227 papers:
ASE-2018-HabchiBR #android #on the #performance- On adopting linters to deal with performance concerns in Android apps (SH, XB0, RR), pp. 6–16.
ECMFA-2016-BensoussanSK #reuse- Associations in MDE: A Concern-Oriented, Reusable Solution (CB, MS, JK), pp. 121–137.
GPCE-2016-KienzleMCA- Delaying decisions in variable concern hierarchies (JK, GM, PC, OA), pp. 93–103.
ICPC-2015-HillSP #evaluation #feature model #using- Exploring the use of concern element role information in feature location evaluation (EH, DCS, LLP), pp. 140–150.
MSR-2015-WangMG #api #developer #recommendation- Recommending Posts concerning API Issues in Developer Q&A Sites (WW, HM, MWG), pp. 224–234.
CHI-2015-AhmedHCCK #behaviour #people #privacy #visual notation- Privacy Concerns and Behaviors of People with Visual Impairments (TA, RH, KC, DJC, AK), pp. 3523–3532.
CHI-2015-FourneyWH- Exploring Time-Dependent Concerns about Pregnancy and Childbirth from Search Logs (AF, RWW, EH), pp. 737–746.
DHM-HM-2015-GotoLTYH #analysis #eye tracking- Analysis of Eye Movement of Caregiver Concerning on Transfer Operation (AG, ML, YT, TY, HH), pp. 58–65.
CAiSE-2015-FukusumiMK #approach #crowdsourcing #data transformation #game studies- Game Aspect: An Approach to Separation of Concerns in Crowdsourced Data Management (SF, AM, HK), pp. 3–19.
ICEIS-v2-2015-JuniorP #approach #identification #named #ontology #requirements- OnTheme/Doc — An Ontology-based Approach for Crosscutting Concern Identification from Software Requirements (PAPJ, RADP), pp. 188–200.
MoDELS-2015-SchottleK #api #modelling #reuse- Concern-oriented interfaces for model-based reuse of APIs (MS, JK), pp. 286–291.
ICSE-v2-2015-BarnBR #on the #re-engineering- On the Role of Value Sensitive Concerns in Software Engineering Practice (BSB, RB, FR), pp. 497–500.
ICSE-v2-2015-RashidMMC #re-engineering- Managing Emergent Ethical Concerns for Software Engineering in Society (AR, KM, CMC, RC), pp. 523–526.
DATE-2015-DeAntoniDTCC #concurrent #domain-specific language #metalanguage #towards- Towards a meta-language for the concurrency concern in DSLs (JD, PID, CT, JC, BC), pp. 313–316.
ICSME-2014-BellomoENO #performance- Evolutionary Improvements of Cross-Cutting Concerns: Performance in Practice (SB, NAE, RLN, IO), pp. 545–548.
DLT-J-2013-IbarraR14 #complexity- Some Decision Questions Concerning the Time Complexity of Language Acceptors (OHI, BR), pp. 1127–1140.
LATA-2014-Vorel #automaton #complexity #problem #word- Complexity of a Problem Concerning Reset Words for Eulerian Binary Automata (VV), pp. 576–587.
CHI-2014-DiSalvoLLJK #design #how #human-computer #matter- Making public things: how HCI design can express matters of concern (CFD, JL, TL, TJ, TK), pp. 2397–2406.
HIMI-AS-2014-OhtaK #evaluation- The Relationships between the Products and Affective Evaluation Concerning Uniqueness (YO, KK), pp. 622–630.
CAiSE-2014-PadilhaPFAGS #detection #effectiveness #empirical #metric #on the #smell- On the Effectiveness of Concern Metrics to Detect Code Smells: An Empirical Study (JP, JAP, EF, JMA, AG, CS), pp. 656–671.
ICEIS-v1-2014-RezendeJC #communication #problem #workflow- Possibilistic Interorganizational Workflow Net for the Recovery Problem Concerning Communication Failures (LPdR, SJ, JC), pp. 432–439.
ICEIS-v2-2014-SilvaMS #aspect-oriented #bibliography #evaluation #performance #programming- A Systematic Review on Performance Evaluation of Aspect-Oriented Programming Techniques used to Implement Crosscutting Concerns (RFGdS, MdAM, MSS), pp. 5–13.
RE-2014-RahimiMC #automation #quality #requirements #specification #visualisation- Automated extraction and visualization of quality concerns from requirements specifications (MR, MM, JCH), pp. 253–262.
SAC-2014-Fernandez-MarquezSSYDZ #approach #mobile #self- Self-managing and self-organising mobile computing applications: a separation of concerns approach (JLFM, GDMS, GS, JY, SD, FZ), pp. 458–465.
SLE-J-2012-GuizzardiZ #concept #modelling #ontology #using- Using a trope-based foundational ontology for bridging different areas of concern in ontology-driven conceptual modeling (GG, VZ), pp. 417–443.
ICSM-2013-HillSPV- Differentiating Roles of Program Elements in Action-Oriented Concerns (EH, DS, LLP, KVS), pp. 376–379.
ICSM-2013-LeWL #locality #multi- Multi-abstraction Concern Localization (TDBL, SW, DL), pp. 364–367.
CIAA-2013-IbarraR #problem- Some Decision Problems Concerning NPDAs, Palindromes, and Dyck Languages (OHI, BR), pp. 193–207.
DLT-2013-IbarraR #complexity- Some Decision Questions Concerning the Time Complexity of Language Acceptors (OHI, BR), pp. 264–276.
IFM-2013-HudonH #design- Systems Design Guided by Progress Concerns (SH, TSH), pp. 16–30.
CHI-2013-LetondalHLVC #design- Flights in my hands: coherence concerns in designing strip’tic, a tangible space for air traffic controllers (CL, CH, RL, JLV, SC), pp. 2175–2184.
HCI-AS-2013-RabieN #challenge #ontology- Discussion of Some Challenges Concerning Biomedical Ontologies (OR, AFN), pp. 173–180.
HIMI-D-2013-UedaA #people #predict #using- Prediction of the Concern of People Using CGM (YU, YA), pp. 284–292.
ICEIS-v2-2013-JuniorVDCCP #aspect-oriented #modelling #object-oriented #refactoring- Concern-based Refactorings Supported by Class Models to Reengineer Object-Oriented Software into Aspect-Oriented Ones (PAPJ, MCV, RSD, VVdC, HAXC, RADP), pp. 46–57.
ICML-c2-2013-DasBBG #automation #modelling #topic- Subtle Topic Models and Discovering Subtly Manifested Software Concerns Automatically (MKD, SB, CB, KG), pp. 253–261.
SEKE-2013-AndradeM #adaptation #architecture #design #feedback #self- Architectural Design Spaces for Feedback Control Concerns in Self-Adaptive Systems (SSA, RJdAM), pp. 741–746.
SEKE-2013-KatoSWF #comparative #evaluation #paradigm #programming- Comparative Evaluation of Programming Paradigms: Separation of Concerns with Object-, Aspect-, and Context-Oriented Programming (FK, KS, HW, YF), pp. 594–599.
SEKE-2013-MarcalGCJ #identification #mining #repository #using- Mining Software Repository to Identify Crosscutting Concerns Using Combined Techniques (IM, REG, RCMC, COJ), pp. 338–343.
MoDELS-2013-AlamKM #design- Concern-Oriented Software Design (OA, JK, GM), pp. 604–621.
OOPSLA-2013-BhattacharyaGN #detection #program analysis- Combining concern input with program analysis for bloat detection (SB, KG, MGN), pp. 745–764.
RE-2013-MussbacherK #requirements- A vision for generic concern-oriented requirements reusere@21 (GM, JK), pp. 238–249.
SAC-2013-DurelliSADC #mining #overview- A systematic review on mining techniques for crosscutting concerns (RSD, DSMS, NA, MED, VVdC), pp. 1080–1087.
CSMR-2012-HashimotoM #analysis #fine-grained #mining- Enhancing History-Based Concern Mining with Fine-Grained Change Analysis (MH, AM), pp. 75–84.
ICPC-2012-SilvaSCG #metric- Concern-based cohesion: Unveiling a hidden dimension of cohesion measurement (BCdS, CS, CC, AG), pp. 103–112.
SCAM-2012-HillRK #debugging #java #locality #on the #using- On the Use of Stemming for Concern Location and Bug Localization in Java (EH, SR, ACK), pp. 184–193.
CAiSE-2012-SchmelingCMM #composition #non-functional #towards- Towards Conflict-Free Composition of Non-functional Concerns (BS, AC, MM, MM), pp. 80–94.
SIGIR-2012-WhiteH #persistent- Studies of the onset and persistence of medical concerns in search logs (RWW, EH), pp. 265–274.
AdaEurope-2012-MartinezV #component #development #modelling #requirements- Handling Synchronization Requirements under Separation of Concerns in Model-Driven Component-Based Development (PLM, TV), pp. 89–104.
RE-2012-AmyotLKK #development- Concern-driven development with jUCMNav (DA, SL, JK, JK), pp. 319–320.
FSE-2012-WalkerRS #composition #problem #question- Do crosscutting concerns cause modularity problems? (RJW, SR, JS), p. 49.
ICSE-2012-AlvesSF #named #smell- ConcernReCS: Finding code smells in software aspectization (PA, DS, EF), pp. 1463–1464.
ICSE-2012-MirakhorliSCC #approach #automation #quality #traceability- A tactic-centric approach for automating traceability of quality concerns (MM, YS, JCH, MÇ), pp. 639–649.
SAC-2012-SantosCSLB #analysis #heuristic #identification #modelling #process- Analysis of heuristics to identify crosscutting concerns in business process models (FJNS, CC, FMS, JCSdPL, TVB), pp. 1725–1726.
ECSA-2011-TekinerdoganS #architecture #quality- Defining Architectural Viewpoints for Quality Concerns (BT, HS), pp. 26–34.
WICSA-2011-ParetoSEE #architecture- Prioritizing Architectural Concerns (LP, AS, PE, SE), pp. 22–31.
WICSA-2011-PetrovBN #analysis #architecture #design #enterprise #multi- The Need for a Multilevel Context-Aware Software Architecture Analysis and Design Method with Enterprise and System Architecture Concerns as First Class Entities (PP, UB, RLN), pp. 147–156.
CSMR-2011-NunesGFL #evaluation- Revealing Mistakes in Concern Mapping Tasks: An Experimental Evaluation (CN, AG, EF, CJPdL), pp. 101–110.
ICSM-2011-RastkarMB #generative #natural language #source code #summary- Generating natural language summaries for crosscutting source code concerns (SR, GCM, AWJB), pp. 103–112.
WCRE-2011-WangLXJ #empirical #information retrieval #kernel #linux #locality #using- Concern Localization using Information Retrieval: An Empirical Study on Linux Kernel (SW, DL, ZX, LJ), pp. 92–96.
CIAA-2011-Martyugin #automaton #complexity #problem #word- Complexity of Problems Concerning Reset Words for Cyclic and Eulerian Automata (PM), pp. 238–249.
CHI-2011-NguyenBBH #empirical #privacy #video- Situating the concern for information privacy through an empirical study of responses to video recording (DHN, AB, AGB, GRH), pp. 3207–3216.
DUXU-v2-2011-ObermeierBSV #aspect-oriented #automation #evaluation #modelling #object-oriented #programming #usability- Fundamental Aspects Concerning the Usability Evaluation of Model-Driven Object Oriented Programming Approaches in Machine and Plant Automation (MO, SB, KS, BVH), pp. 497–506.
HIMI-v1-2011-Asahi #behaviour #privacy #research #ubiquitous- Privacy Concern in Ubiquitous Society and Research on Consumer Behavior (YA), pp. 291–300.
HIMI-v1-2011-Ugai #visualisation- Visualizing Stakeholder Concerns with Anchored Map (TU), pp. 268–277.
ICEIS-J-2011-AliPTD11a #query- Incorporating Data Concerns into Query Languages for Data Services (MIA, RP, HLT, SD), pp. 132–145.
ICEIS-v1-2011-AliPTD #integration #query- Data Concern Aware Querying for the Integration of Data Services (MIA, RP, HLT, SD), pp. 111–119.
MLDM-2011-Garcia-ConstantinoCNRST #classification #generative #summary #using- An Investigation Concerning the Generation of Text Summarisation Classifiers Using Secondary Data (MGC, FC, PJN, AR, CS, AT), pp. 387–398.
SEKE-2011-FerreiraS #behaviour #case study- Use Case Driven Extension of ProjectIT-RSL to Support Behavioral Concerns (DdAF, ARdS), pp. 740–745.
SEKE-2011-ShiozukaUK #debugging- Debug Concern Navigator (MS, NU, YK), pp. 197–202.
BX-2011-Brandt #enterprise #graph grammar #modelling #on the #requirements- On the role of Triple Graph Grammars Concerning Requirements for Enterprise Modeling (CB), p. 54.
PLATEAU-2011-FreyGS #categorisation #category theory #comprehension- Categorization of concerns: a categorical program comprehension model (TF, MG, GS), pp. 73–82.
ASE-2011-GarciaPMMC #architecture #using- Enhancing architectural recovery using concerns (JG, DP, CM, NM, YC), pp. 552–555.
ASE-2011-RobinsonNS #data access #flexibility #named- GitBAC: Flexible access control for non-modular concerns (MR, JN, MS), pp. 500–503.
ASE-2011-SoltaniAHGB #automation #feature model- Automated planning for feature model configuration based on stakeholders’ business concerns (SS, MA, MH, DG, EB), pp. 536–539.
ICSE-2011-MirakhorliC #architecture #assurance- Tracing architectural concerns in high assurance systems (MM, JCH), pp. 908–911.
SAC-2011-HorieMC #distributed #weaving- Distributed dynamic weaving is a crosscutting concern (MH, SM, SC), pp. 1353–1360.
SLE-2011-JoncheereS #composition #using #workflow- Uniform Modularization of Workflow Concerns Using Unify (NJ, RVDS), pp. 77–96.
DATE-2011-AliCMB #encryption #hardware #multi #security- Multi-level attacks: An emerging security concern for cryptographic hardware (SA, RSC, DM, SB), pp. 1176–1179.
SIGITE-2010-RutherfoordR #internet #privacy #security- Privacy and ethical concerns in internet security (RHR, JKR), pp. 131–134.
ICPC-2010-BernardiL #identification #object-oriented- The ConAn Tool to Identify Crosscutting Concerns in Object Oriented Systems (MLB, GADL), pp. 48–49.
SEKE-2010-NakagawaTM #configuration management #testing- Software Configuration Management as a Crosscutting Concern: An Example on Software Testing (EYN, JVTT, JCM), pp. 628–633.
MoDELS-v2-2010-JohannesA #composition #development #modelling #process- Concern-Based (de)composition of Model-Driven Software Development Processes (JJ, UA), pp. 47–62.
OOPSLA-2010-ChibaIZ #compilation #composition- Mostly modular compilation of crosscutting concerns by contextual predicate dispatch (SC, AI, SZ), pp. 539–554.
ICSE-2010-AdamsJH #identification #using- Identifying crosscutting concerns using historical code changes (BA, ZMJ, AEH), pp. 305–314.
ICSE-2010-Rastkar- Summarizing software concerns (SR), pp. 527–528.
SAC-2010-AntonelliRL #domain model #identification- Early identification of crosscutting concerns in the domain model guided by states (LA, GR, JCSdPL), pp. 275–280.
SAC-2010-CaetanoST #composition #principle #process- A method for business process decomposition based on the separation of concerns principle (AC, ARS, JMT), pp. 79–85.
SAC-2010-MateosCZC #design pattern #pervasive- Separation of concerns in service-oriented applications based on pervasive design patterns (CM, MC, AZ, MRC), pp. 849–853.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-FigueiredoGKGSPMSBRBAZM #architecture #case study #detection- Detecting architecture instabilities with concern traces: An exploratory study (EF, IG, SSK, AG, CS, AP, ALM, LFdS, TVB, RAR, PvdB, MA, SZ, AMDM), pp. 261–264.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-GuL #architecture #on the- On service-oriented architectural concerns and viewpoints (QG, PL), pp. 289–292.
CSMR-2009-Trifu #approach #identification- Improving the Dataflow-Based Concern Identification Approach (MT), pp. 109–118.
ICPC-2009-RatanotayanonS- Creating task-based concern maps by merging concern fragments (SR, SES), pp. 299–300.
WCRE-1999-BernardiL99a #analysis #identification #named #object-oriented- ConAn: A Tool for the Identification of Crosscutting Concerns in Object Oriented Systems Based on Type Hierarchy Analysis (MLB, GADL), pp. 319–320.
WCRE-1999-CostaJCP99a #modelling- Recovering Class Models Stereotyped with Crosscutting Concerns (HAXC, PAPJ, VVdC, RADP), pp. 311–312.
CHI-2009-KarlsonBS #comprehension #mobile- Can I borrow your phone?: understanding concerns when sharing mobile phones (AKK, AJBB, SES), pp. 1647–1650.
CHI-2009-KlasnjaCJGLPW #privacy #quote- “When I am on Wi-Fi, I am fearless”: privacy concerns & practices in everyday Wi-Fi use (PVK, SC, JJ, BG, LL, PP, DW), pp. 1993–2002.
CHI-2009-NovW #privacy #social- Social computing privacy concerns: antecedents and effects (ON, SW), pp. 333–336.
ICEIS-J-2009-OrleansZ #information management #middleware #named- MIDAS: A Middleware for Information Systems with QoS Concerns (LFO, GZ), pp. 3–13.
SEKE-2009-MajumdarB #graph- Separating The Scattered Concerns: A Graph Based Model (DM, SB), pp. 715–720.
MoDELS-2009-ParetoEE #development #empirical- Concern Visibility in Base Station Development — An Empirical Investigation (LP, PE, SE), pp. 196–210.
MoDELS-2009-ParetoEE #development #empirical- Concern Visibility in Base Station Development — An Empirical Investigation (LP, PE, SE), pp. 196–210.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-HovsepyanBBJ #domain-specific language #modelling #specification- Specifying and Composing Concerns Expressed in Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (AH, SVB, YB, WJ), pp. 116–135.
ASE-2009-GonzalezCD #analysis #automation #implementation #workflow- Automating the Implementation of Analysis Concerns in Workflow Applications (OG, RC, DD), pp. 585–589.
ASE-2009-NistorH #development- Explicit Concern-Driven Development with ArchEvol (ECN, AvdH), pp. 185–196.
ESEC-FSE-2009-FigueiredoWG #detection #named- ConcernMorph: metrics-based detection of crosscutting patterns (EF, JW, AFG), pp. 299–300.
ICSE-2009-TreudeS09a #named #timeline- ConcernLines: A timeline view of co-occurring concerns (CT, MADS), pp. 575–578.
SAC-2009-KurpjuweitW #architecture #re-engineering- Concern-oriented business architecture engineering (SK, RW), pp. 265–272.
SAC-2009-RouvoyEB #adaptation #dependence #self #ubiquitous #weaving- Dynamic planning and weaving of dependability concerns for self-adaptive ubiquitous services (RR, FE, MB), pp. 1021–1028.
SAC-2009-SchippersHH #implementation- An implementation substrate for languages composing modularized crosscutting concerns (HS, MH, RH), pp. 1944–1951.
SLE-2009-GroenewegenV #domain-specific language #integration #user interface #validation #web- Integration of Data Validation and User Interface Concerns in a DSL for Web Applications (DMG, EV), pp. 164–173.
ICST-2009-HillTES #component #distributed #non-functional #testing- Unit Testing Non-functional Concerns of Component-based Distributed Systems (JHH, HAT, JRE, DCS), pp. 406–415.
CSMR-2008-FigueiredoSGBCM #aspect-oriented #framework #maintenance #metric #on the- On the Maintainability of Aspect-Oriented Software: A Concern-Oriented Measurement Framework (EF, CS, AG, TTB, WC, AM), pp. 183–192.
CSMR-2008-Trifu #data flow #identification #object-oriented #using- Using Dataflow Information for Concern Identification in Object-Oriented Software Systems (MT), pp. 193–202.
ICSM-2008-ZhuLKM #design #maintenance- Characterizing maintainability concerns in autonomic element design (QZ, LL, HMK, HAM), pp. 197–206.
WCRE-2008-IshioDMI #detection #java #mining #source code- Mining Coding Patterns to Detect Crosscutting Concerns in Java Programs (TI, HD, TM, KI), pp. 123–132.
AFL-2008-Martyugin #automaton #commutative #complexity #problem #word- Complexity of problems concerning reset words for commutative automata and automata with simple idempotents (PVM), pp. 314–324.
CSCW-2008-DanisS #enterprise #wiki- A wiki instance in the enterprise: opportunities, concerns and reality (CD, DS), pp. 495–504.
CAiSE-2008-NanardRNGP #navigation #web- Concern-Sensitive Navigation: Improving Navigation in Web Software through Separation of Concerns (JN, GR, MN, SEG, LP), pp. 420–434.
SEKE-2008-MahoneyE #monitoring #using- Using Scenario Monitoring to Address State Based Crosscutting Concerns (MM, TE), pp. 581–586.
SIGIR-2008-McNameeNM- Don’t have a stemmer?: be un+concern+ed (PM, CKN, JM), pp. 813–814.
ECMDA-FA-2008-HovsepyanBBJ #composition #reuse- Generic Reusable Concern Compositions (AH, SVB, YB, WJ), pp. 231–245.
OOPSLA-2008-SchippersJHH #semantics- Delegation-based semantics for modularizing crosscutting concerns (HS, DJ, MH, RH), pp. 525–542.
ICSE-2008-WhittleWH #case study #execution #modelling #security- Executable misuse cases for modeling security concerns (JW, DW, MH), pp. 121–130.
ECSA-2007-MansetVM #architecture #grid #model transformation- Managing Separation of Concerns in Grid Applications Through Architectural Model Transformations (DM, HV, RM), pp. 308–312.
ECSA-2007-SantAnnaFGL #architecture #composition #framework #metric #on the- On the Modularity of Software Architectures: A Concern-Driven Measurement Framework (CS, EF, AFG, CJPdL), pp. 207–224.
JCDL-2007-DruinWMB #case study #library #using- Children’s interests and concerns when using the international children’s digital library: a four-country case study (AD, AW, SM, BBB), pp. 167–176.
ICPC-2007-ReinikainenHLKS #comprehension #query- Software Comprehension through Concern-based Queries (TR, IH, JL, KK, TS), pp. 265–270.
ICSM-2007-Bruntink #analysis #legacy- Analysis and Transformation of Idiomatic Crosscutting Concerns in Legacy Software Systems (MB), pp. 499–500.
SCAM-2007-AversanoCP #design pattern #evolution- Relating the Evolution of Design Patterns and Crosscutting Concerns (LA, LC, MDP), pp. 180–192.
SCAM-2007-MarinMD #migration- An Integrated Crosscutting Concern Migration Strategy and its Application to JHOTDRAW (MM, LM, AvD), pp. 101–110.
WCRE-2007-MarinMD- Documenting Typical Crosscutting Concerns (MM, LM, AvD), pp. 31–40.
CAiSE-2007-SilvaAMC #design #social #using- Designing Social Patterns Using Advanced Separation of Concerns (CTLLS, JA, AMDM, JC), pp. 309–323.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-MehrS #modelling #security #uml- Modelling of Message Security Concerns with UML (FM, US), pp. 365–374.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-Godet-BarRDJ #analysis #human-computer- Interactional Objects: HCI Concerns in the Analysis Phase of the Symphony Method (GGB, DR, SDC, DJ), pp. 37–44.
SEKE-2007-SadjadiMSABE #development- Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications (SMS, JM, TS, LA, RMB, JE), pp. 456–461.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-GoderisDPD #declarative #framework #user interface- DEUCE : A Declarative Framework for Extricating User Interface Concerns (SG, DD, EVP, TD), pp. 87–104.
RE-2007-MetzgerHPSS #analysis #automation #documentation #formal method #product line #variability- Disambiguating the Documentation of Variability in Software Product Lines: A Separation of Concerns, Formalization and Automated Analysis (AM, PH, KP, PYS, GS), pp. 243–253.
ASE-2007-DagenaisBWR #evolution #traceability- Inferring structural patterns for concern traceability in evolving software (BD, SB, FWW, MPR), pp. 254–263.
ICSE-2007-MarinMD #documentation #named- SoQueT: Query-Based Documentation of Crosscutting Concerns (MM, LM, AvD), pp. 758–761.
SAC-2007-CleenewerckK #domain-specific language #semantics- Separation of concerns in translational semantics for DSLs in model engineering (TC, IK), pp. 985–992.
ICSM-2006-BoulangerR #interface- Managing Concern Interfaces (JSB, MPR), pp. 14–23.
ICSM-2006-CanforaCP #co-evolution #identification #on the #using- On the Use of Line Co-change for Identifying Crosscutting Concern Code (GC, LC, MDP), pp. 213–222.
ICSM-2006-Robillard #empirical #evolution #source code- Tracking Concerns in Evolving Source Code: An Empirical Study (MPR), pp. 479–482.
MSR-2006-BreuZL #eclipse #mining- Mining eclipse for cross-cutting concerns (SB, TZ, CL), pp. 94–97.
MSR-2006-HammoudaK #mining #repository- Concern based mining of heterogeneous software repositories (IH, KK), pp. 80–86.
WCRE-2006-Krinke #control flow #graph #mining- Mining Control Flow Graphs for Crosscutting Concerns (JK), pp. 334–342.
WCRE-2006-MarinMD #framework #mining- A common framework for aspect mining based on crosscutting concern sorts (MM, LM, AvD), pp. 29–38.
CAiSE-2006-MoreiraAW #aspect-oriented #modelling- Modeling Volatile Concerns as Aspects (AMDM, JA, JW), pp. 544–558.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-SoeiroBM #composition #specification #xml- An XML-Based Language for Specification and Composition of Aspectual Concerns (ES, ISB, AMDM), pp. 410–419.
ICPR-v3-2006-YoshimuraHM #comparison- Comparison of Structural Variables with Spatio-temporal Variables Concerning the Identifiability of Okuri Class and Player in Japanese Traditional Dancing (MY, KH, YM), pp. 308–311.
OOPSLA-2006-KitMB #analysis #requirements #semantics #using- Isolating and relating concerns in requirements using latent semantic analysis (LKK, CKM, ELAB), pp. 383–396.
ICSE-2006-DengSG #aspect-oriented #deployment #development #distributed #embedded #modelling #realtime- Addressing crosscutting deployment and configuration concerns of distributed real-time and embedded systems via aspect-oriented & model-driven software development (GD, DCS, ASG), pp. 811–814.
SAC-2006-CicchettiRP #data-driven #development #modelling #weaving #web- Weaving concerns in model based development of data-intensive web applications (AC, DDR, AP), pp. 1256–1261.
SAC-2006-MaiaMFCS #grid #process- A process for separation of crosscutting grid concerns (PHMM, NCM, VF, WC, KBS), pp. 1569–1574.
SAC-2006-PappalardoT #automation #design pattern- Automatically discovering design patterns and assessing concern separations for applications (GP, ET), pp. 1591–1596.
SAC-2006-WuBGRM #compilation #development #using- Separation of concerns in compiler development using aspect-orientation (XW, BRB, JGG, SR, MM), pp. 1585–1590.
FASE-2006-MiliSLME- Concerned About Separation (HM, HAS, HL, HM, AE), pp. 247–261.
WICSA-2005-LandBLC #architecture #case study #experience #industrial #integration- Architectural Concerns When Selecting an In-House Integration Strategy — Experiences from Industry (RL, LB, SL, IC), pp. 274–275.
WICSA-2005-WangSM #analysis #architecture #named- ACCA: An Architecture-Centric Concern Analysis Method (ZW, KS, NHM), pp. 99–108.
ICSM-2005-BruntinkDT- Isolating Idiomatic Crosscutting Concerns (MB, AvD, TT), pp. 37–46.
ICSM-2005-MarcusR #concept #identification #source code- Identifications of Concepts, Features, and Concerns in Source Code (AM, VR), p. 718.
ICSM-2005-MarinMD #classification- A Classification of Crosscutting Concerns (MM, LM, AvD), pp. 673–676.
IWPC-2005-RevelleBC #case study #comprehension- Understanding Concerns in Software: Insights Gained from Two Case Studies (MR, TB, DC), pp. 23–32.
WCRE-2005-TrifuK #object-oriented- Capturing Nontrivial Concerns in Object-Oriented Software (MT, VK), pp. 99–108.
CAiSE-2005-GordilloRS #hypermedia #modelling #physics- Separation of Structural Concerns in Physical Hypermedia Models (SEG, GR, DS), pp. 446–459.
CAiSE-2005-MoreiraAR #requirements- A Concern-Oriented Requirements Engineering Model (AMDM, JA, AR), pp. 293–308.
ECOOP-2005-KiczalesM- Separation of Concerns with Procedures, Annotations, Advice and Pointcuts (GK, MM), pp. 195–213.
RE-2005-MoreiraRA #multi #requirements- Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns in Requirements Engineering (AMDM, AR, JA), pp. 285–296.
ICSE-2005-ChungHKOSTCCHJ- The concern manipulation environment (WC, WHH, VJK, HO, SMSJ, PLT, MC, AC, HH, SJ), pp. 666–667.
SAC-2005-CarvalhoL #abstraction #composition #distributed #parallel #performance #programming- The # model: separation of concerns for reconciling modularity, abstraction and efficiency in distributed parallel programming (FHdCJ, RDL), pp. 1357–1364.
SAC-2005-StefanoFPT #composition #metric- Metrics for evaluating concern separation and composition (ADS, MF, GP, ET), pp. 1381–1382.
SAC-2005-WuRBGM #2d #compilation- A two-dimensional separation of concerns for compiler construction (XW, SR, BRB, JGG, MM), pp. 1365–1369.
ICSM-2004-BruntinkDTE #clone detection #detection #evaluation #identification- An Evaluation of Clone Detection Techniques for Identifying Crosscutting Concerns (MB, AvD, TT, RvE), pp. 200–209.
ICEIS-v2-2004-LoucaRGM #3d #multi #research- Multi-Agent Propositions to Manage Organizational Knowledge: Position Paper Concerning a Three-Dimensional Research Project (JL, CR, FG, VM), pp. 436–441.
ICEIS-v3-2004-ZviranNH #internet #privacy- Privacy Concerns in Internet Applications (MZ, SN, DH), pp. 592–595.
UML-2004-GeorgRF #specification- Specifying Cross-Cutting Requirement Concerns (GG, RR, RBF), pp. 113–127.
RE-2004-SousaC #non-functional #requirements- Improving the Separation of Non-Functional Concerns in Requirements Artifacts (GMCdS, JC), pp. 350–351.
ASE-2004-HammoudaKPKM #adaptation #framework #uml- Adaptable Concern-Based Framework Specialization in UML (IH, JK, MP, MK, TM), pp. 78–87.
ICSE-2004-Rajan #integration- One More Step in the Direction of Modularized Integration Concerns (HR), pp. 36–38.
SAC-2004-LimniotesPA #communication #coordination #web #web service- Web Services: separation of concerns: computation coordination communication (TAL, GAP, FA), pp. 492–497.
ICSM-2003-SouterSP #testing- Testing with Respect to Concerns (ALS, DS, LLP), p. 54–?.
SCAM-2003-KortL #re-engineering- Parse-Tree Annotations Meet Re-Engineering Concerns (JK, RL), p. 161–?.
ASE-2003-RobillardM #automation #process- Automatically Inferring Concern Code from Program Investigation Activities (MPR, GCM), pp. 225–235.
ESEC-FSE-2003-BatoryLS #multi- Refinements and multi-dimensional separation of concerns (DSB, JL, JNS), pp. 48–57.
ICSE-2003-RobillardM #source code- FEAT. A Tool for Locating, Describing, and Analyzing Concerns in Source Code (MPR, GCM), pp. 822–823.
SAC-2003-CazierSL #privacy #trust- Addressing E-Business Privacy Concerns: The Roles of Trust and Value Compatibility (JC, BS, RSL), pp. 617–622.
PDP-2003-DustdarG #architecture #collaboration #distributed #mobile- Architectural concerns in distributed and mobile collaborative systems (SD, HCG), pp. 475–483.
ICSM-2002-LaiM #behaviour #modelling- Behavioural Concern Modelling for Software Change Tasks (AL, GCM), pp. 112–121.
ICSM-2002-MullerTH #programming- Two Controlled Experiments Concerning the Usefulness of Assertions as a Means for Programming (MMM, RT, OH), pp. 84–92.
EDOC-2002-MarvieMG #architecture #component #distributed #modelling- Separation of Concerns in Modeling Distributed Component-Based Architectures (RM, PM, JMG), pp. 144–154.
SEKE-2002-DustdarG #architecture #collaboration #distributed #mobile- Architectural concerns in distributed and mobile collaborative systems (SD, HCG), pp. 521–522.
SPLC-2002-Zyl #architecture #product line- Product Line Architecture and the Separation of Concerns (JvZ), pp. 90–109.
ICSE-2002-Robillard #representation #source code- A representation for describing and analyzing concerns in source code (MPR), pp. 721–722.
ICSE-2002-RobillardM #dependence #graph #using- Concern graphs: finding and describing concerns using structural program dependencies (MPR, GCM), pp. 406–416.
ICSE-2002-TarrOS #java #multi #named- Hyper/J: multi-dimensional separation of concerns for Java (PLT, HO, SMSJ), pp. 689–690.
DLT-2001-HalavaH #morphism- An Undecidability Result Concerning Periodic Morphisms (VH, TH), pp. 304–310.
ICALP-2001-HarjuIKS #morphism- Decision Questions Concerning Semilinearity, Morphisms, and Commutation of Languages (TH, OHI, JK, AS), pp. 579–590.
UML-2001-CrettazKSS #approach- Integrating the ConcernBASE Approach with SADL (VC, MMK, SS, AS), pp. 166–181.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-HollanderMN- The e Language: A Fresh Separation of Concerns (YH, MM, AN), pp. 41–50.
GCSE-2001-ZhangJS #approach #product line- XVCL Approach to Separating Concerns in Product Family Assets (HZ, SJ, SMS), pp. 36–47.
ICSE-2001-OssherT #java #multi #named- Hyper/JTM: Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns for JavaTM (HO, PLT), pp. 821–822.
ICSE-2001-TarrO #java #multi #named- Hyper/JTM: Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns for JavaTM (PLT, HO), pp. 729–730.
OOPSLA-2000-HerrmannM #case study #multi #named #re-engineering- PIROL: a case study for multidimensional separation of concerns in software engineering environments (SH, MM), pp. 188–207.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-PawlakDFMS #component #distributed- Distributed Separation of Concerns with Aspect Components (RP, LD, GF, LM, LS), pp. 276–287.
ICSE-2000-OssherT #java #multi #named- Hyper/J: multi-dimensional separation of concerns for Java (HO, PLT), pp. 734–737.
WICSA-1999-AndradeGXC #architecture #automation #code generation- Architectural Concerns in Automating Code Generation (LFA, JG, PJX, JAC), pp. 495–510.
CHI-1999-OmoiguiHGGS #named- Time-Compression: Systems Concerns, Usage, and Benefits (NO, LH, AG, JG, ES), pp. 136–143.
ICEIS-1999-FerreiraMS #interactive #visualisation- Supporting Decisions Concerning Location-Routing of Obnoxious Facilities: An Application Example of Visualization and Interaction Techniques (CF, ABdM, BSS), pp. 74–81.
ASE-1999-Stirewalt #user interface- Separating Concerns in Direct Manipulation User Interfaces (KS), p. 199–?.
ICSE-1999-TarrOHS #multi- N Degrees of Separation: Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns (PLT, HO, WHH, SMSJ), pp. 107–119.
HCI-SEC-1997-FariasA #design #interactive- Design Principles for a Training Software Agent: Issues Concerning Agent-User Interaction (AF, TNA), pp. 181–184.
SEKE-1995-Cooke #migration #process- Preliminary Thoughts Concerning The Interphase Activity of Requirement Migration (DEC), pp. 166–172.
DAC-1995-Najm #correlation #estimation #feedback- Feedback, Correlation, and Delay Concerns in the Power Estimation of VLSI Circuits (FNN), pp. 612–617.
ICRE-1994-Alford #complexity #requirements #using- Attacking requirements complexity using a separation of concerns (MWA), pp. 2–5.
VLDB-1993-Cohen #database #query #scalability- A Practical Issue Concerning Very Large Data Bases: The Need for Query Governors (GC), pp. 705–706.
ICALP-1993-IbarraJTW #decidability- New Decidability Results Concerning Two-way Counter Machines and Applications (OHI, TJ, NQT, HW), pp. 313–324.
HCI-ACS-1993-LeGrande #health #industrial- VDT Repetitive Motion Health Concerns in the U.S. Telecommunications Industry (DEL), pp. 780–785.
INTERCHI-1993-TaylorJ #development #user interface- Separations of concerns in the Chiron-1 user interface development and management system (RNT, GFJ), pp. 367–374.
ICALP-1992-IbarraT #automaton #finite- New Results Concerning Synchronized Finite Automata (OHI, NQT), pp. 126–137.
KR-1989-BylanderATJ #abduction #complexity- Some Results Concerning the Computational Complexity of Abduction (TB, DA, MCT, JRJ), pp. 44–54.
ICALP-1986-Aurenhammer #diagrams- A New Duality Result Concerning Voronoi Diagrams (FA), pp. 21–30.
DAC-1985-PidgeonF #design #development #quality- Development concerns for a software design quality expert system (CWP, PAF), pp. 562–568.
ICALP-1983-CulikS #ambiguity #problem- Ambiguity and Decision Problems Concerning Number Systems (KCI, AS), pp. 137–146.
DAC-1979-Kane #automation #design- Design Automation concerns (JBK), pp. 347–348.
ICALP-1977-JonesS #complexity #problem- Complexity of Some Problems Concerning L Systems (NDJ, SS), pp. 301–308.
ICALP-1972-Schnorr #programming #question- Does the Computational Speed-up Concern Programming? (CPS), pp. 585–591.
STOC-1971-Munro #algorithm #performance- Some Results Concerning Efficient and Optimal Algorithms (JIM), pp. 40–44.