Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × France
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
2 × USA
2 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
F.Bes V.Quint R.Deltour F.Cazenave J.Mikác B.L.Duc A.Choumane H.Blanchon F.Boulmaiz H.Jamrozik M.Santana S.Sire C.Vanoirbeek J.A.F.d.Santos C.Braga D.C.Muchaluat-Saade N.Layaïda
Talks about:
multimedia (4) format (3) document (2) process (2) present (2) author (2) architectur (1) timesheet (1) distribut (1) translat (1)
Person: Cécile Roisin
DBLP: Roisin:C=eacute=cile
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- DocEng-2015-SantosBMRL #documentation #multi #validation
- Spatio-temporal Validation of Multimedia Documents (JAFdS, CB, DCMS, CR, NL), pp. 133–142.
- DocEng-2011-CazenaveQR #css #html
- Timesheets.js: when SMIL meets HTML5 and CSS3 (FC, VQ, CR), pp. 43–52.
- DocEng-2010-QuintRSV #editing
- From templates to schemas: bridging the gap between free editing and safe data processing (VQ, CR, SS, CV), pp. 61–64.
- DocEng-2008-MikacRD #architecture #authoring #multi
- An export architecture for a multimedia authoring environment (JM, CR, BLD), pp. 28–31.
- DocEng-2006-DeltourR #authoring #multi
- The limsee3 multimedia authoring model (RD, CR), pp. 173–175.
- DocEng-2005-ChoumaneBR #editing
- Integrating translation services within a structured editor (AC, HB, CR), pp. 165–167.
- DocEng-2003-BoulmaizRB #documentation #pretty-printing
- Improving formatting documents by coupling formatting systems (FB, CR, FB), pp. 92–94.
- DocEng-2002-BesR #multi #pretty-printing #process
- A presentation language for controlling the formatting process in multimedia presentations (FB, CR), pp. 2–9.
- TOOLS-USA-1991-JamrozikRS #debugging #distributed #source code #visual notation
- A Graphical Debugger for O-O Distributed Programs (HJ, CR, MS), pp. 117–128.