Collaborated with:
G.Danese I.D.Lotto F.Leporati G.Braschi M.Gallati M.Mazzoleni
Talks about:
parallel (2) system (2) simul (2) electrolyt (1) interact (1) process (1) vortex (1) solut (1) dedic (1) poli (1)
Person: D. Dotti
DBLP: Dotti:D=
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- PDP-1997-DaneseLDL #parallel #simulation
- Simulation of poly-electrolyte solutions on a parallel dedicated system (GD, IDL, DD, FL), pp. 468–476.
- PDP-1996-BraschiDLDGLM #interactive #parallel #simulation
- A Parallel Processing System for Simulations of Vortex Blob Interactions (GB, GD, IDL, DD, MG, FL, MM), pp. 115–122.