Travelled to:
1 × Ireland
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ R.Riser K.W.Miller L.Burkholder P.K.Covey
Talks about:
softwar (7) engin (6) ethic (4) profession (2) journal (2) develop (2) statement (1) cleanroom (1) industri (1) consider (1)
Person: Donald Gotterbarn
DBLP: Gotterbarn:Donald
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- CSEET-2001-GotterbarnM #industrial #re-engineering
- Software Engineering Ethics Training in Industry and Academe: Professionalism and the Software Engineering Code of Ethics (DG, KWM), p. 243–?.
- CSEET-1999-Gotterbarn #development
- Cleanroom, PSP, and the Software Development Impact Statement: Developing the Right Attitude (DG), p. 80–?.
- ITiCSE-1998-RiserG #online #student
- On-line journal: a tool for enchancing student journals (RR, DG), pp. 203–205.
- CSEE-1994-GotterbarnR #approach #re-engineering
- Real-World Software Engineering: A Spiral Approach to a Project-Oriented Course (DG, RR), pp. 119–150.
- SEI-1992-Gotterbarn
- Issues in Licensing Professional Software Engineers (DG), pp. 163–164.
- ICSE-1991-Gotterbarn #re-engineering
- Ethical Considerations in Software Engineering (DG), pp. 266–274.
- SEI-1989-BurkholderCG #re-engineering
- Panel on Software Engineering Ethics (LB, PKC, DG), pp. 203–207.