Travelled to:
1 × Canada
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Borning B.Friedman T.Kriplean C.Bonnar B.Kinney J.P.Woelfer A.Iverson D.G.Hendry T.Denning T.Kohno W.H.Maisel
Talks about:
implant (2) valu (2) wireless (1) homeless (1) function (1) defibril (1) patient (1) pacemak (1) dialogu (1) safeti (1)
Person: Brian T. Gill
DBLP: Gill:Brian_T=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CSCW-2014-KripleanBBKG #on-demand
- Integrating on-demand fact-checking with public dialogue (TK, CB, AB, BK, BTG), pp. 1188–1199.
- CHI-2011-WoelferIHFG #mobile #people #safety
- Improving the safety of homeless young people with mobile phones: values, form and function (JPW, AI, DGH, BF, BTG), pp. 1707–1716.
- CHI-2010-DenningBFGKM #security
- Patients, pacemakers, and implantable defibrillators: human values and security for wireless implantable medical devices (TD, AB, BF, BTG, TK, WHM), pp. 917–926.