Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Italy
2 × Hungary
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Buckley ∅ B.Cleary P.O'Shea H.Leroux D.Watkins M.P.O'Brien A.L.Gear J.Coplien A.Chung L.Wang
Talks about:
program (4) visualis (3) softwar (3) framework (2) distribut (2) object (2) constructiv (1) reconnaiss (1) practition (1) comprehens (1)
Person: Christopher Exton
DBLP: Exton:Christopher
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- ICSM-2005-OBrienBE #empirical #theory and practice
- Empirically Studying Software Practitioners — Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice (MPO, JB, CE), pp. 433–442.
- IWPC-2005-OSheaE #abstraction #java
- An Investigation of Java Abstraction Usage for Program Modifications (PO, CE), pp. 65–74.
- VISSOFT-2005-ClearyGEB #eclipse #plugin #static analysis #visualisation
- A Combined Software Reconnaissance & Static Analysis Eclipse Visualisation Plug-in (BC, ALG, CE, JB), pp. 121–122.
- IWPC-2004-ClearyE #framework #named #visualisation
- CHIVE — A Program Source Visualisation Framework (BC, CE), pp. 268–270.
- IWPC-2003-BuckleyE #framework #information management #taxonomy
- Bloom’s Taxonomy: A Framework for Assessing Programmers’ Knowledge of Software Systems (JB, CE), pp. 165–174.
- IWPC-2002-Exton #comprehension
- Constructivism and Program Comprehension Strategies (CE), pp. 281–284.
- PDP-2001-LerouxE #concurrent #execution #named #object-oriented #representation #visualisation
- COOPE: A Tool for Representing Concurrent Object-Oriented Program Execution through Visualisation (HL, CE), pp. 71–76.
- TOOLS-ASIA-1997-CoplienECW #distributed
- Distributed Object Technology; the Future (JC, CE, AC, LW), pp. 416–417.
- TOOLS-ASIA-1997-Exton #distributed #fault tolerance #interface #specification #using
- Distributed Fault Tolerance Specification through the use of Interface Definitions (CE), pp. 254–259.
- TOOLS-ASIA-1997-ExtonW #c #c++
- From C to C++ (CE, DW), p. 420.