Travelled to:
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Codoban S.S.Ragavan D.Dig L.Rutledge J.v.Ossenbruggen L.Hardman J.Geurts G.Smith D.Nadamuni S.Malik R.Chapman J.Fogelin K.Keutzer G.Martin R.K.Gupta S.Rawat S.K.Shukla D.K.Beece M.Fujita C.Pixley J.O'Leary F.Somenzi
Talks about:
mission (3) constraint (1) structur (1) softwar (1) present (1) irrelev (1) histori (1) generat (1) develop (1) system (1)
Person: Brian Bailey
DBLP: Bailey:Brian
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ICSME-2015-CodobanRDB #case study #developer #how #lens #why
- Software history under the lens: A study on why and how developers examine it (MC, SSR, DD, BB), pp. 1–10.
- DAC-2003-GuptaRSBBFPOS #verification
- Formal verification — prove it or pitch it (RKG, SR, SKS, BB, DKB, MF, CP, JO, FS), pp. 710–711.
- DAC-2002-SmithNMCFKMB #embedded #question #tool support
- Unified tools for SoC embedded systems: mission critical, mission impossible or mission irrelevant? (GS, DN, SM, RC, JF, KK, GM, BB), p. 479.
- HT-2000-RutledgeBOHG #constraints #generative
- Generating presentation constraints from rhetorical structure (LR, BB, JvO, LH, JG), pp. 19–28.