMMC), pp. 171–180.
ICST-2011-HummerRSLD #composition #test coverage- Test Coverage of Data-Centric Dynamic Compositions in Service-Based Systems (WH, OR, OS, PL, SD), pp. 40–49.
ECSA-2010-LungBSEG #architecture #generative #towards- Towards Architecture-Centric Software Generation (CHL, BB, KS, PE, UG), pp. 38–52.
ECSA-2010-ZhangUV #architecture #component #development- Architecture-Centric Component-Based Development Needs a Three-Level ADL (H(Z, CU, SV), pp. 295–310.
QoSA-2010-ChauvelSCHM #adaptation #architecture #self #using- Using QoS-Contracts to Drive Architecture-Centric Self-adaptation (FC, HS, XC, GH, HM), pp. 102–118.
QoSA-2010-Wirsing #adaptation #approach #component #pervasive- A Component-Based Approach to Adaptive User-Centric Pervasive Applications (MW), p. 2.
SIGMOD-2010-ArumugamDJPP #scalability- The DataPath system: a data-centric analytic processing engine for large data warehouses (SA, AD, CMJ, NP, LLP), pp. 519–530.
ICPC-2010-OlszakJ #analysis #java #named- Featureous: A Tool for Feature-Centric Analysis of Java Software (AO, BNJ), pp. 44–45.
PLDI-2010-ZhouD #approach #manycore #named #object-oriented- Bamboo: a data-centric, object-oriented approach to many-core software (JZ, BD), pp. 388–399.
CHI-2010-BalakrishnanMM #tool support- Fitting an activity-centric system into an ecology of workplace tools (ADB, TM, TPM), pp. 787–790.
CHI-2010-BrandtDWK #development #programming #web- Example-centric programming: integrating web search into the development environment (JB, MD, MW, SRK), pp. 513–522.
CHI-2010-GrigoreanuBR #approach #debugging #design #tool support- A strategy-centric approach to the design of end-user debugging tools (VG, MMB, GGR), pp. 713–722.
CHI-2010-Lackaff #network- Propitious aggregation: reducing participant burden in ego-centric network data collection (DL), pp. 1467–1470.
CHI-2010-WilcoxMTG #design- Designing patient-centric information displays for hospitals (LW, DM, DST, JG), pp. 2123–2132.
CIKM-2010-LiLZL #multi #retrieval- Multi-modal multi-correlation person-centric news retrieval (ZL, JL, XZ, HL), pp. 179–188.
CIKM-2010-ParkSYRY #network #performance #query- An efficient data-centric storage scheme considering storage and query hot-spots in sensor networks (YP, DS, JY, CTR, JY), pp. 1325–1328.
KMIS-2010-DaniyalAAWA #framework #research- A Knowledge-centric e-Research Platform for Marine Life and Oceanographic Research (AD, SRA, AA, MKW, SSRA), pp. 363–366.
KMIS-2010-DjordjevicGF #enterprise #semantics #wiki- Process-centric Enterprise Workspace based on Semantic Wiki (DD, RG, DF), pp. 224–233.
RecSys-2010-ZhaoZYZZF #recommendation #social #what- Who is talking about what: social map-based recommendation for content-centric social websites (SZ, MXZ, QY, XZ, WZ, RF), pp. 143–150.
SEKE-2010-TsaiZECB #composition #ontology- Ontology-Based Dependency-Guided Service Composition for User-Centric SOA (WTT, PZ, JE, YC, XB), pp. 462–467.
SEKE-2010-ZhangUV #architecture #component #development #evolution #process- Architecture-centric development and evolution processes for component-based software (H(Z, CU, SV), pp. 680–685.
ECOOP-2010-VaziriTDHV #type system- A Type System for Data-Centric Synchronization (MV, FT, JD, CH, JV), pp. 304–328.
OOPSLA-2010-TianJZS #optimisation #paradigm- An input-centric paradigm for program dynamic optimizations (KT, YJ, EZZ, XS), pp. 125–139.
GPCE-J-2007-JungH10 #architecture #component #framework #scalability #specification- A type-centric framework for specifying heterogeneous, large-scale, component-oriented, architectures (GJ, JH), pp. 615–637.
SAC-2010-MatthysAHMJH #data access #fine-grained #network #towards- Towards fine-grained and application-centric access control for wireless sensor networks (NM, SRA, CH, SM, WJ, DH), pp. 793–794.
SAC-2010-NingYPM #mining #named #visualisation- OncoViz: a user-centric mining and visualization tool for cancer-related literature (ZN, JSY, MJP, AMM), pp. 1827–1828.
HPDC-2010-AbramsonDKMD #debugging #parallel- Data centric highly parallel debugging (DA, MND, DK, BM, LDR), pp. 119–129.
CASE-2009-ChavanZK #authentication #protocol- A server centric authentication protocol for a RFID system (KPC, AZ, SK), pp. 227–232.
DATE-2009-ChouM #design- User-centric design space exploration for heterogeneous Network-on-Chip platforms (CLC, RM), pp. 15–20.
DATE-2009-GoossensVN #debugging- A high-level debug environment for communication-centric debug (KG, BV, ABN), pp. 202–207.
SIGMOD-2009-Amer-YahiaHY #social- Building community-centric information exploration applications on social content sites (SAY, JH, CY), pp. 947–952.
SIGMOD-2009-NehmeLBR #approach #data type #named #privacy #security #towards- StreamShield: a stream-centric approach towards security and privacy in data stream environments (RVN, HSL, EB, EAR), pp. 1027–1030.
ITiCSE-2009-Sant #assessment #automation #quote- “Mailing it in”: email-centric automated assessment (JAS), pp. 308–312.
PLDI-2009-SubramanianHM #approach- Dynamic software updates: a VM-centric approach (SS, MWH, KSM), pp. 1–12.
CHI-2009-ChengLCC #named #video- SmartPlayer: user-centric video fast-forwarding (KYC, SJL, BYC, HHC), pp. 789–798.
CAiSE-2009-Simone #modelling- Computer-Centric Business Operating Models vs. Network-Centric Ones (MdS), pp. 6–7.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-KudagbaBB #query #semantics #xml- An User-centric and Semantic-driven Query Rewriting over Proteomics XML Sources (KK, OEB, HB), pp. 123–130.
CIKM-2009-FanC- Blogger-centric contextual advertising (TKF, CHC), pp. 1803–1806.
CIKM-2009-LiaoM #documentation #re-engineering- Feature engineering on event-centric surrogate documents to improve search results (WL, IM), pp. 1629–1632.
KEOD-2009-LamsfusAMSU #modelling #ontology- Human-centric Ontology-based Context Modelling in Tourism (CL, AAS, DM, ZS, AU), pp. 424–434.
SEKE-2009-Fan #architecture #multi- A Recognition-primed Architecture for Human-centric Multi-agent Systems (XF), pp. 200–205.
SEKE-2009-SunSJ #architecture #collaboration #development #towards- Towards Architecture-centric Collaborative Software Development (YS, HS, WJ), pp. 152–156.
SIGIR-2009-WolfeZ #information retrieval #multi- User-centric multi-criteria information retrieval (SRW, YZ), pp. 818–819.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-LienhardFN #debugging- Flow-Centric, Back-in-Time Debugging (AL, JF, ON), pp. 272–288.
LCTES-2009-McKechnieBV #debugging #monitoring #transaction- Debugging FPGA-based packet processing systems through transaction-level communication-centric monitoring (PEM, MB, WV), pp. 129–136.
ECSA-2008-Kotonya #architecture #black box #component #development- An Architecture-Centric Development Environment for Black-Box Component-Based Systems (GK), pp. 98–113.
WICSA-2008-CuiSM #architecture #automation #design #synthesis #towards- Towards Automated Solution Synthesis and Rationale Capture in Decision-Centric Architecture Design (XC, YS, HM), pp. 221–230.
DATE-2008-HalakY #optimisation- Bandwidth-Centric Optimisation for Area-Constrained Links with Crosstalk Avoidance Methods (BH, AY), pp. 438–443.
DocEng-2008-BoyerDKLSST #documentation #process- An office document mashup for document-centric business processes (JMB, ED, MK, JSHL, MRS, HFS, ST), pp. 100–101.
ICSM-2008-HouZXS #testing- Quota-constrained test-case prioritization for regression testing of service-centric systems (SSH, LZ, TX, JS), pp. 257–266.
WCRE-2008-YuW #comprehension #evolution #tool support- Graph-Centric Tools for Understanding the Evolution and Relationships of Software Structures (YY, MW), pp. 329–330.
FM-2008-VerhulstJM #case study #development #formal method #industrial- An Industrial Case: Pitfalls and Benefits of Applying Formal Methods to the Development of a Network-Centric RTOS (EV, GGdJ, VM), pp. 411–418.
CHI-2008-MorrisMV #named #web- SearchBar: a search-centric web history for task resumption and information re-finding (DM, MRM, GV), pp. 1207–1216.
CAiSE-2008-KumaranLW #modelling #on the #process- On the Duality of Information-Centric and Activity-Centric Models of Business Processes (SK, RL, FYW), pp. 32–47.
EDOC-2008-RahamanRS #data access #distributed #documentation #xml- Distributed Access Control For XML Document Centric Collaborations (MAR, YR, AS), pp. 267–276.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-StoitsevSFM #architecture #composition #process- Architecture for End User-Driven Composition of Underspecified, Human-Centric Business Processes (TS, SS, FF, MM), pp. 165–172.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-StoitsevSFM08a #modelling #process #programming- Enabling end Users to Proactively Tailor Underspecified, Human-Centric Business Processes — “Programming by Example” of Weakly-Structured Process Models (TS, SS, FF, MM), pp. 38–46.
ICEIS-J-2008-StoitsevSFM08b #modelling #process #programming- Enabling End Users to Proactively Tailor Underspecified, Human-Centric Business Processes: “Programming by Example” of Weakly-Structured Process Models (TS, SS, FF, MM), pp. 307–320.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-SantosM #approach #semantics #web- Transparency in Citizen-Centric Services — A Traceability-based Approach on the Semantic Web (IJGdS, ERMM), pp. 184–189.
SEKE-2008-CuiSXM #architecture #design #reuse- A Decision-centric Architecture Design Method Facilitating the Contextually Capture and Reuse of Design Knowledge (XC, YS, SX, HM), pp. 321–326.
RE-2008-BaresiMS #requirements- Service-Centric Systems and Requirements Engineering (LB, NAMM, PS), p. 305.
FSE-2008-Baldwin- A design-centric view of the economy: abstract (CB), p. 1.
CAV-2008-MeikleF #approach #proving #verification- Prover’s Palette: A User-Centric Approach to Verification with Isabelle and QEPCAD-B (LIM, JDF), pp. 309–313.
ECSA-2007-LosillaVAIS #approach #architecture #development #network- Wireless Sensor Network Application Development: An Architecture-Centric MDE Approach (FL, CVC, BÁ, AI, PS), pp. 179–194.
WICSA-2007-KornstadtS #agile #architecture #challenge #communication #development- Tackling Offshore Communication Challenges with Agile Architecture-Centric Development (AK, JS), p. 28.
WICSA-2007-SangwanH #analysis #architecture #design #object-oriented- Integrating Architecture-Centric Methods into Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (RSS, ZEH), p. 32.
DATE-2007-FummiPPQ #design #embedded #interactive #middleware- Interactive presentation: A middleware-centric design flow for networked embedded systems (FF, GP, RP, DQ), pp. 1048–1053.
DATE-2007-MedardoniRBBSP #communication #in memory #industrial #interactive #memory management- Interactive presentation: Capturing the interaction of the communication, memory and I/O subsystems in memory-centric industrial MPSoC platforms (SM, MR, DB, LB, GS, CP), pp. 660–665.
ICDAR-2007-CoetzerS #verification- A Human-Centric Off-Line Signature Verification System (HC, RS), pp. 153–157.
SIGMOD-2007-GuptaYDGS #data-driven #personalisation #web- User-centric personalized extensibility for data-driven web applications (NG, FY, AJD, JG, JS), pp. 1125–1127.
SIGMOD-2007-QuXL #quality #towards- Quality is in the eye of the beholder: towards user-centric web-databases (HQ, JX, AL), pp. 1106–1108.
ITiCSE-2007-DraganovaV #ajax #education- Teaching AJAX in web-centric courses (CD, VV), p. 311.
VISSOFT-2007-RothlisbergerGL- Feature-centric Environment (DR, OG, AL), pp. 150–151.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-EijkKSR #ad hoc #communication #mobile- A WE-Centric Service for Mobile Police Officers to Support Communication in Ad-Hoc Groups (RvE, NdK, MS, ER), pp. 61–67.
ICEIS-J-2007-SteenEKR #communication- A We-Centric Telecom Service for Police Officers to Support Communication (MS, RvE, NdK, ER), pp. 357–365.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-SantosM #challenge #grid #towards- E-Government and Grid Computing — Potentials and Challenges Towards Citizen-Centric Services (IJGdS, ERMM), pp. 144–148.
CIKM-2007-BrzeskiIK #detection- Leveraging context in user-centric entity detection systems (VvB, UI, RK), pp. 691–700.
SEKE-2007-EnsanD #development #framework #maintenance #ontology #towards- Towards Domain-Centric Ontology Development and Maintenance Frameworks (FE, WD), pp. 622–627.
MoDELS-2007-PleussVH #development #interactive #tool support- Integrating Heterogeneous Tools into Model-Centric Development of Interactive Applications (AP, AV, HH), pp. 241–255.
MoDELS-2007-PleussVH #development #interactive #tool support- Integrating Heterogeneous Tools into Model-Centric Development of Interactive Applications (AP, AV, HH), pp. 241–255.
GPCE-2007-JungH #architecture #component #framework #scalability #specification- A type-centric framework for specifying heterogeneous, large-scale, component-oriented, architectures (GJ, JH), pp. 33–42.
CGO-2007-HormatiCM- Exploiting Narrow Accelerators with Data-Centric Subgraph Mapping (AH, NC, SAM), pp. 341–353.
HPCA-2007-CezeMPT #architecture #named- Colorama: Architectural Support for Data-Centric Synchronization (LC, PM, CvP, JT), pp. 133–144.
HPCA-2007-Dally- Interconnect-Centric Computing (WJD), p. 1.
HPDC-2007-LeeS #analysis #performance #precise- Precise and realistic utility functions for user-centric performance analysis of schedulers (CBL, AS), pp. 107–116.
QoSA-2006-BucchiaroneMP #analysis #architecture #process- A Practical Architecture-Centric Analysis Process (AB, HM, PP), pp. 127–144.
DAC-2006-HatamkhaniLSY #design #performance- Power-centric design of high-speed I/Os (HH, FL, VS, CKKY), pp. 867–872.
DATE-2006-KulkarniB #concurrent #framework #memory management #thread- Memory centric thread synchronization on platform FPGAs (CK, GJB), pp. 959–964.
DocEng-2006-TriebseesB #constraints #documentation #migration- Preservation-centric and constraint-based migration of digital documents (TT, UMB), pp. 59–61.
SIGMOD-2006-IpeirotisAJG #query #towards- To search or to crawl?: towards a query optimizer for text-centric tasks (PGI, EA, PJ, LG), pp. 265–276.
SEFM-2006-Khedker #perspective #source code #static analysis- Static Analysis of Programs: A Heap Centric View (UPK), p. 261.
EDOC-2006-Renner #information management- Net-Centric Information Management (SR), pp. 265–273.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-MansetVMO #approach #architecture #automation #generative #grid #modelling- A Formal Architecture-Centric Model-Driven Approach for the Automatic Generation of Grid Applications (DM, HV, RM, FO), pp. 322–330.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-PourrazVO #approach #architecture #evolution- An Architecture-Centric Approach for Managing the Evolution of EAI Services-Oriented Architecture (FP, HV, FO), pp. 234–241.
ICEIS-J-2006-PourrazV #approach #architecture #evolution #using- Managing Service-Based EAI Architectures Evolution Using a Formal Architecture-Centric Approach (FP, HV), pp. 269–280.
CIKM-2006-AlyPC #named #network- KDDCS: a load-balanced in-network data-centric storage scheme for sensor networks (MA, KP, PKC), pp. 317–326.
CIKM-2006-ButtcherC #approach #retrieval- A document-centric approach to static index pruning in text retrieval systems (SB, CLAC), pp. 182–189.
SEKE-2006-McElroyR #release planning- Decision Support for Resource-centric Software Release Planning (JM, GR), pp. 132–137.
MoDELS-2006-Gomaa #architecture #design #modelling #product line #realtime- A Software Modeling Odyssey: Designing Evolutionary Architecture-Centric Real-Time Systems and Product Lines (HG), pp. 1–15.
MoDELS-2006-Gomaa #architecture #design #modelling #product line #realtime- A Software Modeling Odyssey: Designing Evolutionary Architecture-Centric Real-Time Systems and Product Lines (HG), pp. 1–15.
FSE-2006-LuCT #approach #data flow #middleware #source code #testing- Testing context-aware middleware-centric programs: a data flow approach and an RFID-based experimentation (HL, WKC, THT), pp. 242–252.
SPLC-2006-KolbM #architecture #product line #quality- Architecture-Centric Quality Engineering form Software Product Lines (RK, DM), p. 226.
WICSA-2005-WangSM #analysis #architecture #named- ACCA: An Architecture-Centric Concern Analysis Method (ZW, KS, NHM), pp. 99–108.
DATE-2005-TosunMAKX #synthesis- Reliability-Centric High-Level Synthesis (ST, NM, EA, MTK, YX), pp. 1258–1263.
SIGMOD-2005-IacobD #framework #xml- A framework for processing complex document-centric XML with overlapping structures (IEI, AD), pp. 897–899.
IWPC-2005-HendricksonDT #approach #architecture #comprehension- An (Architecture-Centric) Approach for Tracing, Organizing, and Understanding Events in Event-Based Software Architectures (SAH, EMD, RNT), pp. 227–236.
CHI-2005-MillenMGWB #collaboration- Patterns of media use in an activity-centric collaborative environment (DRM, MJM, WG, EW, BB), pp. 879–888.
CAiSE-2005-Olive #challenge #concept #development #information management #research- Conceptual Schema-Centric Development: A Grand Challenge for Information Systems Research (AO), pp. 1–15.
ICEIS-v3-2005-WhiteJM #adaptation #data access #ubiquitous- User-Centric Adaptive Access Control and Resource Configuration for Ubiquitous Computing Environments (MW, BJ, SvdM), pp. 349–354.
CIKM-2005-Kamps #modelling- Web-centric language models (JK), pp. 307–308.
SIGIR-2005-CarneiroV #database #image #retrieval #semantics- A database centric view of semantic image annotation and retrieval (GC, NV), pp. 559–566.
RE-2005-ChitchyanSR #approach #named #requirements- CoCA: A Composition-Centric Approach to Requirements Engineering (RC, IS, AR), pp. 475–476.
ICSE-2005-Cleland-HuangSKBC #non-functional #requirements #traceability- Goal-centric traceability for managing non-functional requirements (JCH, RS, OBK, EB, SC), pp. 362–371.
DAC-2004-BhattacharyaJHS #design #scalability- Correct-by-construction layout-centric retargeting of large analog designs (SB, NJ, RH, CJRS), pp. 139–144.
DATE-v1-2004-ShinKCCKE #architecture #design #performance- Fast Exploration of Parameterized Bus Architecture for Communication-Centric SoC Design (CS, YTK, EYC, KMC, JTK, SKE), pp. 352–357.
DATE-v2-2004-PisharathCK #approach #database #execution #in memory #query- Data Windows: A Data-Centric Approach for Query Execution in Memory-Resident Databases (JP, ANC, MTK), pp. 1352–1353.
VLDB-2004-LiuF #design #grid- The Design of GridDB: A Data-Centric Overlay for the Scientific Grid (DTL, MJF), pp. 600–611.
FASE-2004-BreuP #modelling- Actor-Centric Modeling of User Rights (RB, GP), pp. 165–179.
CSMR-2004-PingK #architecture #refactoring #web- Refactoring Web sites to the Controller-Centric Architecture (YP, KK), pp. 204–213.
CHI-2004-MullerGBWM #collaboration- One-hundred days in an activity-centric collaboration environment based on shared objects (MJM, WG, BB, EW, DRM), pp. 375–382.
CAiSE-2004-RalyteRD #towards- Towards a Meta-tool for Change-Centric Method Engineering: A Typology of Generic Operators (JR, CR, RD), pp. 202–218.
SPLC-2004-Bosch04a #architecture #re-engineering- Architecture-Centric Software Engineering (JB), p. 314.
DAC-2003-HenftlingZBZE #architecture- Re-use-centric architecture for a fully accelerated testbench environment (RH, AZ, MB, MZ, WE), pp. 372–375.
DATE-2003-GilbertTW #architecture #communication #embedded #multi- Communication Centric Architectures for Turbo-Decoding on Embedded Multiprocessors (FG, MJT, NW), pp. 10356–10363.
VLDB-2003-CeriM #tool support #web- Constructing and integrating data-centric Web Applications: Methods, Tools, and Techniques (SC, IM), p. 1151.
VLDB-2003-Shenker #network- The Data-Centric Revolution in Networking (SS), p. 15.
WCRE-2003-ZhuCKWKM #reverse engineering #tool support- Leveraging Visio for Adoption-Centric Reverse Engineering Tools (QZ, YC, PK, AW, HMK, HAM), pp. 270–274.
ICFP-2003-BenzakenCF #named #xml- CDuce: an XML-centric general-purpose language (VB, GC, AF), pp. 51–63.
UML-2003-SussLWK #evolution #validation- Model-Centric Engineering with the Evolution and Validation Environment (JGS, AL, HW, RDK), pp. 31–43.
ICSE-2003-CasagniL #comparison #component #framework #multi- Comparison of Two Component Frameworks: The FIPA-Compliant Multi-Agent System and The Web-Centric J2EE Platform (MC, ML), pp. 341–351.
DATE-2002-AcarNP #framework #parametricity #simulation- A Linear-Centric Simulation Framework for Parametric Fluctuations (EA, SRN, LTP), pp. 568–575.
DATE-2002-LiP #analysis #approach #modelling- A Linear-Centric Modeling Approach to Harmonic Balance Analysis (PL, LTP), pp. 634–639.
VLDB-2002-LaudBCSR #framework #programmable #prototype- The gRNA: A Highly Programmable Infrastructure for Prototyping, Developing and Deploying Genomics-Centric Applications (AVL, SSB, PC, DTS, GR), pp. 928–939.
CSMR-2002-GustafssonPNV #design pattern #evolution #metric- Architecture-Centric Software Evolution by Software Metrics and Design Patterns (JG, JP, LN, AIV), p. 108–?.
IWPC-2002-JahnkeMWMW #evolution #visualisation- Fused Data-Centric Visualizations for Software Evolution Environments (JHJ, HAM, AW, NM, KW), pp. 187–196.
CAiSE-2002-PaikBH #adaptation- Usage-Centric Adaptation of Dynamic E-Catalogs (HYP, BB, RH), pp. 344–360.
ICEIS-2002-Chandramouli #approach #design #user interface- SRIUI Model: A Design Centric Approach to User Interfaces for Shopping Carts with Emphasis on Intelligence (CC), pp. 1099–1102.
ICPR-v3-2002-BernierPLS #approach #interactive #modelling- Interaction-Centric Modelling for Interactive Virtual Worlds: The APIA Approach (FB, DP, DL, MS), pp. 1007–1010.
SAC-2002-CiancariniTZ #coordination #middleware #xml- Coordination middleware for XML-centric applications (PC, RT, FZ), pp. 336–343.
SAC-2002-Ungureanu #data access #e-commerce- An agreement centric access control mechanism for business to business e-commerce (VU), pp. 1160–1164.
ICSE-2002-Bosch #architecture #re-engineering- Architecture-centric software engineering (JB), pp. 681–682.
ICSE-2002-SchapachnikBO #approach #architecture #automaton #development #distributed #model checking- An architecture-centric approach to the development of a distributed model-checker for timed automata (FS, VAB, AO), p. 710.
WICSA-2001-Jonkers #architecture #interface- Interface-Centric Architecture Descriptions (HJ), pp. 113–124.
VLDB-2001-MignetMAC #xml- Change-Centric Management of Versions in an XML Warehouse (AM, SA, GC, LM), pp. 581–590.
CSEET-2001-Tilley #case study #estimation- Preliminary Results from a Case Study of Effort Estimation for Net-Centric Applications at the Undergraduate Level (SRT), p. 56–?.
IWPC-2001-TilleyD #case study #comprehension- Spreading Knowledge about Gnutella: A Case Study in Understanding Net-Centric Applications (SRT, MD), pp. 189–198.
WCRE-2001-BychkovJ #database #interactive #legacy #migration- Interactive Migration of Legacy Databases to Net-Centric Technologies (YB, JHJ), pp. 328–334.
CAiSE-2001-Rudolph #experience #pervasive- Project Oxygen: Pervasive, Human-Centric Computing — An Initial Experience (LR), pp. 1–12.
SAC-2001-ChenO #approach #component- Component-centric approach in a web-based home schooling application (LC, YO), pp. 89–93.
ESEC-FSE-2001-Jahnke #component #embedded- Engineering component-based net-centric systems for embedded applications (JHJ), pp. 218–228.
ASPLOS-2000-ZhangYG #design #locality- Frequent Value Locality and Value-Centric Data Cache Design (YZ, JY, RG), pp. 150–159.
HPDC-2000-HwangJH #array #clustering #distributed #named- RAID-x: A New Distributed Disk Array for I/O-Centric Cluster Computing (KH, HJ, RSCH), pp. 279–286.
HCI-CCAD-1999-VuongN #framework #network- Network centric computing platform — the contribution of telcos to networking companies (TAV, JN), pp. 472–476.
CAiSE-1999-SellentinFM #collaboration #named- TOGA — A Customizable Service for Data-Centric Collaboration (JS, AF, BM), pp. 301–316.
CIKM-1999-EpterK #clustering #multi- A Multiple-Resolution Method for Edge-Centric Data Clustering (SE, MSK), pp. 491–498.
CAiSE-1998-TietzeBR #distributed- Document-Centric Groupware for Distributed Governmental Agencies (DAT, AB, RR), pp. 173–190.
PLDI-1997-KodukulaAP #multi- Data-centric Multi-level Blocking (IK, NA, KP), pp. 346–357.
CAiSE-1997-KlimathianakisL #named #network #repository- DELOS — A Repository Based Environment for Developing Network Centric Applications (PK, PL), pp. 375–388.