103 papers:
TACAS-2015-HolikHLRSV #analysis #automaton #contest #named #using- Forester: Shape Analysis Using Tree Automata — (Competition Contribution) (LH, MH, OL, AR, JS, TV), pp. 432–435.
STOC-2015-Gupta0 #algorithm- Greedy Algorithms for Steiner Forest (AG, AK), pp. 871–878.
GCM-2015-Zaytsev #co-evolution- Coupled Transformations of Shared Packed Parse Forests (VZ), pp. 2–17.
ICML-2015-MatthewCYW #empirical- Bayesian and Empirical Bayesian Forests (TM, CSC, JY, MW), pp. 967–976.
ICML-2015-NanWS #random- Feature-Budgeted Random Forest (FN, JW, VS), pp. 1983–1991.
KDD-2015-CuiCHC #random- Optimal Action Extraction for Random Forests and Boosted Trees (ZC, WC, YH, YC), pp. 179–188.
SIGIR-2015-SallesGRR #automation #classification #effectiveness #fault #named #random- BROOF: Exploiting Out-of-Bag Errors, Boosting and Random Forests for Effective Automated Classification (TS, MAG, VR, LCdR), pp. 353–362.
ICALP-v1-2014-KusumotoY #morphism #testing- Testing Forest-Isomorphism in the Adjacency List Model (MK, YY), pp. 763–774.
CHI-2014-MoranPRCGZMR #deployment #lessons learnt #smarttech- Listening to the forest and its curators: lessons learnt from a bioacoustic smartphone application deployment (SM, NP, TR, AC, CG, DZ, GVM, AR), pp. 2387–2396.
CIKM-2014-RamadanC #realtime- Forest-Based Dynamic Sorted Neighborhood Indexing for Real-Time Entity Resolution (BR, PC), pp. 1787–1790.
ICML-c1-2014-DenilMF #random- Narrowing the Gap: Random Forests In Theory and In Practice (MD, DM, NdF), pp. 665–673.
ICPR-2014-BaecchiTSBB #random #recognition- Fisher Vectors over Random Density Forests for Object Recognition (CB, FT, LS, ADB, ADB), pp. 4328–4333.
ICPR-2014-CordellaSFF #classification #random #reliability- Random Forest for Reliable Pre-classification of Handwritten Characters (LPC, CDS, FF, ASdF), pp. 1319–1324.
ICPR-2014-DuZCW #flexibility #learning #linear #random- Learning Flexible Binary Code for Linear Projection Based Hashing with Random Forest (SD, WZ, SC, YW), pp. 2685–2690.
ICPR-2014-FanL #segmentation- Segment-Forest for Segmentation (HF, HL), pp. 990–995.
ICPR-2014-GaoATHRE #hybrid #image #multi #segmentation- Hybrid Decision Forests for Prostate Segmentation in Multi-channel MR Images (QG, AA, TT, YH, DR, PJE), pp. 3298–3303.
ICPR-2014-HafemannOC #network #recognition #using- Forest Species Recognition Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (LGH, LSO, PRC), pp. 1103–1107.
ICPR-2014-HooKPC #comprehension #image #learning #random- Enhanced Random Forest with Image/Patch-Level Learning for Image Understanding (WLH, TKK, YP, CSC), pp. 3434–3439.
ICPR-2014-MaB #detection #incremental #random- Compound Exemplar Based Object Detection by Incremental Random Forest (KM, JBA), pp. 2407–2412.
ICPR-2014-OkadaFWP #analysis #random- Microenvironment-Based Protein Function Analysis by Random Forest (KO, LF, MW, DP), pp. 3138–3143.
ICPR-2014-RosaCJPFT #clustering #network #on the #using- On the Training of Artificial Neural Networks with Radial Basis Function Using Optimum-Path Forest Clustering (GHR, KAPC, LAPJ, JPP, AXF, JMRST), pp. 1472–1477.
ICPR-2014-SaitoAFRSGC #learning #using- Active Semi-supervised Learning Using Optimum-Path Forest (PTMS, WPA, AXF, PJdR, CTNS, JFG, MHdC), pp. 3798–3803.
ICPR-2014-StraehleKKH #learning #multi #random- Multiple Instance Learning with Response-Optimized Random Forests (CNS, MK, UK, FAH), pp. 3768–3773.
ICPR-2014-TerissiPG #classification #random #using- Lip Reading Using Wavelet-Based Features and Random Forests Classification (LDT, MP, JCG), pp. 791–796.
ICDAR-2013-SeokK #recognition- Scene Text Recognition with a Hough Forest Implicit Shape Model (JHS, JHK), pp. 599–603.
ESOP-2013-BudiuGP #compilation- The Compiler Forest (MB, JG, GDP), pp. 21–40.
CHI-2013-JacobsBSGPG #what- A conversation between trees: what data feels like in the forest (RJ, SB, MS, MG, DP, GG), pp. 129–138.
ICML-c3-2013-DenilMF #consistency #online #random- Consistency of Online Random Forests (MD, DM, NdF), pp. 1256–1264.
KEOD-2013-RadlV #information management #semantics #web- Potential of Semantic Web Technologies to Support Knowledge Transfer in Forest Management (AR, HV), pp. 387–392.
MLDM-2013-DincA #classification #evaluation #image #random #using- Evaluation of Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Random Forest and Fukunaga-Koontz Transform (SD, RSA), pp. 234–245.
SAC-2013-CavalinKMO #framework #multi #recognition- A multiple feature vector framework for forest species recognition (PRC, MNK, JM, LESdO), pp. 16–20.
CAV-2013-HolikLRSV #analysis #automation #automaton- Fully Automated Shape Analysis Based on Forest Automata (LH, OL, AR, JS, TV), pp. 740–755.
CIKM-2012-ChenHZAHP #category theory #modelling #semantics #visual notation- Modeling semantic relations between visual attributes and object categories via dirichlet forest prior (XC, XH, ZZ, YA, TH, EKP), pp. 1263–1272.
CIKM-2012-TsatsaronisVN #documentation #named #semantics #using- SemaFor: semantic document indexing using semantic forests (GT, IV, KN), pp. 1692–1696.
ICPR-2012-DriraADSB #3d #novel #random #recognition- 3D dynamic expression recognition based on a novel Deformation Vector Field and Random Forest (HD, BBA, MD, AS, SB), pp. 1104–1107.
ICPR-2012-FiaschiKNH #learning- Learning to count with regression forest and structured labels (LF, UK, RN, FAH), pp. 2685–2688.
ICPR-2012-IwashitaPFLOAT #cost analysis- Speeding up optimum-path forest training by path-cost propagation (ASI, JPP, AXF, RdAL, VMdAO, VHCdA, JMRST), pp. 1233–1236.
ICPR-2012-JiangFZT #detection #random- Active Shape Model with random forest for facial features detection (WJ, YF, ZZ, YT), pp. 593–596.
ICPR-2012-QinZCW #learning #online- Matting-driven online learning of Hough forests for object tracking (TQ, BZ, TJC, HW), pp. 2488–2491.
ICPR-2012-SuYL #recognition- Ensemble symbol recognition with Hough forest (FS, LY, TL), pp. 1659–1662.
ICPR-2012-ZhangRZY #detection #random- Contour detection via random forest (CZ, XR, YZ, MHY), pp. 2772–2775.
KDD-2012-XiongJXC #dependence #learning #metric #random- Random forests for metric learning with implicit pairwise position dependence (CX, DMJ, RX, JJC), pp. 958–966.
KR-2012-Feier #logic programming #reasoning #source code #worst-case- Worst-Case Optimal Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs (CF).
MLDM-2012-OshiroPB #how #question #random- How Many Trees in a Random Forest? (TMO, PSP, JAB), pp. 154–168.
SAC-2012-ErraS #3d #towards #visualisation- Towards the visualization of software systems as 3D forests: the CodeTrees environment (UE, GS), pp. 981–988.
FSE-2012-BookGG #interactive- Seeing the forest and the trees: focusing team interaction on value and effort drivers (MB, SG, VG), p. 30.
PPoPP-2012-NobariCKB #parallel #scalability- Scalable parallel minimum spanning forest computation (SN, TTC, PK, SB), pp. 205–214.
ICALP-v1-2011-Moldenhauer #algorithm #approximate #graph- Primal-Dual Approximation Algorithms for Node-Weighted Steiner Forest on Planar Graphs (CM), pp. 748–759.
ICALP-v1-2011-QianW #algorithm #online #problem- An O(logn)-Competitive Algorithm for Online Constrained Forest Problems (JQ, DPW), pp. 37–48.
ICFP-2011-FisherFWZ #named #programming #tool support- Forest: a language and toolkit for programming with filestores (KF, NF, DW, KQZ), pp. 292–306.
CHI-2011-ZarinF #design #interactive- Through the troll forest: exploring tabletop interaction design for children with special cognitive needs (RZ, DF), pp. 3319–3322.
CIKM-2011-BykauMRV #evolution #query #using- Supporting queries spanning across phases of evolving artifacts using Steiner forests (SB, JM, FR, YV), pp. 1649–1658.
SIGIR-2011-HaoCPZ #web- From one tree to a forest: a unified solution for structured web data extraction (QH, RC, YP, LZ), pp. 775–784.
SLE-2011-BastenV #ambiguity- Parse Forest Diagnostics with Dr. Ambiguity (BB, JJV), pp. 283–302.
CAV-2011-HabermehlHRSV #automaton #verification- Forest Automata for Verification of Heap Manipulation (PH, LH, AR, JS, TV), pp. 424–440.
STOC-2010-BateniHM #approximate #bound #graph- Approximation schemes for steiner forest on planar graphs and graphs of bounded treewidth (MB, MH, DM), pp. 211–220.
ICALP-v1-2010-BojanczykP #automaton #evaluation #nondeterminism #performance #using- Efficient Evaluation of Nondeterministic Automata Using Factorization Forests (MB, PP), pp. 515–526.
SOFTVIS-2010-BottgerBE #fault #visualisation- Fault forest visualization (SB, HB, AE), pp. 219–220.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-NikitinTL #framework #industrial #named #towards- SOFIA: Agent Scenario for Forest Industry — Tailoring UBIWARE Platform Towards Industrial Agent-driven Solutions (SN, VYT, ML), pp. 15–22.
ICPR-2010-HuangDF #classification #estimation #multi #random- Head Pose Estimation Based on Random Forests for Multiclass Classification (CH, XD, CF), pp. 934–937.
ICPR-2010-LariosSSMLD #identification #kernel #random- Haar Random Forest Features and SVM Spatial Matching Kernel for Stonefly Species Identification (NL, BS, LGS, GMM, JL, TGD), pp. 2624–2627.
ICPR-2010-PapaCF #classification #dataset #optimisation- Optimizing Optimum-Path Forest Classification for Huge Datasets (JPP, FAMC, AXF), pp. 4162–4165.
ICPR-2010-PaulaOBS #recognition #using- Forest Species Recognition Using Color-Based Features (PLdP, LSO, AdSBJ, RS), pp. 4178–4181.
KDD-2010-PlangprasopchokLG #folksonomy #metadata- Growing a tree in the forest: constructing folksonomies by integrating structured metadata (AP, KL, LG), pp. 949–958.
VLDB-2009-LiuJ #using- Using Trees to Depict a Forest (BL, HVJ), pp. 133–144.
STOC-2009-GuptaK #approximate #probability- A constant-factor approximation for stochastic Steiner forest (AG, AK), pp. 659–668.
CIAA-2009-CleophasH #algorithm #automaton #tool support- Forest FIRE: A Taxonomy-based Toolkit of Tree Automata and Regular Tree Algorithms (LGC, KH), pp. 245–248.
DLT-2009-Bojanczyk- Factorization Forests (MB), pp. 1–17.
LATA-2009-Strassburger #theorem- A Kleene Theorem for Forest Languages (LS), pp. 715–727.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-FanSTD #evolution #simulation- Simulation of Forest Evolution — Effects of Environmental Factors to Trees Growth (JF, XyS, YT, TyD), pp. 66–71.
ICML-2009-AndrzejewskiZC #modelling #topic- Incorporating domain knowledge into topic modeling via Dirichlet Forest priors (DA, XZ, MC), pp. 25–32.
PPoPP-2009-KangB #algorithm #graph #memory management #performance #transaction- An efficient transactional memory algorithm for computing minimum spanning forest of sparse graphs (SK, DAB), pp. 15–24.
LICS-2009-BojanczykSW #algebra #logic- Wreath Products of Forest Algebras, with Applications to Tree Logics (MB, HS, IW), pp. 255–263.
FoSSaCS-2008-Walukiewicz- Finding Your Way in a Forest: On Different Types of Trees and Their Properties (IW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SinghNGBSP #hybrid #random #using- Hybrid SVM — Random Forest classication system for oral cancer screening using LIF spectra (RKS, SKN, LG, SB, CS, KMP), pp. 1–4.
ICDAR-2007-BernardAH #random #recognition #using- Using Random Forests for Handwritten Digit Recognition (SB, SA, LH), pp. 1043–1047.
CSL-2007-Bojanczyk- Forest Expressions (MB), pp. 146–160.
ITiCSE-2006-ListerSTWP #taxonomy- Not seeing the forest for the trees: novice programmers and the SOLO taxonomy (RL, BS, ET, JLW, CP), pp. 118–122.
ICPR-v2-2006-PriorW #fault #parametricity #probability #random #using- Parameter Tuning using the Out-of-Bootstrap Generalisation Error Estimate for Stochastic Discrimination and Random Forests (MP, TW), pp. 498–501.
ICPR-v4-2006-EscaleraPR #fault- Forest Extension of Error Correcting Output Codes and Boosted Landmarks (SE, OP, PR), pp. 104–107.
ICALP-2005-KonemannLSZ #problem- From Primal-Dual to Cost Shares and Back: A Stronger LP Relaxation for the Steiner Forest Problem (JK, SL, GS, SHMvZ), pp. 930–942.
DAC-2004-Rodman #question- Forest vs. trees: where’s the slack? (PKR), p. 267.
ICEIS-v1-2004-YagueAGLS- Web-Based Training System For Forest Fire Office Staff (AY, PPA, JG, AL, GS), pp. 184–191.
KDD-2004-TruongLB #dataset #learning #random #using- Learning a complex metabolomic dataset using random forests and support vector machines (YT, XL, CB), pp. 835–840.
SAC-2004-GamaMR #online- Forest trees for on-line data (JG, PM, RR), pp. 632–636.
LDTA-J-2001-KuipersV #object-oriented #traversal- Object-oriented tree traversal with JJForester (TK, JV), pp. 59–87.
KDD-2002-Zaki #mining- Efficiently mining frequent trees in a forest (MJZ), pp. 71–80.
SIGIR-2002-VermaB #named #performance #query- K-tree/forest: efficient indexes for boolean queries (RMV, SB), pp. 433–434.
CIKM-2001-FerroRG #approximate- Approximately Common Patterns in Shared-Forests (MVF, FJR, JGG), pp. 73–80.
MLDM-2001-FischerB #automation #identification #using- Automatic Identification of Diatoms Using Decision Forests (SF, HB), pp. 173–183.
LDTA-2001-KuipersV #object-oriented #traversal- Object-oriented Tree Traversal with JJForester (TK, JV), pp. 34–58.
ICPR-v4-2000-BarataPG #image- Segmenting at Higher Scales to Classify at Lower Scales. A Mathematical Morphology Based Methodology Applied to Forest Cover Remote Sensing Images (TB, PP, IG), pp. 4084–4087.
VLDB-1998-GehrkeRG #dataset #framework #named #performance #scalability- RainForest — A Framework for Fast Decision Tree Construction of Large Datasets (JG, RR, VG), pp. 416–427.
ICPR-1998-Ho- C4.5 decision forests (TKH), pp. 545–549.
DLT-1997-RahonisS #algebra- Hierarchies of synchronized and algebraic forests (GR, KS), pp. 447–460.
SAC-1996-HoskinsHKW #simulation- Ray tracing and the simulation of boreal forest stand dynamics (JAH, WDH, NCK, PYHW), pp. 447–453.
ICDAR-v1-1995-Ho #random- Random decision forests (TKH), pp. 278–282.
SAC-1995-HoskinsH #visualisation- Ray Tracing as a tool for visualization of pathogen spread in natural forest stands (JAH, WDH), pp. 61–64.
STOC-1992-BealsS #composition #linear- Structure Forest and Composition Factors for Small Base Groups in Nearly Linear Time (RB, ÁS), pp. 116–125.
STOC-1988-GabowW #algorithm #game studies- Forests, Frames and Games: Algorithms for Matroid Sums and Applications (HNG, HHW), pp. 407–421.
VDME-1988-Goldsack #kernel #operating system #specification- Specification of an Operating System Kernel FOREST and VDM compared (SJG), pp. 88–100.
ICLP-1986-ChengzhengY86 #execution #logic programming #source code- The OR-Forest Description for the Execution of Logic Programs (CS, TY), pp. 710–717.
CADE-1980-EricksonM #proving #scalability #theorem proving- The AFFIRM Theorem Prover: Proof Forests and Management of Large Proofs (RWE, DRM), pp. 220–231.