Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × South Africa
Collaborated with:
R.Abreu ∅ A.Perez A.Ozdemir A.Tosun
Talks about:
softwar (2) monitor (2) code (2) lightweight (1) artifact (1) analysi (1) triggr (1) sensor (1) effect (1) sourc (1)
Person: Hakan Erdogmus
DBLP: Erdogmus:Hakan
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICSE-v2-2015-AbreuEP #fine-grained #monitoring #named
- CodeAware: Sensor-Based Fine-Grained Monitoring and Management of Software Artifacts (RA, HE, AP), pp. 551–554.
- ICSE-2010-Erdogmus #analysis #effectiveness #re-engineering
- Cost effectiveness analysis in software engineering (HE), pp. 479–480.
- ASE-2018-OzdemirTEA #lightweight #monitoring #source code
- Lightweight source code monitoring with Triggr (AO, AT, HE, RA), pp. 864–867.