Stem multimedia$ (all stems)
470 papers:
DATE-2015-TchagouTMVSQ #multi #testing- Reducing trace size in multimedia applications endurance tests (SVET, AT, JFM, BV, MS, RQ), pp. 984–985.
DocEng-2015-JansenFC #distributed #documentation #multi- Multimedia Document Structure for Distributed Theatre (JJ, MF, PC), pp. 199–202.
DocEng-2015-SantosBMRL #documentation #multi #validation- Spatio-temporal Validation of Multimedia Documents (JAFdS, CB, DCMS, CR, NL), pp. 133–142.
CHI-2015-KimGMM #interactive #multi #named- RIMES: Embedding Interactive Multimedia Exercises in Lecture Videos (JK, ELG, AMH, MRM), pp. 1535–1544.
LCT-2015-VielRTP #design #interactive #learning #multi- Design Solutions for Interactive Multi-video Multimedia Learning Objects (CCV, KRHR, CACT, MdGCP), pp. 160–171.
SAC-2015-SoaresMV #multi- Controlling the focus and input events in multimedia applications (LFGS, MFM, ÁLVG), pp. 1278–1284.
SAC-2015-VielMT #approach #multi- An approach for controlling synchronous remote instances of a multimedia presentation (CCV, ELM, CACT), pp. 1285–1290.
DATE-2014-DasKV #energy #multi #trade-off- Temperature aware energy-reliability trade-offs for mapping of throughput-constrained applications on multimedia MPSoCs (AD, AK, BV), pp. 1–6.
DocEng-2014-MartinsP #documentation #multi #named #reuse- ActiveTimesheets: extending web-based multimedia documents with dynamic modification and reuse features (DSM, MdGCP), pp. 3–12.
FLOPS-2014-BarkatiWJ #interpreter #multi #named- Faustine: A Vector Faust Interpreter Test Bed for Multimedia Signal Processing — System Description (KB, HW, PJ), pp. 69–85.
CHI-2014-ZhaoBCPEKR #collaboration #multi #named #sketching- skWiki: a multimedia sketching system for collaborative creativity (ZZ, SKB, SKC, DGP, NE, LGK, KR), pp. 1235–1244.
DUXU-DI-2014-Al-SalhieAA #detection #multi- Multimedia Surveillance in Event Detection: Crowd Analytics in Hajj (LAS, MAZ, AAW), pp. 383–392.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-George-PalilonisB #multi #student #tablet #tool support- SMART Note: Student-Centered Multimedia Active Reading Tools for Tablet Textbooks (JGP, DB), pp. 217–229.
LCT-NLE-2014-ImranK #framework #interactive #multi #named- HIP — A Technology-Rich and Interactive Multimedia Pedagogical Platform (ASI, SJK), pp. 151–160.
CIKM-2014-UysalBSS #approximate #database #distance #multi #performance #scalability #using- Efficient Filter Approximation Using the Earth Mover’s Distance in Very Large Multimedia Databases with Feature Signatures (MSU, CB, JS, TS), pp. 979–988.
ECIR-2014-SchnitzerFT #multi #retrieval- A Case for Hubness Removal in High-Dimensional Multimedia Retrieval (DS, AF, NT), pp. 687–692.
KEOD-2014-PaniCP #approach #content management #multi- An Approach to Multimedia Content Management (FEP, GC, SP), pp. 264–271.
SIGIR-2014-GiangrecoKS #database #information retrieval #multi #named #query #scalability- ADAM: a system for jointly providing ir and database queries in large-scale multimedia retrieval (IG, IAK, HS), pp. 1257–1258.
DATE-2013-MiyamoriXKUST #development #manycore #power management- Development of low power many-core SoC for multimedia applications (TM, HX, TK, HU, TS, JT), pp. 773–777.
DocEng-2013-AzevedoSASN #authoring #automation #multi- Multimedia authoring based on templates and semi-automatic generated wizards (RGDAA, RCMS, ECA, LFGS, CdSSN), pp. 205–214.
DocEng-2013-JansenCB #distributed #documentation #multi #social- Multimedia document synchronization in a distributed social context (JJ, PC, DCAB), pp. 273–276.
ITiCSE-2013-Sanchez-Nielsen #learning #multi #student- Producing multimedia pills to stimulate student learning and engagement (ESN), pp. 165–170.
HCI-IMT-2013-WongKCPW #documentation #multi- Audio-Visual Documentation Method for Digital Storytelling for a Multimedia Art Project (CYW, CWK, KC, MAMP, MLW), pp. 750–758.
HCI-UC-2013-RodriguesNT #interactive #multi #source code- Interaction of the Elderly Viewer with Additional Multimedia Content to Support the Appreciation of Television Programs (KRdHR, VPdAN, CACT), pp. 227–236.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-MantheyHRSE #automation #framework #multi #video #workflow- A Support Framework for Automated Video and Multimedia Workflows for Production and Archive (RM, RH, MR, MS, ME), pp. 336–341.
ICEIS-v2-2013-FakhfakhTM #documentation #metric #multi #retrieval- A New Metric for Multimedia Retrieval in Structured Documents (SF, MT, WM), pp. 240–247.
ICEIS-v3-2013-BettouBL #adaptation #architecture #documentation #multi #quality- An Adaptation Architecture of Multimedia Documents for Management of the Quality of Service (FB, MB, IL), pp. 105–110.
ICEIS-v3-2013-LavignotteGSF #3d #experience #multi #quality- Quality of Experience in 3D Multimedia (AL, CG, JS, JF), pp. 119–125.
ICEIS-v3-2013-VielMPT #how #interactive #learning #multi #student- How are they Watching Me — Learning from Student Interactions with Multimedia Objects Captured from Classroom Presentations (CCV, ELM, MdGCP, CACT), pp. 5–16.
ECIR-2013-PicaultR #analysis #interactive #multi #named #social- SIAM: Social Interaction Analysis for Multimedia (JP, MR), pp. 841–844.
KDD-2013-KengneFTIRWS #execution #multi #scalability #sequence- Efficiently rewriting large multimedia application execution traces with few event sequences (CKK, LCF, AT, NI, MCR, TW, MS), pp. 1348–1356.
SIGIR-2013-ShenWYC #multi #recommendation- Multimedia recommendation: technology and techniques (JS, MW, SY, PC), p. 1131.
SIGIR-2013-Smith #big data #multi- Riding the multimedia big data wave (JRS), pp. 1–2.
SAC-2013-VeeraragavanBMVNM #analysis #comprehension #distributed #experience #interactive #metric #multi #quality- Understanding the quality of experience in modern distributed interactive multimedia applications in presence of failures: metrics and analysis (NRV, AB, LM, RV, NN, HM), pp. 439–446.
ICSE-2013-HaoLM0J #multi #named #source code- MCT: a tool for commenting programs by multimedia comments (YH, GL, LM, LZ, ZJ), pp. 1339–1342.
CHI-2012-KuhnMSCLQD #how #multi #student- How students find, evaluate and utilize peer-collected annotated multimedia data in science inquiry with zydeco (AK, BM, SS, CC, WTL, CQ, ID), pp. 3061–3070.
ICPR-2012-YuCQW #correlation #multi #retrieval #topic- Cross-modal topic correlations for multimedia retrieval (JY, YC, ZQ, TW), pp. 246–249.
ICPR-2012-ZnaidiaSBHP #classification #image #multi- Bag-of-multimedia-words for image classification (AZ, AS, HLB, CH, NP), pp. 1509–1512.
KDD-2012-ChengZAMZZN #multi #predict- Multimedia features for click prediction of new ads in display advertising (HC, RvZ, JA, EM, RZ, YZ, VN), pp. 777–785.
KDIR-2012-WenerstromK #multi #summary- Search Result Summaries Improved by Structure and Multimedia (BW, MK), pp. 181–186.
KEOD-2012-AygulCC #multi #natural language #ontology #query- Natural Language Query Processing in Multimedia Ontologies (FAA, NKC, IC), pp. 66–75.
SIGIR-2012-QumsiyehN #multi #personalisation #predict #recommendation- Predicting the ratings of multimedia items for making personalized recommendations (RQ, YKN), pp. 475–484.
SAC-2012-BlankH #information retrieval #metric #multi #performance- Inverted file-based indexing for efficient multimedia information retrieval in metric spaces (DB, AH), pp. 900–905.
SAC-2012-ManzatoG #multi #recommendation- A multimedia recommender system based on enriched user profiles (MGM, RG), pp. 975–980.
DAC-2011-GeQ #machine learning #multi #using- Dynamic thermal management for multimedia applications using machine learning (YG, QQ), pp. 95–100.
DAC-2011-JavaidSPH #adaptation #case study #multi #pipes and filters #power management #video- Low-power adaptive pipelined MPSoCs for multimedia: an H.264 video encoder case study (HJ, MS, SP, JH), pp. 1032–1037.
DATE-2011-PaternaACPDB #algorithm #energy #manycore #online #performance- An efficient on-line task allocation algorithm for QoS and energy efficiency in multicore multimedia platforms (FP, AA, AC, FP, GD, LB), pp. 100–105.
DocEng-2011-BultermanGCMP #documentation #html #multi- Multimedia document processing in an HTML5 world (DCAB, RLG, PC, EVM, MdGCP), pp. 273–274.
ICDAR-2011-LuLLZG #clustering #multi #web- Web Multimedia Object Clustering via Information Fusion (WL, LL, TL, HZ, JG), pp. 319–323.
SIGMOD-2011-HuangSLZ #effectiveness #multi #similarity- Effective data co-reduction for multimedia similarity search (ZH, HTS, JL, XZ), pp. 1021–1032.
CHI-2011-BahamondezWS #education #mobile #multi- Utilizing multimedia capabilities of mobile phones to support teaching in schools in rural panama (EdCVB, CW, AS), pp. 935–944.
CHI-2011-ChilanaGF #multi #process- Modern software product support processes and the usage of multimedia formats (PKC, TG, GWF), pp. 3093–3102.
HCI-MIIE-2011-CamposCPJ #design #multi- Studying the Role of Interactivity in Museums: Designing and Comparing Multimedia Installations (PC, MC, JP, JAJ), pp. 155–164.
HCI-UA-2011-KallinenKR #case study #experience #multi #tablet #user interface- The Effects of Content Type and Presentation Style on User Experiences of Multimedia Content on a Tablet PC (KK, JK, NR), pp. 466–475.
HIMI-v1-2011-LinBK #biology #design #education #multi #simulation- Learner-Centered Methodology for Designing and Developing Multimedia Simulation for Biology Education (CCL, MB, KK), pp. 20–29.
ICEIS-v1-2011-VaneaP #metadata #multi #ontology #semantics #using- Semantically Enhancing Multimedia Data Warehouses — Using Ontologies as Part of the Metadata (AV, RP), pp. 163–168.
ICEIS-v4-2011-YangLH #multi #network #performance #scheduling- QPF Scheduling Scheme for Performance Improvements of Integrated Multimedia Applications over 3.5G Network (SJY, LCL, YMH), pp. 5–12.
CIKM-2011-TeodoroVMTM #adaptation #approximate #parallel #retrieval #similarity- Adaptive parallel approximate similarity search for responsive multimedia retrieval (GT, EV, NM, RdST, WMJ), pp. 495–504.
ECIR-2011-SafadiQ #multi #ranking #retrieval- Re-ranking for Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval (BS, GQ), pp. 708–711.
KDIR-2011-KharratJG #multi #semantics- Semantic Relationships between Multimedia Resources (MK, AJ, FG), pp. 342–347.
KMIS-2011-LunesuPC11a #approach #knowledge base #multi #standard #using- Using a Standards-based Approach for a Multimedia Knowledge-base (MIL, FEP, GC), pp. 87–95.
SIGIR-2011-NieWZLC #multi- Multimedia answering: enriching text QA with media information (LN, MW, ZJZ, GL, TSC), pp. 695–704.
SAC-2011-Vega-OliverosMP #authoring #documentation #interactive #multi- Media-oriented operators for authoring interactive multimedia documents generated from capture sessions (DAVO, DSM, MdGCP), pp. 1267–1272.
DATE-2010-BellasiBCFS #framework #mobile #multi #power management- Constrained Power Management: Application to a multimedia mobile platform (PB, SB, MC, WF, DS), pp. 989–992.
DocEng-2010-JansenCB #documentation #editing #multi- A model for editing operations on active temporal multimedia documents (JJ, PC, DCAB), pp. 87–96.
VLDB-2010-Samet #database #multi #similarity- Techniques for Similarity Searching in Multimedia Databases (HS), pp. 1649–1650.
ITiCSE-2010-KarakostasDRA #multi #programming- e-Lectures to support blended instruction in multimedia programming course (AK, SND, VR, MA), pp. 189–193.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-VinhasOR #assessment #automation #interface #multi #named #realtime- BioStories — Dynamic Multimedia Interfaces based on Automatic Real-time User Emotion Assessment (VV, ECO, LPR), pp. 21–29.
ICEIS-J-2010-VinhasOR10a #assessment #multi #named #realtime- BioStories: Dynamic Multimedia Environments Based on Real-Time Audience Emotion Assessment (VV, ECO, LPR), pp. 512–525.
ECIR-2010-Lapata #image #information retrieval #multi #natural language- Image and Natural Language Processing for Multimedia Information Retrieval (ML), p. 12.
ICPR-2010-BeecksWS #multi #performance- Improving the Efficiency of Content-Based Multimedia Exploration (CB, SW, TS), pp. 3163–3166.
ICPR-2010-LinLCH #3d #gesture #modelling #multi #realtime- Real-Time 3D Model-Based Gesture Tracking for Multimedia Control (SYL, YCL, LWC, YPH), pp. 3822–3825.
SIGIR-2010-GyllstromM #multi- A picture is worth a thousand search results: finding child-oriented multimedia results with collAge (KG, MFM), pp. 731–732.
SIGIR-2010-KnautzSS #documentation #multi #named- MEMOSE: search engine for emotions in multimedia documents (KK, TS, WGS), pp. 791–792.
SIGIR-2010-Popescu-BelisKPNBW #automation #multi #retrieval #speech- Automatic content linking: speech-based just-in-time retrieval for multimedia archives (APB, JK, PP, AN, EB, JdW), p. 703.
SIGIR-2010-Rueger #information retrieval #multi- Multimedia information retrieval (SR), p. 906.
SAC-2010-BilascoABDLMMPRYZ #multi #semantics- Semantics for intelligent delivery of multimedia content (IMB, SA, PB, CD, JL, JM, EMG, DP, MR, MY, JZ), pp. 1366–1372.
SAC-2010-RubegniBPS #communication #design #multi- A format to design narrative multimedia applications for cultural heritage communication (ER, NDB, PP, AS), pp. 1238–1239.
SAC-2010-WeiYKHC #energy #manycore #realtime #scheduling- Energy-efficient real-time scheduling of multimedia tasks on multi-core processors (YHW, CYY, TWK, SHH, YHC), pp. 258–262.
CASE-2009-TruongLD #automation #multi- Proactive remote healthcare based on multimedia and home automation services (TBTT, FFdL, JPD), pp. 385–390.
DATE-2009-BellasiFS #analysis #modelling #multi #power management #predict- Predictive models for multimedia applications power consumption based on use-case and OS level analysis (PB, WF, DS), pp. 1446–1451.
DATE-2009-KolligOH #framework #manycore- Heterogeneous multi-core platform for consumer multimedia applications (PK, CO, TH), pp. 1254–1259.
DocEng-2009-KuijkGCB #declarative #documentation #multi #visual notation- Adding dynamic visual manipulations to declarative multimedia documents (FK, RLG, PC, DCAB), pp. 149–152.
CSEET-2009-TaranMSS #authoring #case study #framework #industrial #multi #scalability #using- Using Rich Multimedia Case Studies: Developing a Scalable Authoring Platform for Academia and Industry (GT, RM, RS, AS), pp. 61–68.
CSEET-2009-TaranVG #authoring #case study #education #framework #multi #re-engineering- Multimedia Case Studies in Software Engineering: A Look at MDM CAP: A Case Authoring Platform for Education and Training (GT, VV, KG), pp. 296–297.
HCI-AUII-2009-DongR #multi- Context Awareness and Perceived Interactivity in Multimedia Computing (XD, PLPR), pp. 21–29.
HCI-VAD-2009-PohlDM #generative #ide #multi- From Paper to Module — An Integrated Environment for Generating SCORM Compliant Moodle Courses Out of Text and Multimedia Elements (HMP, BD, JTM), pp. 196–203.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-JuniorJATPASN #interactive #internet #multi #prototype #using #web- Back Channel in Interactive Digital Television Systems: Strategies for Prototyping Applications using an Interactive Service Provider — Internet Computing — Interactive and Multimedia Web Applications (JBdSJ, JCdMMJ, ICA, FCT, GMP, PMdÁ, MdS, RFdN), pp. 130–135.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-VinhasSOR #assessment #multi #realtime #towards- Dynamic Multimedia Environment based on Realtime user Emotion Assessment — Biometric User Data towards Affective Immersive Environments (VV, DCS, ECO, LPR), pp. 42–47.
CIKM-2009-WichterichBSS #database #distance #feedback #multi- Exploring multimedia databases via optimization-based relevance feedback and the earth mover’s distance (MW, CB, MS, TS), pp. 1621–1624.
ECIR-2009-TorjmenPB #multi #retrieval #xml- XML Multimedia Retrieval: From Relevant Textual Information to Relevant Multimedia Fragments (MT, KPS, MB), pp. 150–161.
SEKE-2009-AbdallahAA #multi #optimisation #visual notation- A Payload Optimization Technique for Multimedia Visual Cryptographye (MHA, RIAK, RAAD), pp. 703–708.
SIGIR-2009-NohPYLP #automation #folksonomy #multi #network #using- An automatic translation of tags for multimedia contents using folksonomy networks (TGN, SBP, HGY, SJL, SYP), pp. 492–499.
SAC-2009-RoeslerHC #case study #distance #learning #multi- A new multimedia synchronous distance learning system: the IVA study case (VR, RH, CHC), pp. 1765–1770.
SAC-2009-SinghB #identification #multi #web- Information-theoretic identification of content pages for analyzing user information needs and actions on the multimedia web (RS, BDB), pp. 1806–1810.
DAC-2008-CaoFHS #algorithm #multi #scalability- Optimality and improvement of dynamic voltage scaling algorithms for multimedia applications (ZC, BF, LH, MvdS), pp. 179–184.
DAC-2008-NikolovTSPPBZD #composition #design #multi #named #towards- Daedalus: toward composable multimedia MP-SoC design (HN, MT, TS, ADP, SP, RB, CZ, EFD), pp. 574–579.
DAC-2008-ReyKRCVKT #challenge #generative #multi #question- Next generation wireless-multimedia devices: who is up for the challenge? (JCR, AK, JMR, CC, TV, IK, TBT), pp. 353–354.
DATE-2008-KimPH #architecture #multi- Architecture Exploration of NAND Flash-based Multimedia Card (SK, CP, SH), pp. 218–223.
DATE-2008-LeupersAVAV #architecture #design #multi- System-Level Design and Application Mapping for Wireless and Multimedia MPSoC Architectures (RL, GA, WV, TA, AV).
DocEng-2008-CesarBJPB #adaptation #multi- Multimedia content transformation: fragmentation, enrichment, and adaptation (PC, DCAB, JJ, MdGCP, SDJB), pp. 1–2.
DocEng-2008-CesarVKMHBSBG #adaptation #documentation #multi #ubiquitous- Multimedia adaptation in ubiquitous environments: benefits of structured multimedia documents (PC, IV, RK, SM, CH, MB, AS, DCAB, BG), pp. 275–284.
DocEng-2008-ConcolatoF #documentation #multi- Playback of mixed multimedia document (CC, JLF), pp. 219–220.
DocEng-2008-MikacRD #architecture #authoring #multi- An export architecture for a multimedia authoring environment (JM, CR, BLD), pp. 28–31.
DocEng-2008-PellanC #adaptation #documentation #multi #scalability- Adaptation of scalable multimedia documents (BP, CC), pp. 32–41.
DocEng-2008-PellanC08a #documentation #multi #scalability- Scalable multimedia documents for digital radio (BP, CC), pp. 221–222.
DocEng-2008-PimentelCMT #documentation #editing #interactive #multi- End-user editing of interactive multimedia documents (MdGCP, RGC, ELM, CACT), pp. 298–301.
SIGMOD-2008-WichterichAKS #database #flexibility #multi #performance #reduction #similarity- Efficient EMD-based similarity search in multimedia databases via flexible dimensionality reduction (MW, IA, PK, TS), pp. 199–212.
CHI-2008-JokelaLK #editing #mobile #multi- Mobile multimedia presentation editor: enabling creation of audio-visual stories on mobile devices (TJ, JL, HK), pp. 63–72.
CIKM-2008-ValleCP #database #multi #scalability- High-dimensional descriptor indexing for large multimedia databases (EV, MC, SPF), pp. 739–748.
ECIR-2008-EuachongprasitR #multi #normalisation #performance #retrieval #scalability- Efficient Multimedia Time Series Data Retrieval Under Uniform Scaling and Normalisation (WE, CAR), pp. 506–513.
SEKE-2008-YangE #multi #trust- Integrating Trust Management into Usage Control in P2P Multimedia Delivery (LY, RKE), pp. 411–416.
SIGIR-2008-VillaGJ #interface #multi- A faceted interface for multimedia search (RV, NG, JMJ), pp. 775–776.
SAC-2008-CattelanP #framework #mobile #multi #peer-to-peer- Supporting multimedia capture in mobile computing environments through a peer-to-peer platform (RGC, MdGCP), pp. 1649–1650.
SAC-2008-SchreckFK #automation #multi #optimisation #towards- Towards automatic feature vector optimization for multimedia applications (TS, DWF, DAK), pp. 1197–1201.
ICSE-2008-ScholzBKKHW #architecture #multi #named #web #web service- WS-AMUSE — web service architecture for multimedia services (AS, CB, AK, AK, JH, MW), pp. 703–712.
DAC-2007-BhatiaGTMM #equivalence #multi #performance #validation- Leveraging Semi-Formal and Sequential Equivalence Techniques for Multimedia SOC Performance Validation (LB, JG, PT, RSM, SHM), pp. 69–74.
DAC-2007-ChuKCCG #embedded #multi #programming #thread- An Embedded Coherent-Multithreading Multimedia Processor and Its Programming Model (JCC, WCK, SHC, TFC, JIG), pp. 652–657.
DAC-2007-RamanCOD #multi- Reducing Data-Memory Footprint of Multimedia Applications by Delay Redistribution (BR, SC, WTO, SD), pp. 738–743.
DATE-2007-HuangT #analysis #correlation #multi #performance #using- Performance analysis of multimedia applications using correlated streams (KH, LT), pp. 912–917.
DATE-2007-PaganiniKDCC #challenge #design #multi- Portable multimedia SoC design: a global challenge (MP, GK, SD, GC, VC), pp. 831–834.
DocEng-2007-BultermanJCC #multi #performance- An efficient, streamable text format for multimedia captions and subtitles (DCAB, AJJ, PC, SCL), pp. 101–110.
DocEng-2007-GaillardNKN #documentation #multi- Intention driven multimedia document production (LG, MN, PRK, JN), pp. 95–96.
DocEng-2007-NanardNKG #documentation #incremental #multi- Genre driven multimedia document production by means of incremental transformation (MN, JN, PRK, LG), pp. 111–120.
ITiCSE-2007-MorenoMRI #education #interface #multi- Accessible interface for multimedia presentation in inclusive education (LM, PM, BRM, AI), p. 321.
HCI-AS-2007-MakkonenV #empirical #multi- Some Empirical Results on a Multimedia Work Support System (JM, AV), pp. 654–662.
HCI-AS-2007-WeiXL #multi #named #performance- Stripe-Cache: An Efficient Cache Scheme for Building Multimedia Oriented RAID System (QW, CX, XL), pp. 1130–1139.
HCI-IDU-2007-PleussH #authoring #development #interactive #modelling #multi #tool support- Integrating Authoring Tools into Model-Driven Development of Interactive Multimedia Applications (AP, HH), pp. 1168–1177.
HCI-MIE-2007-Goncalves #how #multi- How Panoramic Photography Changed Multimedia Presentations in Tourism (NG), pp. 862–871.
HCI-MIE-2007-ReveiuDF #adaptation #multi #retrieval #using- Using Content-Based Multimedia Data Retrieval for Multimedia Content Adaptation (AR, MD, FF), pp. 486–492.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ViljamaaVA #architecture #mobile #multi #towards- Towards an Optimal Information Architecture Model for Mobile Multimedia Devices (TPV, TV, AA), pp. 664–673.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Wang07a #adaptation #generative #mobile #multi #named- Mach: A Content Generating Engine for Adaptive Multimedia Applications in the Mobile Environment (CW), pp. 674–681.
HIMI-MTT-2007-PakKH #adaptation #multi- An Adaptive Frame-Based Admission Control for Multimedia Traffic in Wireless LAN (JP, YK, KH), pp. 720–727.
CIKM-2007-ChevalletLL #concept #multi- Domain knowledge conceptual inter-media indexing: application to multilingual multimedia medical reports (JPC, JHL, DTHL), pp. 495–504.
CIKM-2007-YanH #feedback #multi #probability #query #retrieval #using- Query expansion using probabilistic local feedback with application to multimedia retrieval (RY, AGH), pp. 361–370.
ECIR-2007-AyacheQG #classification #multi #semantics- Classifier Fusion for SVM-Based Multimedia Semantic Indexing (SA, GQ, JG), pp. 494–504.
ECIR-2007-KongL #documentation #modelling #multi #network #xml- Combining Multiple Sources of Evidence in XML Multimedia Documents: An Inference Network Incorporating Element Language Models (ZK, ML), pp. 716–719.
KDD-2007-GuoZXF #data mining #database #learning #mining #multimodal- Enhanced max margin learning on multimodal data mining in a multimedia database (ZG, ZZ, EPX, CF), pp. 340–349.
SIGIR-2007-Wilkins #automation #generative #multi #retrieval- Automatic query-time generation of retrieval expert coefficients for multimedia retrieval (PW), p. 924.
SAC-2007-KimHC #implementation #mobile #multi #performance- An efficient implementation of RC4 cipher for encrypting multimedia files on mobile devices (HK, JH, SC), pp. 1171–1175.
SAC-2007-NangP #feedback #multi #performance #retrieval- An efficient indexing structure for content based multimedia retrieval with relevance feedback (JN, JP), pp. 517–524.
HPDC-2007-VuGLN #metric #multi #scalability #streaming- Measurement of a large-scale overlay for multimedia streaming (LV, IG, JL, KN), pp. 241–242.
LCTES-2007-NingK #embedded #memory management #multi- External memory page remapping for embedded multimedia systems (KN, DRK), pp. 185–194.
DAC-2006-CohnKMTT #challenge #design #game studies #multi- Design challenges for next-generation multimedia, game and entertainment platforms (JMC, JTK, CM, RT, BT), p. 459.
DAC-2006-Kahng #challenge #design #multi- CAD challenges for leading-edge multimedia designs (ABK), p. 372.
DAC-2006-LeeOMC #design #multi #prototype- Design space exploration and prototyping for on-chip multimedia applications (HGL, ÜYO, RM, NC), pp. 137–142.
DAC-2006-NahirZEKR #generative #multi #testing #verification- Scheduling-based test-case generation for verification of multimedia SoCs (AN, AZ, RE, TK, NR), pp. 348–351.
DAC-2006-ZhongWS #design #energy #mobile #multi #named- SMERT: energy-efficient design of a multimedia messaging system for mobile devices (LZ, BW, MJS), pp. 586–591.
DATE-2006-KogelB #embedded #multi #prototype- Virtual prototyping of embedded platforms for wireless and multimedia (TK, MB), pp. 488–490.
DATE-2006-PaulinPLBBLLL #distributed #modelling #multi #power management- Distributed object models for multi-processor SoC’s, with application to low-power multimedia wireless systems (PGP, CP, ML, EB, OB, DL, BL, DL), pp. 482–487.
DATE-DF-2006-SohnWYY #design #fixpoint #mobile #multi- Design and test of fixed-point multimedia co-processor for mobile applications (JHS, JHW, JY, HJY), pp. 249–253.
DATE-DF-2006-YehWLW #multi #programmable- A 124.8Msps, 15.6mW field-programmable variable-length codec for multimedia applications (CY, CCW, LCL, JSW), pp. 239–243.
DocEng-2006-CesarBJ #documentation #multi- Benefits of structured multimedia documents in IDTV: the end-user enrichment system (PC, DCAB, AJJ), pp. 176–178.
DocEng-2006-CesarBJ06a #multi- The ambulant annotator: empowering viewer-side enrichment of multimedia content (PC, DCAB, AJJ), pp. 186–187.
DocEng-2006-DeltourR #authoring #multi- The limsee3 multimedia authoring model (RD, CR), pp. 173–175.
SIGMOD-2006-RamamrithamBD #community #multi #named- aAqua: a database-backended multilingual, multimedia community forum (KR, AB, SD), pp. 784–786.
CSCW-2006-FonoC #collaboration #composition #game studies #mobile #multi #named #social- Sandboxes: supporting social play through collaborative multimedia composition on mobile phones (DF, SC), pp. 163–166.
ICEIS-SAIC-2006-LuciaFGPT #learning #legacy #migration #multi #video- Migrating Legacy Video Lectures to Multimedia Learning Objects (ADL, RF, MG, IP, GT), pp. 51–58.
SAC-2006-BertolottiGS #adaptation #documentation #multi- Dynamic context adaptation in multimedia documents (PB, OG, MLS), pp. 1374–1379.
SAC-2006-EliasEC #consistency #multi- Dynamic consistency checking for temporal and spatial relations in multimedia presentations (SE, KSE, RC), pp. 1380–1384.
DAC-2005-LiuCO #approximate #design #multi- Approximate VCCs: a new characterization of multimedia workloads for system-level MpSoC design (YL, SC, WTO), pp. 248–253.
DATE-2005-ChenLL #integration #layout #multi #verification- Integration, Verification and Layout of a Complex Multimedia SOC (CLC, JYL, YLL), pp. 1116–1117.
DATE-2005-CombazFLS #multi- Fine Grain QoS Control for Multimedia Application Software (JC, JCF, TL, JS), pp. 1038–1043.
DATE-2005-MolnosHCE #communication #composition #memory management #multi- Compositional Memory Systems for Multimedia Communicating Tasks (AMM, MJMH, SDC, JTJvE), pp. 932–937.
DATE-2005-Wolf #multi- Multimedia Applications of Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chips (WW), pp. 86–89.
DATE-2005-YardiHMH #multi #power management #quality- Quality-Driven Proactive Computation Elimination for Power-Aware Multimedia Processing (SMY, MSH, TLM, DSH), pp. 340–345.
HT-2005-BurgerGG #concept #multi- Smart content factory: assisting search for digital objects by generic linking concepts to multimedia content (TB, EG, GG), pp. 286–287.
ITiCSE-2005-DavisW #convergence #education #learning #multi- A research-led curriculum in multimedia: learning about convergence (HCD, SW), pp. 29–33.
ITiCSE-2005-GomesSVG #behaviour #multi #named- SoundSpaces: behavior based control system for multimedia systems (RG, RS, JV, NG), p. 407.
ITiCSE-2005-MorgadoS #api #interactive #multi- MIG21 API: multimedia interactive groups API (CM, LS), p. 399.
ITiCSE-2005-MoritzWPB #multi- From objects-first to design-first with multimedia and intelligent tutoring (SHM, FW, SMP, GDB), pp. 99–103.
ITiCSE-2005-Rosenthal #multi #recursion #using- Introducing recursion by using multimedia (TR), p. 374.
SEKE-2005-RehmanIAQI #database #education #grid #multi #named- UREKA — Grid Enabled Educational Multimedia Database (MuR, II, MUA, MAQ, NI), pp. 485–490.
SIGIR-2005-MagalhaesR #concept #incremental #information management #mining #multi- Mining multimedia salient concepts for incremental information extraction (JM, SMR), pp. 641–642.
MoDELS-2005-Pleuss #modelling #multi #user interface- Modeling the User Interface of Multimedia Applications (AP), pp. 676–690.
MoDELS-2005-Pleuss #modelling #multi #user interface- Modeling the User Interface of Multimedia Applications (AP), pp. 676–690.
CC-2005-JiangMHLZZZ #multi #performance #using- Boosting the Performance of Multimedia Applications Using SIMD Instructions (WJ, CM, BH, JL, JZ, BZ, CZ), pp. 59–75.
DAC-2004-Hopkins #approach #framework #mobile #multi- Nomadic platform approach for wireless mobile multimedia (MH), p. 408.
DAC-2004-HuM04a #adaptation #clustering #multi- Adaptive data partitioning for ambient multimedia (XH, RM), pp. 562–565.
DATE-v1-2004-AtienzaMCMS #design #memory management #multi #network- Dynamic Memory Management Design Methodology for Reduced Memory Footprint in Multimedia and Wireless Network Applications (DA, SM, FC, JMM, DS), pp. 532–537.
DATE-v2-2004-AntwerpenDGMPVV #design #energy #multi- Energy-Aware System Design for Wireless Multimedia (HVA, NDD, RKG, SM, CP, NV, RvV), pp. 1124–1131.
DATE-v2-2004-MarculescuPH #design #distributed #multi #perspective- Distributed Multimedia System Design: A Holistic Perspective (RM, MP, JH), pp. 1342–1349.
DATE-v2-2004-SbeytiNE #adaptation #embedded #multi- Adaptive Prefetching for Multimedia Applications in Embedded Systems (HS, SN, LE), pp. 1350–1351.
DATE-v2-2004-VerbauwhedeSPK #architecture #design #embedded #energy #multi #performance- Architectures and Design Techniques for Energy Efficient Embedded DSP and Multimedia Processing (IV, PS, CP, BK), pp. 988–995.
DATE-2005-BorgattiCRLMFP04 #configuration management #design #multi #verification- An Integrated Design and Verification Methodology for Reconfigurable Multimedia Systems (MB, AC, UR, JLL, IM, FF, GP), pp. 266–271.
DocEng-2004-GoularteCCIIP #interactive #multi- Interactive multimedia annotations: enriching and extending content (RG, RGC, JACG, VRIJ, MdGCP), pp. 84–86.
DRR-2004-LalanneMI #documentation #multi- Talking about documents: revealing a missing link to multimedia meeting archives (DL, DM, RI), pp. 82–91.
ITiCSE-2004-PahlBK #database #interactive #learning #multi- Supporting active database learning and training through interactive multimedia (CP, RB, CK), pp. 27–31.
ICEIS-v5-2004-SantosVRG #adaptation #collaboration #multi #workflow- A Multimedia Workflow-Based Collaborative Engineering Environment: Integrating an Adaptative Workflow with a Multimedia Collaboration System and a Collaborative Virtual Environment for Petroleum Engeneering (IHFdS, CV, AR, MG), pp. 259–262.
ICPR-v2-2004-ErolHGL #documentation #image #multi- Prescient Paper: Multimedia Document Creation with Document Image Matching (BE, JJH, JG, DSL), pp. 675–678.
ICPR-v2-2004-YuWC #3d #algorithm #multi #performance #re-engineering #recursion- A Fast Recursive 3D Model Reconstruction Algorithm for Multimedia Applications (YKY, KhW, MMYC), pp. 241–244.
KDD-2004-NatsevNS #mining #multi #representation #semantics- Semantic representation: search and mining of multimedia content (AN, MRN, JRS), pp. 641–646.
KDD-2004-PanYFD #automation #correlation #multi- Automatic multimedia cross-modal correlation discovery (JYP, HJY, CF, PD), pp. 653–658.
SAC-2004-CarswellGN #dataset #multi #semantics #transaction- Wireless spatio-semantic transactions on multimedia datasets (JDC, KG, MN), pp. 1201–1205.
SAC-2004-Sabharwal #multi #visualisation- Multimedia and visualization track (CLS), pp. 1211–1212.
SAC-2004-SerifGG #multi- Infotainment across access devices: the perceptual impact of multimedia QoS (TS, SRG, GG), pp. 1580–1585.
SAC-2004-ShinK #adaptation #effectiveness #multi #streaming- Cost effective transcoding for QoS adaptive multimedia streaming (IS, KK), pp. 1238–1241.
SAC-2004-SilveiraLBM #adaptation #design #distributed #framework #interactive #middleware #multi- Exploring an open, distributed multimedia framework to design and develop an adaptive middleware for interactive digital television systems (GEdS, ABL, FB, MFM), pp. 1258–1264.
DAC-2003-HuaQB #energy #multi #reduction- Energy reduction techniques for multimedia applications with tolerance to deadline misses (SH, GQ, SSB), pp. 131–136.
DATE-2003-StolbergBFMFMKKP #architecture #manycore #named- HiBRID-SoC: A Multi-Core System-on-Chip Architecture for Multimedia Signal Processing Applications (HJS, MB, LF, SM, SF, XM, MBK, HK, PP), pp. 20008–20013.
DocEng-2003-Bulterman #interactive #multi #using- Using SMIL to encode interactive, peer-level multimedia annotations (DCAB), pp. 32–41.
DocEng-2003-DenoyerVGBB #classification #documentation #multi- Structured multimedia document classification (LD, JNV, PG, SB, SB), pp. 153–160.
ICDAR-2003-HullEGL #component #documentation #multi #video #visualisation- Visualizing Multimedia Content on Paper Documents: Components of Key Frame Selection for Video Paper (JJH, BE, JG, DSL), pp. 389–392.
ITiCSE-2003-Cizmar #concept #development #multi #re-engineering- Software engineering concepts for multimedia development (DC), p. 230.
AGTIVE-2003-Rising #graph grammar #graph transformation #multi #semantics- MPEG-7 Semantic Descriptions: Graph Transformations, Graph Grammars, and the Description of Multimedia (Invited Talk) (HKR), pp. 369–382.
CHI-2003-BaileyK #design #multi #tool support- Are informal tools better?: comparing DEMAIS, pencil and paper, and authorware for early multimedia design (BPB, JAK), pp. 313–320.
CAiSE-2003-VdovjakBH #design #information management #multi #semantics #web- Designing a Federated Multimedia Information System on the Semantic Web (RV, PB, GJH), pp. 357–373.
ICEIS-v1-2003-GhomariD #approach #multi #petri net #towards- Towards a Timed-Petri Net Based Approach for Multimedia Scenario Synchronization (AG, CD), pp. 267–272.
SEKE-2003-LongoAFG #architecture #multi- A Layered Architecture to Manage Complex Multimedia Services (ML, PA, AF, NG), pp. 414–421.
SIGIR-2003-BerrettiCNSW #data fusion #distributed #library #multi #named- MIND: resource selection and data fusion in multimedia distributed digital libraries (SB, JPC, HN, XMS, SW), p. 465.
SIGIR-2003-CallanCNPS #data fusion #distributed #library #multi- Resource selection and data fusion in multimedia distributed digital libraries (JPC, FC, HN, PP, XMS), pp. 363–364.
SIGIR-2003-HayashiOBMMMHHI #multi #speech- Speech-based and video-supported indexing of multimedia broadcast news (YH, KO, KB, OM, YM, SM, MH, TH, NI), pp. 441–442.
SAC-2003-AtluriAGA #constraints #multi #security #self- Self-Manifestation of Composite Multimedia Objects to Satisfy Security Constraints (VA, NRA, AG, IA), pp. 927–934.
SAC-2003-FernandezCGPC #algorithm #multi- A New Cache Management Algorithm for Multimedia Storage Systems (JF, JC, FG, JMP, AC), pp. 956–960.
SOSP-2003-YuanN #cpu #energy #mobile #multi #realtime #scheduling- Energy-efficient soft real-time CPU scheduling for mobile multimedia systems (WY, KN), pp. 149–163.
DAC-2002-OhH #data flow #graph #multi #performance #synthesis- Efficient code synthesis from extended dataflow graphs for multimedia applications (HO, SH), pp. 275–280.
DAC-2002-VaratkarM #analysis #design #multi #network- Traffic analysis for on-chip networks design of multimedia applications (GV, RM), pp. 795–800.
DocEng-2002-BesR #multi #pretty-printing #process- A presentation language for controlling the formatting process in multimedia presentations (FB, CR), pp. 2–9.
DocEng-2002-KingNN #documentation #multi- Multimedia document engineering in MCF (PRK, JN, MN), pp. 18–25.
DocEng-2002-Muchaluat-SaadeRS #multi #named- XConnector: extending XLink to provide multimedia synchronization (DCMS, RFR, LFGS), pp. 49–56.
HT-2002-MoulthropSRBM #hypermedia #multi- Hypermedia and multimedia (SM, DS, JR, MB, NM), p. 196.
CAiSE-2002-AdibaZ #multi #web- Building Spatio-Temporal Presentations Warehouses from Heterogeneous Multimedia Web Servers (MEA, JLZM), pp. 692–696.
ICEIS-2002-Al-TahatISY #approach #development #framework #multi #using #web- Using Hot-Spot-Driven Approach in the Development of a Framework for Multimedia Presentation on the Web (KSAT, SBI, TMTS, MY), pp. 855–860.
ICEIS-2002-AmousS #documentation #multi- Descriptors and Meta-Documents for Mono-Media and Multimedia Documents (IA, FS), pp. 11–17.
ICEIS-2002-LaraA #education #multi #visualisation #web- Hierarchical Visualization in a Simulation-Based Educational Multimedia Web System (JdL, MA), pp. 946–953.
ICPR-v2-2002-MiyauchiHBK #analysis #collaboration #detection #multi #semantics #video- Collaborative Multimedia Analysis for Detecting Semantical Events from Broadcasted Sports Video (SM, AH, NB, TK), pp. 1009–1012.
ICPR-v2-2002-WolfJC #documentation #locality #multi- Text Localization, Enhancement and Binarization in Multimedia Documents (CW, JMJ, FC), pp. 1037–1040.
SEKE-2002-ArndtCGM #distance #learning #multi #re-engineering #xml- An XML-based approch to multimedia software engineering for distance learning (TA, SKC, AG, PM), pp. 525–532.
SEKE-2002-CelentanoG #automation #generative #modelling #multi- Schema modelling for automatic generation of multimedia presentations (AC, OG), pp. 593–600.
SIGIR-2002-Westerveld #multi #probability #retrieval- Probabilistic multimedia retrieval (TW), pp. 437–438.
SAC-2002-Baptista #design #implementation #multi #set- A geolibrary for multimedia data sets: design and implementation issues (CdSB), pp. 488–492.
SAC-2002-KangY #layout #multi- Smoothed fetching: bridging the data layout and transmission schemes in multimedia servers (SK, HYY), pp. 755–760.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-OhH #data flow #multi #performance #synthesis- Fractional rate dataflow model and efficient code synthesis for multimedia applications (HO, SH), pp. 12–17.
DAC-2001-QiuWP #mobile #multi #power management- Dynamic Power Management in a Mobile Multimedia System with Guaranteed Quality-of-Service (QQ, QW, MP), pp. 834–839.
DATE-2001-AcquavivaBR #adaptation #algorithm #multi #power management #streaming- An adaptive algorithm for low-power streaming multimedia processing (AA, LB, BR), pp. 273–279.
DATE-2001-KulkarniGMCM #embedded #layout #multi- Cache conscious data layout organization for embedded multimedia applications (CK, CG, MM, FC, HDM), pp. 686–693.
DATE-2001-Narita #game studies #multi- SH-4 RISC microprocessor for multimedia, game machine (SN), pp. 699–701.
DocEng-2001-Villard #adaptation #authoring #multi- Authoring transformations by direct manipulation for adaptable multimedia presentations (LV), pp. 125–134.
VLDB-2001-KoschBBHHLRT #database #distributed #multi #named- SMOOTH — A Distributed Multimedia Database System (HK, LB, AB, CH, CH, ML, CR, RT), pp. 713–714.
ITiCSE-2001-BlankPKHJR #collaboration #multi #named- CIMEL: constructive, collaborative inquiry-based multimedia E-learning (GDB, WMP, GDK, MH, HJ, SR), p. 179.
ITiCSE-2001-ChoiC #design #education #interactive #learning #multi #object-oriented #using- Using interactive multimedia for teaching and learning object oriented software design (SHC, SC), p. 176.
ITiCSE-2001-Guzdial #collaboration #multi- Use of collaborative multimedia in computer science classes (MG), pp. 17–20.
ICEIS-v2-2001-WagnerBK #middleware #mobile #multi #online #xml- An XML-Based Multimedia Middleware for Mobile Online Auctions (MW, WTB, WK), pp. 934–944.
CIKM-2001-MokbelA #database #multi- Irregularity in Multi-Dimensional Space-Filling Curves with Applications in Multimedia Databases (MFM, WGA), pp. 512–519.
SEKE-2001-Chang #multi #re-engineering- A Special Presentation on Multimedia Software Engineering (SKC), p. 346.
SAC-2001-ChenLCC #multi #parametricity #performance- The sustainable-cell-rate usage parameter control with adjustable window for high-speed multimedia communications (SyC, LFL, CSC, CJC), pp. 467–471.
SAC-2001-RoccettiS #distance #education #multi- A web-based synchronized multimedia system for distance education (MR, PS), pp. 94–98.
ICSE-2001-AokiHKNNRTY #3d #case study #evolution #library #multi #object-oriented #open source- A Case Study of the Evolution of Jun: An Object-Oriented Open-Source 3D Multimedia Library (AA, KH, KK, KN, YN, BR, AT, YY), pp. 524–533.
DAC-2000-OmnesFC #co-evolution #design #embedded #interactive #multi #throughput- Interactive co-design of high throughput embedded multimedia (TJFO, TF, FC), pp. 328–331.
DAC-2000-SinghLFMLKB #case study #configuration management #multi #named- MorphoSys: case study of a reconfigurable computing system targeting multimedia applications (HS, GL, EMCF, RM, MHL, FJK, NB), pp. 573–578.
HT-2000-ChiuFGB #automation #documentation #image #multi- Automatically linking multimedia meeting documents by image matching (PC, JF, AG, JSB), pp. 244–245.
CSEET-2000-CybulskiL #analysis #design #education #multi #using- Teaching Systems Analysis and Design Using Multimedia and Patterns (JLC, TL), pp. 113–122.
ITiCSE-2000-Ellis #java #multi #programming- Toolbook multimedia demonstrations for Java programming (AE), p. 181.
ITiCSE-2000-MentoTHS #development #education #internet #multi- Internet and multimedia technology curriculum development (poster session) (BM, DT, KH, SS), pp. 190–191.
ITiCSE-2000-Scanlan #multi #student- Student preference for multimedia-based lectures (poster session): a preliminary report (DAS), p. 192.
CSMR-2000-HenryB #metric #multi- Metrics for Multimedia Languages (SMH, RPBJ), pp. 75–82.
PLDI-2000-LarsenA #parallel #set- Exploiting superword level parallelism with multimedia instruction sets (SL, SPA), pp. 145–156.
ICEIS-2000-KuzniarzP #design #multi #object-oriented #on the- On Designing Object Oriented Model for Multimedia Data (LK, MP), pp. 299–303.
CIKM-2000-LeeS #distributed #framework #multi #resource management- A Market-based Resource Management and QoS Support Framework for Distributed Multimedia Systems (WL, JS), pp. 472–479.
CIKM-2000-ZwolA #database #integration #multi #retrieval- The Webspace Method: On the Integration of Database Technology with Multimedia Retrieval (RvZ, PMGA), pp. 438–445.
SIGIR-2000-HurstMM #information retrieval #multi- Multimedia information retrieval from recorded presentations (WH, RM, CM), pp. 339–341.
SIGIR-2000-TuerkJJJW #documentation #multi #retrieval- The Cambridge University multimedia document retrieval demo system (AT, SEJ, PJ, KSJ, PCW), p. 394.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-MingliangYBL #distributed #multi #protocol- Protocol Mapping Model for Distributed Multimedia Systems (WM, QY, MB, XL), pp. 114–121.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-ZhouC #design #multi #repository #using- Design Consideration Using the Multimedia Object Repository (BZ, GC), pp. 81–87.
SAC-2000-Mourlas #distributed #framework #game studies #information management #multi #requirements- A Framework for Creating and Playing Distributed Multimedia Information Systems with QoS Requirements (CM), pp. 598–600.
SAC-2000-SalehJ #distributed #framework #multi- A Configuration-oriented Framework for Distributed Multimedia Applications (AS, GRRJ), pp. 278–280.
ICSE-2000-SharpH #interactive #multi #simulation- An interactive multimedia software house simulation for postgraduate software engineers (HS, PH), pp. 688–691.
LCTES-2000-LeeSJ #communication #multi- An Integrated Push/Pull Buffer Management Method in Multimedia Communication Environments (SL, HS, TJ), pp. 216–220.
DAC-1999-VandecappelleMBCV #design #feedback #memory management #multi #using- Global Multimedia System Design Exploration Using Accurate Memory Organization Feedback (AV, MM, EB, FC, DV), pp. 327–332.
ICDAR-1999-MullerER #database #multi #retrieval #sketching #using- Multimedia Database Retrieval using Hand-Drawn Sketches (SM, SE, GR), pp. 289–292.
ICDAR-1999-SauvolaK #documentation #multi- Active Multimedia Documents (JJS, HK), pp. 21–24.
SIGMOD-1999-AdaliSS #algebra #multi- A Multimedia Presentation Algebra (SA, MLS, VSS), pp. 121–132.
SIGMOD-1999-CruzJ #database #distributed #interface #multi #query- A User-Centered Interface for Querying Distributed Multimedia Databases (IFC, KMJ), pp. 590–592.
ITiCSE-1999-HewsonDC #generative #multi #simulation- A multimedia animated simulation generator (JH, WD, MC), pp. 131–134.
ITiCSE-1999-MutchlerAKLOSY #interactive #multi- CS 1 closed laboratories = multimedia materials + human interaction (DM, CA, AK, CL, DO, RS, FHY), p. 210.
CHI-1999-KuchinskyPCFSG #multi #named #retrieval- FotoFile: A Consumer Multimedia Organization and Retrieval System (AK, CP, MLC, DFF, BS, JG), pp. 496–503.
CHI-1999-PlowmanKLST #design #learning #multi- Designing Multimedia for Learning: Narrative Guidance and Narrative Construction (LP, RL, DL, MS, JT), pp. 310–317.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Andre #multi #personalisation #towards- Towards personalized multimedia presentation systems for all (EA), pp. 873–877.
HCI-CCAD-1999-JohnsonO #learning #multi #problem #using- Innovative mathematical learning environments — Using multimedia to solve real world problems (LFJ, POJ), pp. 677–681.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KauttoTP #industrial #maintenance #multi- Multimedia applications for supporting industrial maintenance (JK, TT, MP), pp. 276–279.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Sik-LanyiKV #development #multi- Multimedia program for the development of the vision of partially sighted children (CSL, PK, ZV), pp. 1014–1017.
HCI-CCAD-1999-WoolfordMCPAW #artificial reality #comparison #multi #self- Comparison of multimedia and virtual reality for self-training (BW, JM, CC, AP, JAA, MW), pp. 1116–1119.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Ziegler99a #multi #standard #user interface- Standards for multimedia user interfaces — opportunities and issues (JZ0), pp. 858–862.
HCI-EI-1999-ScharKK #concept #learning #multi #named- Multimedia: the Effect of Picture, Voice & Text for the Learning of Concepts and Principles (SGS, JK, HK), pp. 456–460.
HCI-EI-1999-Spinelli #multi- A Multimedia System to collect, manage and search in narrative productions (GS), pp. 451–455.
ICEIS-1999-Baptista #multi #on the- On Incorporating Multimedia into Spatio-Temporal Systems (CdSB), pp. 23–28.
ICEIS-1999-Nait-Abdesselam #adaptation #distributed #multi- Intelligent Agents for QoS Control and Adaptation in Distributed Multimedia Systems (FNA), pp. 501–508.
CIKM-1999-RadevPMP #approach #behaviour #graph #multi #object-oriented #representation- Graph-Based Object-Oriented Approach for Structural and Behavioral Representation of Multimedia Data (IR, NP, KM, EKP), pp. 522–530.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-WangDXL #design #multi #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Design of a Multimedia Item Pool (YW, TD, LX, RL), pp. 471–476.
SAC-1999-HermannGA #adaptation #design #execution #internet #multi- Design and Execution of Adaptive Multimedia Applications in the Internet (ACH, LPG, MJBA), pp. 624–629.
SAC-1999-MocellinM #aspect-oriented #behaviour #modelling #multi #using- Modelling Behavioral Aspects of Multimedia Presentations Using an Active Object DBMS (FM, HM), pp. 450–454.
HPCA-1999-DuatoYCLQ #architecture #design #multi #named #trade-off- MMR: A High-Performance Multimedia Router — Architecture and Design Trade-Offs (JD, SY, BC, DSL, FJQ), pp. 300–309.
OSDI-1999-Baker-Harvey #multi #resource management #scheduling- ETI Resource Distributor: Guaranteed Resource Allocation and Scheduling in Multimedia Systems (MBH), pp. 131–144.
PPoPP-1999-RamachandranNHRK #abstraction #interactive #memory management #parallel #programming- Space-Time Memory: A Parallel Programming Abstraction for Interactive Multimedia Applications (UR, RSN, NH, JMR, KK), pp. 183–192.
DATE-1998-RassauYCLECW #2d #implementation #mobile #parallel- Smart Pixel Implementation of a 2-D Parallel Nucleic Wavelet Transform for Mobile Multimedia Communications (AMR, TCBY, HC, SL, KE, WAC, TDW), pp. 191–195.
PODS-1998-Fagin #database #fuzzy #multi #query- Fuzzy Queries in Multimedia Database Systems (RF), pp. 1–10.
SIGMOD-1998-ZaianeHLCC #data mining #mining #multi #named #prototype- MultiMediaMiner: A System Prototype for Multimedia Data Mining (ORZ, JH, ZNL, SHSC, JC), pp. 581–583.
VLDB-1998-GarofalakisIO #multi #scheduling- Resource Scheduling for Composite Multimedia Objects (MNG, YEI, BÖ), pp. 74–85.
VLDB-1998-RiedelGF #data mining #mining #multi #scalability- Active Storage for Large-Scale Data Mining and Multimedia (ER, GAG, CF), pp. 62–73.
ITiCSE-1998-Ellis #development #internet #learning #multi #problem- Group 1 (working group): development and use of multimedia and Internet resources for a problem based learning environment (AE), p. 269.
ITiCSE-1998-Ellis98a #multi #tutorial #web- Use of multimedia and World Wide Web resources in a traditional lecture/tutorial environment (poster) (AE), p. 279.
ITiCSE-1998-GonzalezC #education #multi #question- Multimedia education — quo vadis? (RG, GC), pp. 90–93.
ITiCSE-1998-Hollinworth #bibliography #design #multi- The design of multimedia courseware (poster): preliminary survey results (NDPH), p. 283.
ITiCSE-1998-MeyerowitzMK #development #multi #student- Student development of multimedia CBE (poster) (JM, MM, SK), p. 294.
ITiCSE-1998-MooreS #c #learning #multi #programming- A multimedia C programming course that supports different learning situations (poster) (SM, MS), p. 295.
ITiCSE-1998-Wans #interactive #learning #multi- An interactive multimedia learning system for the postlingually deaf (poster) (CW), p. 309.
ITiCSE-1998-WardS #javascript #multi #programming language #student- JavaScript as a first programming language for multimedia students (RW, MS), pp. 249–253.
FM-1998-SouzaSFSAGGWCD #design #distributed #multi- Design of Distributed Multimedia Applications (DAMD) (WLdS, PNMS, JMF, RMS, MJBA, LPG, LZG, RW, MSdC, MD), pp. 77–91.
CHI-1998-CareyMPL #design #evolution #multi #tutorial- Design Evolution in a Multimedia Tutorial on User-Centered Design (TC, SM, DP, ML), pp. 109–116.
CHI-1998-ChristelSTW #abstraction #evolution #multi #video- Evolving Video Skims into Useful Multimedia Abstractions (MGC, MAS, CRT, DBW), pp. 171–178.
CHI-1998-FaradayS #design #multi- Providing Advice for Multimedia Designers (PF, AGS), pp. 124–131.
CHI-1998-MackayB #data analysis #multi #named- DIVA: Exploratory Data Analysis with Multimedia Streams (WEM, MBL), pp. 416–423.
CAiSE-1998-GasparyA #interactive #multi #named #specification- MUSE — An Interactive Networked Multimedia Applications Specification Environment with E-LOTOS Translator (LPG, MJBA), pp. 273–287.
ACIR-1998-Gabrielli #design #evaluation #multi #social- Social and Cognitive Factors in the Design and Evaluation of Multimedia Systems (SG).
ACIR-1998-VriesB #database #information retrieval #multi- The Relationship between IR and Multimedia Databases (APdV, HMB).
ICPR-1998-ZhengZ #multi- Digital archiving of an archaeological excavation site for multimedia display (JYZ, ZLZ), pp. 1492–1496.
KDD-1998-HinneburgK #approach #clustering #database #multi #performance #scalability- An Efficient Approach to Clustering in Large Multimedia Databases with Noise (AH, DAK), pp. 58–65.
SIGIR-1998-FuhrGR #multi #named #retrieval- DOLORES: A System for Logic-Based Retrieval of Multimedia Objects (NF, NG, TR), pp. 257–265.
SAC-1998-ChungC #interactive #learning #multi- A multimedia system for interactive learning of organ literature (SC, SC), pp. 117–121.
SAC-1998-KambayashiKKI #flexibility #multi- Flexible search functions for multimedia data with text and other auxiliary data (YK, KK, TK, HI), pp. 498–504.
SAC-1998-VazirgiannisSTH #interactive #modelling #multi- Interactive multimedia scenario: modeling rendering (MV, IS, MT, MH), pp. 462–470.
IWTCS-1998-FeijsMMW #consistency #multi #testing #using- Conformance Testing of a Multimedia System Using PHACT (LMGF, FACM, JRM, JvW), pp. 193–210.
DAC-1997-LiemCSPJGLFB #case study #development #embedded #multi- Am Embedded System Case Study: The Firm Ware Development Environment for a Multimedia Audio Processor (CL, MC, MS, PGP, AAJ, JMG, JL, XF, LB), pp. 780–785.
PODS-1997-OzdenRS #database #multi- Multimedia Support for Databases (BÖ, RR, AS), pp. 1–11.
SIGMOD-1997-BerchtoldBBKK #database #parallel #performance #similarity- Fast Parallel Similarity Search in Multimedia Databases (SB, CB, BB, DAK, HPK), pp. 1–12.
VLDB-1997-LiCHH #database #interface #multi #query #visual notation- Facilitating Multimedia Database Exploration through Visual Interfaces and Perpetual Query Reformulations (WSL, KSC, KH, YH), pp. 538–547.
VLDB-1997-SeidlK #adaptation #database #multi #performance #scalability #similarity- Efficient User-Adaptable Similarity Search in Large Multimedia Databases (TS, HPK), pp. 506–515.
VLDB-1997-TriantafillouP #multi #on-demand- On-Demand Data Elevation in Hierarchical Multimedia Storage Servers (PT, TP), pp. 226–235.
ITiCSE-1997-ConinxDRF #design #education #interactive #multi- Design and realization of an interactive multimedia server in education (KC, BD, FVR, EF), pp. 65–70.
ITiCSE-1997-PilgrimLG #development #effectiveness #multi- Cost effective multimedia courseware development (CP, YKL, DDG), pp. 45–50.
ITiCSE-1997-RoblesFPA #communication #distance #learning #multi #using- Using multimedia communication technologies in distance learning (TR, DF, EP, SA), pp. 6–7.
CHI-1997-BellottiR #multi #web- From Web Press to Web Pressure: Multimedia Representations and Multimedia Publishing (VB, YR), pp. 279–286.
CHI-1997-FaradayS #design #effectiveness #multi- Designing Effective Multimedia Presentations (PF, AGS), pp. 272–278.
CHI-1997-JornaWGKMMMM #community #library #multi- The Multimedia Library: The Center of an Information-Rich Community (GJ, MW, PG, HK, JM, IM, IM, LVM), pp. 510–517.
CHI-1997-KominekK #clustering #concept #multi- Accessing Multimedia through Concept Clustering (JK, RK), pp. 19–26.
CHI-1997-MoranPHCKMMZ #case study #ll #multi #quote- “I’ll Get That Off the Audio”: A Case Study of Salvaging Multimedia Meeting Records (TPM, LP, SRH, PC, DK, SLM, WvM, PZ), pp. 202–209.
HCI-CC-1997-PaulD #concept #design #multi #privacy- Privacy and Acting in Groups-Key Concepts in Designing Multimedia-Supported Cooperative Work (HP, SD), pp. 281–284.
HCI-SEC-1997-AnkerA #approach #communication #development #mobile #multi- Mobile Multimedia Communication: A Task- and User-Centered Approach to Future Systems Development (FWGvdA, AGA), pp. 651–654.
HCI-SEC-1997-Bocker #human-computer #multi- Multimedia HCI Addressed by ETSI (MB), pp. 695–698.
HCI-SEC-1997-FahnrichK #design #multi #standard #user interface- ISO 14915: A Standard on Multimedia User Interface Design (KPF, FK), pp. 691–694.
HCI-SEC-1997-Ficarra #evaluation #multi- Method and Techniques for the Evaluation of Multimedia Applications (FVCF), pp. 635–638.
HCI-SEC-1997-HacW #algorithm #distributed #multi- A Multicast Algorithm in a Distributed Multimedia Conference System (AH, DW), pp. 679–682.
HCI-SEC-1997-KimuraKI #communication #multi #product line- Multimedia Communication for Family (AK, HK, SI), pp. 639–642.
HCI-SEC-1997-KollerW #design #interactive #multi #navigation- Navigation Design for Interactive Multimedia (FK, AW), pp. 699–702.
HCI-SEC-1997-MartinH #adaptation #design #generative #modelling #multi #object-oriented- Generating Adaptable Multimedia Software from Dynamic Object Oriented Models: The ObjectWand Design Environment (CM, MH), pp. 703–706.
HCI-SEC-1997-PattersonD #communication #industrial #multi #network #tool support #usability- Evaluating the Usability of Application Tools in Transferring Multimedia Information Across ATM Communication Networks Within the Fashion Industry in Europe (GP, RD), pp. 767–770.
HCI-SEC-1997-Purchase #communication #multi #perspective- Multimedia Communication and Technology: A Semiotic Perspective (HCP), pp. 687–690.
HCI-SEC-1997-SearsB #design #distributed #documentation #internet #multi- The Effect of Internet Delay on the Design of Distributed Multimedia Documents (AS, MSB), pp. 331–334.
HCI-SEC-1997-ShinYY #authoring #documentation #multi #parsing #using- Presentation Jockey: Multimedia Authoring System Using Structured Document Parsing (HSS, WJY, KJY), pp. 659–662.
EDOC-1997-WaddingtonC #architecture #component #distributed #multi- A Distributed Multimedia Component Architecture (DGW, GC), p. 334–?.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-ChenWP #approach #multi #object-oriented- Intelligent Multimedia Presentation System: An Object-Oriented Approach (YC, ZW, YP), pp. 304–309.
TOOLS-USA-1997-GievskaJTD #distributed #framework #multi- Pattern-Based Framework for Multimedia Distributed Applications (SG, SJ, VT, DD), p. 31–?.
SAC-1997-GoliP #data mining #mining #multi- Application of domain vector perfect hash join for multimedia data mining (VNRG, WP), pp. 334–339.
SAC-1997-PerrizoZK #multi #query- A query processing method for data warehouses which contain multimedia (WP, ZZ, SK), pp. 323–327.
ESEC-FSE-1997-BoehmEKM #multi- Developing Multimedia Applications with the WinWin Spiral Model (BWB, AE, JK, RJM), pp. 20–39.
ICSE-1997-FischerL #formal method #multi #tutorial- Formal Methods for Broadband and Multimedia Systems (Tutorial) (SF, SL), pp. 665–666.
HPDC-1997-AsthanaSS #multi #named- Kaleido: An Environment for Composing Networked Multimedia Applications (AA, JS, MBS), pp. 181–190.
HPDC-1997-DiszJOS #multi- The Argonne Voyager Multimedia Server (TD, IRJ, RO, RLS), pp. 71–80.
HPDC-1997-SimonS #collaboration #communication #multi- Load-balanced Routing for Collaborative Multimedia Communication (RS, AKS), pp. 81–90.
PPoPP-1997-Prasanna #compilation #parallel- Compilation of Parallel Multimedia Computations — Extending Retiming Theory and Amdahl’s Law (GNSP), pp. 180–192.
SOSP-1997-NiehL #design #evaluation #implementation #multi- The Design, Implementation and Evaluation of SMART: A Scheduler for Multimedia Applications (JN, MSL), pp. 184–197.
SIGMOD-1996-ChaudhuriG #multi #optimisation #query #repository- Optimizing Queries over Multimedia Repositories (SC, LG), pp. 91–102.
SIGMOD-1996-ChooOLCGBPS #architecture #named #parallel- Prospector: A Content-Based Multimedia Server for Massively Parallel Architectures (SC, WO, GL, HC, KG, AB, EP, DS), p. 551.
SIGMOD-1996-OConnellISWABCCLPWW #architecture #parallel- A Content-Based Multimedia Server for Massively Parallel Architectures (WO, ITI, DS, CW, GA, AB, SC, PC, GL, EP, JW, TW), pp. 68–78.
ITiCSE-1996-AdamsCKMEHM #interactive #multi- Interactive multimedia pedagogies: report of the working group on interactive multimedia pedagogy (ESA, LC, AK, JM, AE, PH, JM), pp. 182–191.
ITiCSE-1996-CarswellB #approach #distance #education #game studies #multi- An adventure game approach to multimedia distance education (LC, DB), pp. 122–124.
ITiCSE-1996-Ellis #design #experience #implementation #industrial #multi #testing- Design, implementation and testing techniques for multimedia industrial experience projects (AEE), pp. 119–121.
ITiCSE-1996-MarsdenO #analysis #education #framework #modelling #multi #named #process #tool support- MuPMoTT: a multimedia based tool supporting the teaching of process modelling within a framework of structured system analysis (PM, MO), pp. 116–118.
ITiCSE-1996-MutchlerL #multi #programming #user interface #using- Using multimedia and GUI programming in CS 1 (DM, CL), pp. 63–65.
ITiCSE-1996-Taylor #case study #education #experience #multi- Integrating multimedia and telecommunications laboratory experiences into teacher education (HGT), p. 230.
ICRE-1996-JonesB #elicitation #information management #interactive #multi #requirements- Early elicitation and definition of requirements for an interactive multimedia information system (SJ, CB), pp. 12–20.
SAC-1996-Boulet #development #multi #using- Using multimedia to emphasize the development of professional abilities (MMB), pp. 110–114.
SAC-1996-ChenH #algorithm #multi #realtime- Threshold-based dynamic admission control algorithms for real-time multimedia servers (IRC, THH), pp. 224–229.
SAC-1996-PizanoH #concept #multi- Integrated multimedia messaging concepts and applications (AP, TYH), pp. 12–16.
ICSE-1996-GibbsB #challenge #concept #multi #programming #scalability- Large, Multimedia Programming — Concepts and Challenges (Abstract) (SJG, CB), pp. 439–440.
HPDC-1996-AlfanoS #collaboration #multi- Controlling QoS in a Collaborative Multimedia Environment (MA, RS), pp. 340–347.
HPDC-1996-BourasKMOST #hypermedia #multi #network #on-demand- On-Demand Hypermedia/Multimedia Service over Broadband Networks (CB, VK, DM, VO, PGS, AT), pp. 224–231.
HPDC-1996-HafidBK #distributed #multi #quality- A Quality of Service Negotiation Procedure for Distributed Multimedia Presentational Applications (AH, GvB, BK), pp. 330–339.
HPDC-1996-LazarL #multi #network #programmable- Programmability and Service Creation for Multimedia Networks (AAL, KSL), pp. 217–223.
HPDC-1996-OuibrahimB #multi- Multimedia Multiparty Services to Native ATM Desktops (HO, JAvdB), pp. 203–208.
HPDC-1996-TsoiR #collaboration #email #multi #on-demand #web- “Media-on-Demand” Multimedia Electronic Mail: A Tool for Collaboration on the Web (KNT, SMR), pp. 121–126.
HPDC-1996-WangK #multi- A Broadband Multimedia TeleLearning System (RW, AK), pp. 132–139.
ICDAR-v1-1995-GaoLN #fuzzy #information management #multi- Fuzzy multilinkage thesaurus builder in multimedia information systems (YJG, JJL, ADN), pp. 142–145.
SIGMOD-1995-BersonGM #design #fault tolerance #multi- Fault Tolerant Design of Multimedia Servers (SB, LG, RRM), pp. 364–375.
SIGMOD-1995-Faloutsos #database #multi #tutorial- Indexing Multimedia Databases (Tutorial) (CF), p. 467.
SIGMOD-1995-FaloutsosL #algorithm #dataset #multi #named #performance #visualisation- FastMap: A Fast Algorithm for Indexing, Data-Mining and Visualization of Traditional and Multimedia Datasets (CF, KIL), pp. 163–174.
VLDB-1995-ChaudhuriGS #multi #retrieval- Retrieval of Composite Multimedia Objects (SC, SG, CS), pp. 287–298.
VLDB-1995-MoserKK #data flow #interactive #multi #named- L/MRP: A Buffer Management Strategy for Interactive Continuous Data Flows in a Multimedia DBMS (FM, AK, WK), pp. 275–286.
CHI-1995-SeligmannME #interactive #multi- Providing Assurances in a Multimedia Interactive Environment (DDS, RM, JTE), pp. 250–256.
SAC-1995-GuzdialRC #collaboration #education #interactive #learning #multi- Collaborative and multimedia interactive learning environment for engineering education (MG, NR, DC), pp. 5–9.
SAC-1995-PittasSS #documentation #hypermedia #modelling #multi- Reader’s document models and access strategies in hypermedia and multimedia systems (MP, SS, DS), pp. 253–257.
ESEC-1995-BarghoutiKC #interactive #multi #named #process #visualisation- Improvise: Interactive Multimedia Process Visualization Environment (NSB, EK, EC), pp. 28–43.
HPDC-1995-BaldoniMR #multi #order #performance #realtime- Efficient Causally Ordered Communications for Multimedia Real-Time Applications (RB, AM, MR), pp. 140–147.
HPDC-1995-GuillaudPM #multi- An ATM-Based Multimedia Integrated Manufacturing System (JFG, MRP, GM), pp. 230–237.
HPDC-1995-TachikawaT #communication #multi #protocol- Multimedia Intra-Group Communication Protocol (TT, MT), pp. 180–187.
SOSP-1995-NiehL #multi #named- SMART: A Processor Scheduler for Multimedia Applications (JN, MSL), p. 233.
HT-ECHT-1994-GarzottoMP #multi- Adding Multimedia Collections to the Dexter Model (FG, LM, PP), pp. 70–80.
SIGMOD-1994-BersonGMJ #information management #multi- Staggered Striping in Multimedia Information Systems (SB, SG, RRM, XJ), pp. 79–90.
SIGMOD-1994-LaursenOP #interactive #multi- Oracle Media Server: Providing Consumer Based Interactive Access to Multimedia Data (AL, JO, MP), pp. 470–477.
CHI-1994-CarrollAKDR94b #design #multi- Raison d’Etre: capturing design history and rationale in multimedia narratives (JMC, SRA, JK, MSVD, MBR), pp. 192–197.
CHI-1994-Ogozalek94a #comparison #interface #multi- A comparison of the use of text and multimedia interfaces to provide information to the elderly (VZO), pp. 65–71.
CHI-1994-SutcliffeF94a #design #interface #multi- Designing presentation in multimedia interfaces (AGS, PF), pp. 92–98.
SEKE-1994-ChengBG #development #distributed #information management #multi #object-oriented- The object-oriented development of a distributed multimedia environmental information system (BHCC, RHB, GCG), pp. 70–77.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-PapaGRFCM #approach #documentation #multi #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Approach to Manage Multimedia Documents (MPP, SG, GR, AF, GC, GM), pp. 35–47.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-WardPA #development #multi #object-oriented- Multimedia and Object-Oriented Development (PW, CP, FA), p. 535.
ICRE-1994-WoodCS #approach #modelling #multi #requirements- A multimedia approach to requirements capture and modeling (DPW, MGC, SMS), pp. 53–56.
SAC-1994-AwadS #multi #on-demand- Synchronization in the multimedia on-demand systems (MA, HS), pp. 1–5.
SAC-1994-HoskinsHH #behaviour #interactive #multi- An interactive multimedia system for fire behavior training (JAH, WDH, KGH), pp. 379–382.
SAC-1994-HuangL #framework #multi- A platform for multimedia information exchange (CMH, CML), pp. 551–555.
HPDC-1994-BurrellMP #analysis #capacity #implementation #multi #network #performance #protocol- Performance Analysis of a New Implementation Efficient Capacity Allocation Protocol for Multimedia Traffic in ATM Networks (AB, DM, PPK), pp. 51–60.
HPDC-1994-Stevens #multi- Multimedia Supercomputing: The Use of Supercomputers to Drive High-Performance Multimedia Systems and Virtual Environments (RS), p. 3.
HT-1993-LucarellaPZ #multi #named #retrieval- MORE: Multimedia Object Retrieval Environment (DL, SP, AZ), pp. 39–50.
HT-1993-ShibataK #hypermedia #multi #network- Dynamic Hypertext and Knowledge Agent Systems for Multimedia Information Networks (YS, MK), pp. 82–93.
HCI-ACS-1993-HainesC #development #evaluation #multi #research- Remote Coaching Multimedia Research Laboratory Development and Evaluation (RFH, SLC), pp. 191–195.
HCI-ACS-1993-VaananenH #case study #communication #guidelines #multi #testing #usability- Testing Acceptance and Usability of Multimedia in Man-Machine Communication: A Case Study and Guidelines (KV, DH), pp. 450–455.
HCI-SHI-1993-CakmakovD #multi #retrieval #user interface- An Intelligent User Interface for Multimedia Mineral Retrieval System (DC, DD), pp. 202–207.
HCI-SHI-1993-FahnrichH #aspect-oriented #human-computer #interactive #multimodal- Aspects of Multimodal and Multimedia Human-Computer Interaction (KPF, KHH), pp. 440–445.
HCI-SHI-1993-FaradayS #design #multi #towards- Toward a Walkthrough Method for Multimedia Design (PF, AGS), pp. 452–457.
HCI-SHI-1993-Graf #constraints #layout #multi #named- LAYLAB — A Constraint-Based Layout Manager for Multimedia Presentations (WG), pp. 446–451.
HCI-SHI-1993-HsiA #case study #design #multi- Navigational Issues in Multimedia Case Studies of Engineering Design (SH, AMA), pp. 464–469.
HCI-SHI-1993-HsiA93a #design #education #multi- Use of Multimedia Technology in Teaching Engineering Design (SH, AMA), pp. 778–783.
HCI-SHI-1993-KamalaSC #difference #multi #student- Individual Differences in the Use of Hyper/Multimedia by Undergraduate Students at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (TNK, JS, MEC), pp. 507–512.
HCI-SHI-1993-KirschA #approach #education #multi #using #visual notation- Using Multimedia to Teach Visual Literacy: A Systematic Approach (RPK, RMA), pp. 531–536.
HCI-SHI-1993-PattersonAM #design #multi- A Design Model for Multimedia Computer-Based Training (GP, TJA, FCM), pp. 549–554.
HCI-SHI-1993-RistA #design #multi- Designing Coherent Multimedia Presentations (TR, EA), pp. 434–439.
HCI-SHI-1993-WatersonO #multi #using- Using Animated Demonstrations in Multimedia Applications: Some Suggestions Based upon Experimental Evidence (PEW, CO), pp. 543–548.
HCI-SHI-1993-WojtkowskiW #authoring #development #multi #tool support- Multimedia Development Platforms and Authoring Tools: Practical and Theoretical Frontiers (WW, WGW), pp. 537–542.
INTERCHI-1993-BuchananZP #documentation #multi #user interface- Multimedia documents as user interfaces (MCB, PZ, KP), pp. 527–528.
INTERCHI-1993-PehrsonS #distributed #multi #network #research- The MultiG research programme: distributed multimedia applications on Gigabit networks (BP, YS), pp. 246–247.
TOOLS-USA-1993-CardenasS #database #distributed #integration #multi- Integration and Interoperability of a Multimedia Medical Distributed Database System (AFC, FS), p. 508.
SAC-1993-HitzW #analysis #development #information management #multi- Development and Analysis of a Wide Area Multimedia Information System (MH, HW), pp. 238–246.
HPDC-1993-AmerCCD #multi #partial order #reliability- Partial Order Transport Service for Multimedia Applications: Reliable Service (PDA, TJC, CC, MD), pp. 272–280.
HT-ECHT-1992-Bassi #multi #named- MuG: Multimedia Guide to the History of European Civilization (Demonstration) (BB), pp. 291–292.
HT-ECHT-1992-Benelli #multi- Multimedia HYPERAGIP (Demonstration) (MB), p. 293.
HT-ECHT-1992-Eco #education #hypermedia #learning #multi- Hypermedia for Teaching and Learning: A Multimedia Guide to the History of European Civilization (MuG) (UE), p. 288.
HT-ECHT-1992-Martucci #editing #multi- The Multimedia Editor PIM (Demonstration) (RM), p. 292.
HT-ECHT-1992-Martucci92b #infinity #multi- From Infinity to Infinity (a Multimedia History of the Universe, Demonstration) (RM), p. 292.
HT-ECHT-1992-Parascandalo #multi- Multimedia Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Sciences (RP), p. 287.
CHI-1992-EnsorACPS #communication #multi- The Rapport Multimedia Communication System (demonstration) (JRE, SRA, RBC, MP, DDS), pp. 581–582.
CHI-1992-KoonsOFL #multi- The computer Sciences Electronic Magazine: Translating from Paper to Multimedia (WRK, AMO, NJF, ML), pp. 11–18.
CHI-1992-RopaA #case study #collaboration #communication #design #interface #multi- A Case Study of a Multimedia Co-working Task and the Resulting Interface Design of a Collaborative Communication Tool (AR, BA), pp. 649–650.
CHI-1992-SukaviriyaIB #empirical #multi #prototype- Multimedia help: a prototype and an experiment (PNS, EI, KB), pp. 433–434.
CSCW-1992-VinRC #multi- System Support for Computer Mediated Multimedia Collaborations (HMV, PVR, MSC), pp. 203–209.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-DupuyD #framework #multi #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Framework for Multimedia and Multiterminal Videotex Applications (FD, SD), pp. 219–232.
TOOLS-USA-1992-Kim92a #approach #multi #named #object-oriented- Keynote: Object-Oriented Approach to Multimedia Management (WK), p. 5.
SOSP-WIP-1991-WalpoleS92 #distributed #multi #scalability- Supporting Access to Stored Multimedia Data in Large Distributed Systems (Abstract) (JW, RS), p. 28.
HPDC-1992-Berra #information management #multi #tutorial- Tutorial II: Multimedia Information Systems (PBB), p. 283.
HPDC-1992-BerraCGL #data transformation #distributed #multi #network- Issues in Networking and Data Management of Distributed Multimedia Systems (PBB, CYRC, AG, TDCL), pp. 4–15.
HPDC-1992-SchmidtBS #adaptation #architecture #flexibility #lightweight #multi #named #network #performance #protocol- ADAPTIVE: A Flexible and Adaptive Transport System Architecture to Support Lightweight Protocols for Multimedia Applications on High-Speed Networks (DCS, DFB, TS), pp. 174–186.
HPDC-1992-VarshneyD #multi #network #on the- On Flow Control in Multimedia Networks (PKV, SD), pp. 197–205.
HPDC-1992-Willebeek-LeMairSP #multi- FDDI Support for Multimedia Traffic (MWL, FS, BVP), pp. 187–196.
CHI-1991-FeinerM #coordination #generative #multi #named- COMET: generating coordinated multimedia explanations (SF, KM), pp. 449–450.
CHI-1991-FrishbergLDKK #interactive #multi- John Cocke: a retrospective by friends (an interactive multimedia scrapbook) (NJF, ML, MRD, WRK, JFK), pp. 423–424.
CHI-1991-Ropa #comprehension #design #interface #multi- Computers as communicators: designing a multimedia interface that facilitates cultural understanding among sixth graders (AR), pp. 429–430.
CHI-1991-UedaMY #authoring #interactive #multi #named- IMPACT: an interactive natural-motion-picture dedicated multimedia authoring system (HU, TM, SY), pp. 343–350.
OOPSLA-1991-Gibbs #multi- Composite Multimedia and Active Objects (SJG), pp. 97–112.
ECHT-1990-ShermanHMN #bibliography #hypermedia #multi #tool support- Building Hypertext on a Multimedia Toolkit: An Overview of Andrew Toolkit Hypermedia Facilities (MS, WJH, MM, TPN), pp. 13–24.
CHI-1990-LaurelOD #design #integration #interface #multi- Issues in multimedia interface design: media integration and interface agents (BL, TO, AD), pp. 133–139.
CSCW-1990-CrowleyMBFT #framework #multi #named- MMConf: An Infrastructure for Building Shared Multimedia Applications (TRC, PM, EB, HCF, RST), pp. 329–342.
SIGIR-1990-RabittiZ #database #multi- A Dynamic Signature Technique for Multimedia Databases (FR, PZ), pp. 193–210.
SIGIR-1989-BerrutC #approach #multi- Indexing Medical Reports in a Multimedia Environment: The RIME Experimental Approach (CB, YC), pp. 187–197.
SIGIR-1988-DamierD #component #documentation #multi- The Document Management Component of a Multimedia Data Model (CD, BD), pp. 451–464.
VLDB-1987-WoelkK #database #information management #multi #object-oriented- Multimedia Information Management in an Object-Oriented Database System (DW, WK), pp. 319–329.
SIGIR-1987-Christodoulakis #multi #retrieval- Multimedia Retrieval (SC), p. 1.
SIGMOD-1986-ChrstodoulakisHT #approach #multi #symmetry- The Multimedia Object Presentation Manager of MINOS: A Symmetric Approach (SC, FH, MT), pp. 295–310.
SIGMOD-1986-WoelkKL #approach #database #multi #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Approach to Multimedia Databases (DW, WK, WL), pp. 311–325.
CSCW-1986-Lantz #empirical #multi- An experiment in integrated multimedia conferencing (KAL), pp. 267–275.
SIGIR-1986-GallelliIM #approach #information management #multi- An Approach to Multimedia Information Management (SG, CI, PM), pp. 31–38.
VLDB-1984-ChristodoulakisVLLWWPB #development #information management #multi- Development of a Multimedia Information System for an Office Environment (SC, JV, JL, TL, SW, YW, MPP, EB), pp. 261–271.
VLDB-1983-TsichritzisCEFLLVW #multi- A Multimedia Office Filing System (DT, SC, PE, CF, AL, DL, JV, CCW), pp. 2–7.