Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × Korea
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Pappalardo R.Giunta A.Fornaia A.D.Stefano A.Calvagna M.Milazzo G.Ursino M.Fargetta C.Santoro M.Mongiovì G.Giannone
Talks about:
applic (6) pattern (4) design (4) aspect (4) separ (3) approach (2) concern (2) mean (2) data (2) code (2)
Person: Emiliano Tramontana
DBLP: Tramontana:Emiliano
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- SAC-2015-CalvagnaFT #case study #combinator #consistency #effectiveness #random #testing
- Random versus combinatorial effectiveness in software conformance testing: a case study (AC, AF, ET), pp. 1797–1802.
- SAC-2015-MongioviGFPT #analysis #approach #data flow #detection #hybrid #java
- Combining static and dynamic data flow analysis: a hybrid approach for detecting data leaks in java applications (MM, GG, AF, GP, ET), pp. 1573–1579.
- SAC-2012-GiuntaPT #aspect-oriented #composition #design pattern #named #refactoring
- AODP: refactoring code to provide advanced aspect-oriented modularization of design patterns (RG, GP, ET), pp. 1243–1250.
- SAC-2012-GiuntaPT12a #aspect-oriented #design pattern
- Superimposing roles for design patterns into application classes by means of aspects (RG, GP, ET), pp. 1866–1868.
- SAC-2010-GiuntaPT #aspect-oriented #design pattern #using
- Using aspects and annotations to separate application code from design patterns (RG, GP, ET), pp. 2183–2189.
- SAC-2007-GiuntaPT #approach #grid #integration
- An aspect-generated approach for the integration of applications into grid (RG, GP, ET), pp. 1295–1296.
- SAC-2006-PappalardoT #automation #design pattern
- Automatically discovering design patterns and assessing concern separations for applications (GP, ET), pp. 1591–1596.
- SAC-2005-MilazzoPTU #distributed #runtime
- Handling run-time updates in distributed applications (MM, GP, ET, GU), pp. 1375–1380.
- SAC-2005-StefanoFPT #composition #metric
- Metrics for evaluating concern separation and composition (ADS, MF, GP, ET), pp. 1381–1382.
- SAC-2004-StefanoSPT #communication #framework
- Enforcing agent communication laws by means of a reflective framework (ADS, CS, GP, ET), pp. 462–468.