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Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × Finland
1 × Greece
1 × Jamaica
1 × Latvia
1 × Norway
1 × Poland
1 × South Korea
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Sweden
3 × Germany
3 × Italy
Collaborated with:
J.P.A.Almeida R.d.A.Falbo V.Zamborlini M.v.Sinderen N.Guarino B.Gonçalves J.G.P.Filho L.F.Pires A.B.Benevides F.B.Ruy M.P.Barcellos C.L.B.Azevedo V.A.d.Carvalho P.S.S.Jr. K.C.Duarte F.Li J.Horkoff A.Borgida L.Liu J.Mylopoulos M.Lopes F.A.Baião R.V.Andreão G.Wagner J.P.A.Almeida D.A.C.Quartel M.Iacob A.C.C.Natali G.Bertollo F.F.Ruy P.G.Mian R.S.S.Guizzardi J.C.Nardi
Talks about:
ontolog (21) model (11) base (8) conceptu (7) domain (7) foundat (6) semant (5) relat (5) languag (4) toward (4)

♂ Person: Giancarlo Guizzardi

DBLP DBLP: Guizzardi:Giancarlo

Facilitated 5 volumes:

MoDELS 2015PrCo
SLE 2014PrCo
SLE 2013PrCo
SLE 2009PrCo
MoDELS 2016PrCo

Contributed to:

CAiSE 20152015
REFSQ 20152015
SAC 20152015
CAiSE 20142014
RE 20142014
SAC 20142014
EDOC 20132013
CAiSE 20122012
SLE 20122012
SCP, 20142014
CAiSE 20112011
EDOC 20112011
SAC 20102010
CAiSE 20092009
ICEIS ISAS 20092009
Post-ICEIS 20092009
SAC 20092009
EDOC 20082008
SAC 20082008
CAiSE 20072007
MoDELS 20052005
CAiSE 20042004
SEKE 20022002

Wrote 27 papers:

CAiSE-2015-GuarinoG #modelling #quote
“We Need to Discuss the Relationship”: Revisiting Relationships as Modeling Constructs (NG, GG), pp. 279–294.
REFSQ-2015-LiHBG0M #refinement #requirements #specification
From Stakeholder Requirements to Formal Specifications Through Refinement (FLL, JH, AB, GG, LL, JM), pp. 164–180.
SAC-2015-RuyFBG #ontology #pattern matching #process #standard #towards
Towards an ontology pattern language for harmonizing software process related ISO standards (FBR, RdAF, MPB, GG), pp. 388–395.
CAiSE-2014-CarvalhoAG #domain-specific language #ontology #semantics #using
Using Reference Domain Ontologies to Define the Real-World Semantics of Domain-Specific Languages (VAdC, JPAA, GG), pp. 488–502.
RE-2014-LiHMGGB0 #non-functional #ontology #requirements
Non-functional requirements as qualities, with a spice of ontology (FLL, JH, JM, RSSG, GG, AB, LL), pp. 293–302.
SAC-2014-FalboRGBA #enterprise #ontology #pattern matching #towards
Towards an enterprise ontology pattern language (RdAF, FBR, GG, MPB, JPAA), pp. 323–330.
EDOC-2013-AzevedoIASPG #modelling #ontology
An Ontology-Based Well-Founded Proposal for Modeling Resources and Capabilities in ArchiMate (CLBA, MEI, JPAA, MvS, LFP, GG), pp. 39–48.
EDOC-2013-NardiFAGPSG #ontology #towards
Towards a Commitment-Based Reference Ontology for Services (JCN, RdAF, JPAA, GG, LFP, MvS, NG), pp. 175–184.
CAiSE-2012-Guizzardi #ontology
Ontological Meta-properties of Derived Object Types (GG), pp. 318–333.
CAiSE-2012-Guizzardi12a #concept #modelling #ontology
Ontological Foundations for Conceptual Modeling with Applications (GG), pp. 695–696.
SLE-2012-GuizzardiZ #concept #modelling
A Common Foundational Theory for Bridging Two Levels in Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling (GG, VZ), pp. 286–310.
SLE-J-2012-GuizzardiZ #concept #modelling #ontology #using
Using a trope-based foundational ontology for bridging different areas of concern in ontology-driven conceptual modeling (GG, VZ), pp. 417–443.
CAiSE-2011-Guizzardi #concept #ontology
Ontological Foundations for Conceptual Part-Whole Relations: The Case of Collectives and Their Parts (GG), pp. 138–153.
EDOC-2011-AzevedoASQG #motivation #ontology #semantics
An Ontology-Based Semantics for the Motivation Extension to ArchiMate (CLBA, JPAA, MvS, DACQ, GG), pp. 25–34.
SAC-2010-SantosAG #ontology #semantics
An ontology-based semantic foundation for ARIS EPCs (PSSJ, JPAA, GG), pp. 124–130.
CAiSE-2009-Guizzardi #concept #modelling #problem #revisited #transitive
The Problem of Transitivity of Part-Whole Relations in Conceptual Modeling Revisited (GG), pp. 94–109.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-LopesGBF #case study #industrial #ontology #reverse engineering
Reverse Engineering a Domain Ontology to Uncover Fundamental Ontological Distinctions — An Industrial Case Study in the Domain of Oil and Gas Production and Exploration (ML, GG, FAB, RdAF), pp. 262–267.
ICEIS-J-2009-BenevidesG #concept #modelling #ontology
A Model-Based Tool for Conceptual Modeling and Domain Ontology Engineering in OntoUML (ABB, GG), pp. 528–538.
SAC-2009-GoncalvesZGF #ontology #reasoning #representation #visualisation #web
An ontology-based application in heart electrophysiology: representation, reasoning and visualization on the web (BG, VZ, GG, JGPF), pp. 816–820.
EDOC-2008-AlmeidaG #concept #enterprise #modelling #semantics
A Semantic Foundation for Role-Related Concepts in Enterprise Modelling (JPAA, GG), pp. 31–40.
SAC-2008-GoncalvesFAG #monitoring
ECG data provisioning for telehomecare monitoring (BG, JGPF, RVA, GG), pp. 1374–1379.
SAC-2008-GoncalvesFG #architecture #mobile
A service architecture for sensor data provisioning for context-aware mobile applications (BG, JGPF, GG), pp. 1946–1952.
CAiSE-2007-Guizzardi #aspect-oriented
Modal Aspects of Object Types and Part-Whole Relations and the de re/de dicto Distinction (GG), pp. 5–20.
MoDELS-2005-GuizzardiPS #approach #modelling #ontology
An Ontology-Based Approach for Evaluating the Domain Appropriateness and Comprehensibility Appropriateness of Modeling Languages (GG, LFP, MvS), pp. 691–705.
CAiSE-2004-GuizzardiWGMR #concept #modelling #uml
An Ontologically Well-Founded Profile for UML Conceptual Models (GG, GW, NG, MvS), pp. 112–126.
SEKE-2002-FalboGD #approach #domain model #ontology
An ontological approach to domain engineering (RdAF, GG, KCD), pp. 351–358.
SEKE-2002-FalboGNBRM #re-engineering #semantics #towards
Towards semantic software engineering environments (RdAF, GG, ACCN, GB, FFR, PGM), pp. 477–478.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.