Travelled to:
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
K.Nazemi A.Kuijper D.Burkhardt M.Breyer
Talks about:
system (2) semant (2) refer (2) model (2) comprehens (1) recommend (1) metaphor (1) interact (1) context (1) visual (1)
Person: Christian Stab
DBLP: Stab:Christian
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- HCD-2011-BurkhardtNBSK #named #semantics #using
- SemaZoom: Semantics Exploration by Using a Layer-Based Focus and Context Metaphor (DB, KN, MB, CS, AK), pp. 491–499.
- HCI-DDA-2011-NazemiSK #adaptation #visualisation
- A Reference Model for Adaptive Visualization Systems (KN, CS, AK), pp. 480–489.
- HCI-UA-2011-StabNBBK #semantics
- Interacting with Semantics and Time (CS, KN, MB, DB, AK), pp. 520–529.
- HIMI-v1-2011-BreyerNSBK #personalisation #recommendation
- A Comprehensive Reference Model for Personalized Recommender Systems (MB, KN, CS, DB, AK), pp. 528–537.