Travelled to:
1 × Japan
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Zhang Y.Gao T.Qin T.Chin H.Wang H.Yao S.Shan X.Chen W.Gao
Talks about:
background (2) subtract (1) hierarch (1) pattern (1) complex (1) cluster (1) textur (1) object (1) motion (1) forest (1)
Person: Bineng Zhong
DBLP: Zhong:Bineng
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICPR-2012-QinZCW #learning #online
- Matting-driven online learning of Hough forests for object tracking (TQ, BZ, TJC, HW), pp. 2488–2491.
- ICPR-2008-ZhangGZ #detection #modelling
- Complex background modeling and motion detection based on Texture Pattern Flow (BZ, YG, BZ), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-ZhongYSCG #clustering #using
- Hierarchical background subtraction using local pixel clustering (BZ, HY, SS, XC, WG), pp. 1–4.