150 papers:
ICSME-2015-NishikawaWFOM #traceability #transitive- Recovering transitive traceability links among software artifacts (KN, HW, YF, KO, RM), pp. 576–580.
MSR-2015-PonzanelliML #development #mining #semistructured data- Summarizing Complex Development Artifacts by Mining Heterogeneous Data (LP, AM, ML), pp. 401–405.
CSCW-2015-RedaelliC #coordination- Coordination-Artifacts Suiting: When Plans are in the Midst of Ordering Systems (IR, AC), pp. 165–178.
DUXU-DD-2015-CamposBFNC #experience #guidelines #heuristic #industrial #multimodal- Combining Principles of Experience, Traditional Heuristics and Industry Guidelines to Evaluate Multimodal Digital Artifacts (FC, RB, WF, EVN, WC), pp. 130–137.
SCSM-2015-Flor #3d #process- 3D Virtual Worlds: An Ethnography of Key Artifacts and Processes (NVF), pp. 20–29.
CAiSE-2015-EstanolST #modelling #process #uml #validation #verification- Verification and Validation of UML Artifact-Centric Business Process Models (ME, MRS, ET), pp. 434–449.
SEKE-2015-AdamEA #approach #design- An approach for classifying design artifacts (SA, GEB, AA), pp. 164–167.
SEKE-2015-BrondaniBF #evaluation #process #quality- Quality Evaluation of Artifacts in Tailored Software Process Lines (CB, GB, LMF), pp. 223–226.
REFSQ-2015-GhaziSG #approach #named #requirements #visualisation- FlexiView: A Magnet-Based Approach for Visualizing Requirements Artifacts (PG, NS, MG), pp. 262–269.
REFSQ-2015-Liskin #communication #how #requirements- How Artifacts Support and Impede Requirements Communication (OL), pp. 132–147.
ESEC-FSE-2015-ShafferWWMFS #eye tracking #ide #named #re-engineering- iTrace: enabling eye tracking on software artifacts within the IDE to support software engineering tasks (TRS, JLW, BMW, SCM, MF, BS), pp. 954–957.
ICSE-v2-2015-AbreuEP #fine-grained #monitoring #named- CodeAware: Sensor-Based Fine-Grained Monitoring and Management of Software Artifacts (RA, HE, AP), pp. 551–554.
ICPC-2014-GrechanikMDPG #information management- Redacting sensitive information in software artifacts (MG, CM, TD, DP, MG), pp. 314–325.
MSR-2014-MurgiaTAO #analysis #developer- Do developers feel emotions? an exploratory analysis of emotions in software artifacts (AM, PT, BA, MO), pp. 262–271.
MSR-2014-SainiSOL #dataset #debugging- A dataset for maven artifacts and bug patterns found in them (VS, HS, JO, CVL), pp. 416–419.
CHI-2014-KhotHM #3d #comprehension #physics #process- Understanding physical activity through 3D printed material artifacts (RAK, LH, F'M), pp. 3835–3844.
CHI-2014-LeeSS #analysis #bound #design #research- Stay on the boundary: artifact analysis exploring researcher and user framing of robot design (HRL, SS, ES), pp. 1471–1474.
DUXU-TMT-2014-CorreiaSCBS #design #risk management #safety- Design as a Tool for Managing Risks and Vulnerabilities Regarding Artifacts of Public Safety (WC, SXdS, FC, MLNB, MMS), pp. 437–444.
ICEIS-v2-2014-MerouaniMS #approach #consistency #formal method #process #testing #towards- Formalizing Artifact-Centric Business Processes — Towards a Conformance Testing Approach (HM, FM, HSB), pp. 368–374.
CIKM-2014-CalvaneseMET #modelling #process #uml- Verifiable UML Artifact-Centric Business Process Models (DC, MM, ME, ET), pp. 1289–1298.
ICPR-2014-HoreY #image- A New Filter for Reducing HALO Artifacts in Tone Mapped Images (AH, OYP), pp. 889–894.
ICPR-2014-LitvinovL #incremental #modelling #visual notation- Incremental Solid Modeling from Sparse Structure-from-Motion Data with Improved Visual Artifacts Removal (VL, ML), pp. 2745–2750.
ICPR-2014-SharmaCL #3d #approach #generative #hybrid #novel- Kinect-Variety Fusion: A Novel Hybrid Approach for Artifacts-Free 3DTV Content Generation (MS, SC, BL), pp. 2275–2280.
KMIS-2014-CabitzaL #bibliography #perspective #quote- “Made with Knowledge” — Disentangling the IT Knowledge Artifact by a Qualitative Literature Review (FC, AL), pp. 64–75.
KR-2014-LomuscioM14a #bound #model checking- Model Checking Unbounded Artifact-Centric Systems (AL, JM).
ECOOP-2014-MayerS #automation #domain-specific language #framework #java #multi #refactoring- Automated Multi-Language Artifact Binding and Rename Refactoring between Java and DSLs Used by Java Frameworks (PM, AS), pp. 437–462.
RE-2014-RiazKSW #automation #identification #natural language #requirements #security- Hidden in plain sight: Automatically identifying security requirements from natural language artifacts (MR, JTK, JS, LAW), pp. 183–192.
SAC-2014-HuergoPD #approach #identification #modelling #using- A method to identify services using master data and artifact-centric modeling approach (RSH, PFP, FCD), pp. 1225–1230.
FSE-2014-BaltesSD #diagrams #sketching #source code- Linking sketches and diagrams to source code artifacts (SB, PS, SD), pp. 743–746.
CSMR-2013-AsgharMSS #metric #requirements #traceability #using- Maintainability-Based Requirements Prioritization by Using Artifacts Traceability and Code Metrics (MWA, AM, AS, GS), pp. 417–420.
CSMR-2013-LehnertFR #impact analysis #rule-based- Rule-Based Impact Analysis for Heterogeneous Software Artifacts (SL, QuaF, MR), pp. 209–218.
ICSM-2013-MullerF #dependence- Stakeholders’ Information Needs for Artifacts and Their Dependencies in a Real World Context (SCM, TF), pp. 290–299.
CHI-2013-GulottaOFF #legacy- Digital artifacts as legacy: exploring the lifespan and value of digital data (RG, WO, JF, HF), pp. 1813–1822.
CHI-2013-Lundgren #interactive- Toying with time: considering temporal themes in interactive artifacts (SL), pp. 1639–1648.
DHM-SET-2013-Fass #biology #design #human-computer #modelling- Putting in Perspective Human-Machine System Theory and Modeling: From Theoretical Biology to Artifacts Integrative Design and Organization — “Artem Augmented Human Project” (DF), pp. 316–325.
DUXU-PMT-2013-OrehovackiH #development #education #usability #validation #web- Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure the Usability of Educational Artifacts Created with Web 2.0 Applications (TO, NZH), pp. 369–378.
HCI-AMTE-2013-HashizumeK #approach #comprehension #design #development #experience #user interface- Understanding User Experience and Artifact Development through Qualitative Investigation: Ethnographic Approach for Human-Centered Design (AH, MK), pp. 68–76.
SEKE-2013-AdamE #approach #multi- A multi-dimensional approach for analyzing software artifacts (SA, GEB), pp. 650–655.
SAC-2013-VivianHL #approach #development #distributed- Supporting distributed software development through context awareness on software artifacts: the DiSEN-CollaborAR approach (RLV, EHMH, GCLL), pp. 765–770.
ESEC-FSE-2013-CostaVCL #generative #modelling #named- RSA-MBT: a test tool for generating test artifacts based on models (ADdC, RV, GRdC, CJPdL), pp. 619–622.
SPLC-2013-PassosGTCWB #case study #kernel #linux #modelling #variability- Coevolution of variability models and related artifacts: a case study from the Linux kernel (LTP, JG, LT, KC, AW, PB), pp. 91–100.
ASE-2012-HaiducBOLM #assessment #automation #performance #query #retrieval- Automatic query performance assessment during the retrieval of software artifacts (SH, GB, RO, ADL, AM), pp. 90–99.
DATE-2012-ShoaibMGM #monitoring- A closed-loop system for artifact mitigation in ambulatory electrocardiogram monitoring (MS, GM, HG, SM), pp. 431–436.
CSMR-2012-BorgWP #bibliography #industrial #research #student #traceability- Industrial Comparability of Student Artifacts in Traceability Recovery Research — An Exploratory Survey (MB, KW, DP), pp. 181–190.
ICPC-2012-LuciaPOPP #information retrieval #question #source code #using- Using IR methods for labeling source code artifacts: Is it worthwhile? (ADL, MDP, RO, AP, SP), pp. 193–202.
MSR-2012-BaysalHG #development #mining- Mining usage data and development artifacts (OB, RH, MWG), pp. 98–107.
WCRE-2012-OssherSL #bottom-up #named #repository- Astra: Bottom-up Construction of Structured Artifact Repositories (JO, HS, CVL), pp. 41–50.
FLOPS-2012-AriolaDHNS #calculus #call-by #semantics- Classical Call-by-Need Sequent Calculi: The Unity of Semantic Artifacts (ZMA, PD, HH, KN, AS), pp. 32–46.
CSCW-2012-OleksikMJ #collaboration #research- Beyond data sharing: artifact ecology of a collaborative nanophotonics research centre (GO, NMF, RJ), pp. 1165–1174.
AdaEurope-2012-RuizCM #ada #development #source code- Source Code as the Key Artifact in Requirement-Based Development: The Case of Ada 2012 (JFR, CC, YM), pp. 49–59.
ICEIS-J-2012-PereiraBB12a #aspect-oriented #design #process- Values and Cultural Aspects in Design: Artifacts for Making Them Explicit in Design Activities (RP, SBB, MCCB), pp. 358–375.
ICEIS-v3-2012-PereiraBB #design- Keeping Values in Mind — Artifacts for a Value-oriented and Culturally Informed Design (RP, SBB, MCCB), pp. 25–34.
ICPR-2012-ChenL #identification- Exploiting ruling line artifacts in writer identification (JC, DPL), pp. 3737–3740.
ICPR-2012-FengLSPZG #monitoring #robust #statistics- Artifact correction with robust statistics for non-stationary intracranial pressure signal monitoring (MF, LYL, KS, CP, FZ, CG), pp. 557–560.
ICPR-2012-LiZL #image #sequence #stack- Removal of dust artifacts in focal stack image sequences (CL, KZ, SL), pp. 2602–2605.
KR-2012-BelardinelliLP #abstraction #verification- An Abstraction Technique for the Verification of Artifact-Centric Systems (FB, AL, FP).
MoDELS-2012-VierhauserGHHL #consistency #framework #industrial #modelling #product line- Applying a Consistency Checking Framework for Heterogeneous Models and Artifacts in Industrial Product Lines (MV, PG, WH, GH, DL), pp. 531–545.
MoDELS-2012-VierhauserGHHL #consistency #framework #industrial #modelling #product line- Applying a Consistency Checking Framework for Heterogeneous Models and Artifacts in Industrial Product Lines (MV, PG, WH, GH, DL), pp. 531–545.
ECSA-2011-CapillaZZAK #architecture #design #lifecycle #metamodelling #re-engineering- An Enhanced Architectural Knowledge Metamodel Linking Architectural Design Decisions to other Artifacts in the Software Engineering Lifecycle (RC, OZ, UZ, PA, JMK), pp. 303–318.
ITiCSE-2011-MesserK #problem #process- The use of mediating artifacts in embedding problem solving processes in an e-learning environment (OMM, AK), p. 390.
ICPC-2011-BettenburgAHS #approach #lightweight #semistructured data- A Lightweight Approach to Uncover Technical Artifacts in Unstructured Data (NB, BA, AEH, MS), pp. 185–188.
ICPC-2011-RothlisbergerND #ide #named- SmartGroups: Focusing on Task-Relevant Source Artifacts in IDEs (DR, ON, SD), pp. 61–70.
ICSM-2011-TsantalisNS #difference #named- Webdiff: A generic differencing service for software artifacts (NT, NN, ES), pp. 586–589.
CHI-2011-WoelferH #people- Homeless young people and living with personal digital artifacts (JPW, DGH), pp. 1697–1706.
DUXU-v2-2011-MirandaHB11a #interactive #physics- Prospecting a New Physical Artifact of Interaction for iDTV: Results of Participatory Practices (LCdM, HHH, MCCB), pp. 167–176.
HCI-DDA-2011-ParkSCH #image #in memory #memory management #named- ColoriT: Color Based Image Code Application to Aid in Memory Restoration of Offline Photo Artifacts (JP, JS, JHC, TDH), pp. 637–642.
EDOC-2011-Hull #flexibility #towards #using- Towards Flexible Service Interoperation Using Business Artifacts (RH), pp. 20–21.
EDOC-2011-VaculinHHCNS #declarative #modelling #process- Declarative business artifact centric modeling of decision and knowledge intensive business processes (RV, RH, TH, CC, AN, PS), pp. 151–160.
ICEIS-v4-2011-PereiraB #social- Valuation Framing for Social Software — A Culturally Aware Artifact (RP, MCCB), pp. 235–244.
CIKM-2011-BykauMRV #evolution #query #using- Supporting queries spanning across phases of evolving artifacts using Steiner forests (SB, JM, FR, YV), pp. 1649–1658.
ECMFA-2011-ColomboKL #analysis #design #generative #modelling #problem #requirements #using- Generating Early Design Models from Requirements Analysis Artifacts Using Problem Frames and SysML (PC, FK, LL), pp. 97–114.
SAC-2011-SbaragliaCV #coordination #programming- Programming coordination laws of artifacts in CArtAgO (MS, MC, MV), pp. 885–886.
ESEC-FSE-2011-Prause #process #quality #research #self- Reputation-based self-management of software process artifact quality in consortium research projects (CP), pp. 380–383.
ICSE-2011-Davies #reuse #security- Measuring subversions: security and legal risk in reused software artifacts (JD), pp. 1149–1151.
ICSE-2011-PortNHH #case study #development #experience #mining #scalability- Experiences with text mining large collections of unstructured systems development artifacts at jpl (DP, APN, JH, LH), pp. 701–710.
ASE-2010-Staats #effectiveness #multi #testing- The influence of multiple artifacts on the effectiveness of software testing (MS), pp. 517–522.
VLDB-2010-MarinoiuABG #collaboration #named- AXART — Enabling Collaborative Work with AXML Artifacts (BM, SA, PB, AG), pp. 1553–1556.
ICSM-2010-HasanSBA #process- Analyzing natural-language artifacts of the software process (MH, ES, DB, MHA), pp. 1–5.
WCRE-2010-Hindle #process- Software Process Recovery: Recovering Process from Artifacts (AH), pp. 305–308.
CHI-2010-KomatsuYKFN- Artificial subtle expressions: intuitive notification methodology of artifacts (TK, SY, KK, KF, MN), pp. 1941–1944.
CSCW-2010-HartmannMBW #collaboration #design #named #physics- Pictionaire: supporting collaborative design work by integrating physical and digital artifacts (BH, MRM, HB, ADW), pp. 421–424.
SEKE-2010-HirveMSV- Feature based Structuring and Composing of SDLC Artifacts (NH, TM, US, RV), pp. 583–586.
MoDELS-v2-2010-SilvaMBRB #empirical #process- Artifact or Process Guidance, an Empirical Study (MAAdS, AM, RB, JR, XB), pp. 318–330.
SAC-2010-TairasG #open source #refactoring- Sub-clone refactoring in open source software artifacts (RT, JGG), pp. 2373–2374.
ICSE-2010-BacchelliLR #source code- Linking e-mails and source code artifacts (AB, ML, RR), pp. 375–384.
ICSE-2010-RastkarMM #case study #debugging- Summarizing software artifacts: a case study of bug reports (SR, GCM, GM), pp. 505–514.
SPLC-2010-GhanamM #execution #feature model #modelling #testing #using- Linking Feature Models to Code Artifacts Using Executable Acceptance Tests (YG, FM), pp. 211–225.
ASE-2009-LauenrothPT #model checking #product line- Model Checking of Domain Artifacts in Product Line Engineering (KL, KP, ST), pp. 269–280.
DocEng-2009-Broy #documentation #modelling #requirements- From system requirements documents to integrated system modeling artifacts (MB), p. 98.
ICPC-2009-ParninGR #named- TaskBoard: Tracking pertinent task artifacts and plans (CP, CG, SR), pp. 317–318.
CHI-2009-ShamiEGH- Making sense of strangers’ expertise from signals in digital artifacts (NSS, KE, GG, JTH), pp. 69–78.
HCD-2009-KurosuH #analysis #behaviour #communication #development #research- Culture and Communication Behavior: A Research Based on the Artifact Development Analysis (MK, AH), pp. 468–475.
HCD-2009-MoundalexisDR #development #human-computer #interactive- Integrating Human-Computer Interaction Artifacts into System Development (MM, JD, KR), pp. 284–291.
HCI-AUII-2009-SuedaIMR #communication #hybrid #physics- Communication Grill/Salon: Hybrid Physical/Digital Artifacts for Stimulating Spontaneous Real World Communication (KS, KI, TM, JR), pp. 526–535.
HIMI-II-2009-IbrahimN #design #online #quote #web- “Online Legitimacy”: Defining Institutional Symbolisms for the Design of Information Artifact in the Web Mediated Information Environment (W-MIE) (ENMI, NLMN), pp. 65–73.
HIMI-II-2009-NozawaK #analysis #comparison #realtime #reduction- A Comparison of Artifact Reduction Methods for Real-Time Analysis of fNIRS Data (TN, TK), pp. 413–422.
RE-2009-KonradD #industrial #lessons learnt #modelling- Lessons Learned from the Use of Artifact Models in Industrial Projects (SK, HD), pp. 349–354.
SAC-2009-LindvallFKCJ #network #semantics #using- Searching for relevant software change artifacts using semantic networks (ML, RLF, GK, ZC, VPJ), pp. 496–500.
ICSM-2008-ZouL #design #development #evolution #lightweight- Lightweight support for the evolution of software design and development artifacts (LZ, YL), pp. 474–475.
CSCW-2008-Christensen #architecture #design #logic- The logic of practices of stigmergy: representational artifacts in architectural design (LRC), pp. 559–568.
CSCW-2008-DekelH #collaboration #development- Pushing relevant artifact annotations in collaborative software development (UD, JDH), pp. 1–4.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-FilipeM #empirical #modelling #multi- Empirical Multi-Artifact Knowledge Modeling for Dialogue Systems (PPF, NJM), pp. 286–292.
SAC-2008-LeoneS #clustering #network #process #scalability- Interacting urns processes: for clustering of large-scale networks of tiny artifacts (PL, EMS), pp. 2046–2051.
SAC-2008-SaCDR #multi- Multi-purpose proactive m-Artifacts (MdS, LC, LD, TR), pp. 1629–1633.
CAiSE-2007-LiuBW #behaviour #modelling #using- Modeling Business Contexture and Behavior Using Business Artifacts (RL, KB, FYW), pp. 324–339.
RE-2007-PohlS #architecture #co-evolution #design #named #requirements- COSMOD-RE: Supporting the Co-Design of Requirements and Architectural Artifacts (KP, ES), pp. 258–261.
REFSQ-2007-Winkler #data flow #empirical- Information Flow Between Requirement Artifacts. Results of an Empirical Study (SW0), pp. 232–246.
AMOST-2007-NaslavskyZR #modelling #testing #towards #traceability- Towards traceability of model-based testing artifacts (LN, HZ, DJR), pp. 105–114.
MSR-2006-Venolia #repository- Textual alusions to artifacts in software-related repositories (GV), pp. 151–154.
WCRE-2006-ZouG #case study #industrial #maintenance- An Industrial Case Study of Program Artifacts Viewed During Maintenance Tasks (LZ, MWG), pp. 71–82.
CHI-2006-CosleyFTR #bibliography #community #using- Using intelligent task routing and contribution review to help communities build artifacts of lasting value (DC, DF, LGT, JR), pp. 1037–1046.
CSCW-2006-TeeGG #distributed- Providing artifact awareness to a distributed group through screen sharing (KT, SG, CG), pp. 99–108.
ICPR-v3-2006-JingS #predict- Scanner Artifact Removal in Simultaneous EEG-fMRI for Epileptic Seizure Prediction (MJ, SS), pp. 722–725.
ICSM-2005-Reiss #incremental #maintenance- Incremental Maintenance of Software Artifacts (SPR), pp. 113–122.
IWPC-2005-BeyerN #clustering- Clustering Software Artifacts Based on Frequent Common Changes (DB, AN), pp. 259–268.
SEKE-2005-SiciliaCR #learning #ontology #process- Ontologies of Software Artifacts and Activities: Resource Annotation and Application to Learning Technologies (MÁS, JJC, DR), pp. 145–150.
ASE-2004-RichardsonG #automation #traceability- Automating Traceability for Generated Software Artifacts (JR, JG), pp. 24–33.
DocEng-2004-AndricHC #re-engineering #retrieval- Assisting artifact retrieval in software engineering projects (MA, WH, LC), pp. 48–50.
ICSM-2004-IvkovicK #evolution- Tracing Evolution Changes of Software Artifacts through Model Synchronization (II, KK), pp. 252–261.
WCRE-2004-EichbergMOS #development #kernel #named- XIRC: A Kernel for Cross-Artifact Information Engineering in Software Development Environments (ME, MM, KO, TS), pp. 182–191.
ICPR-v1-2004-Zhao #scalability #video- Super-Resolving Compressed Video with Large Artifacts (WYZ), pp. 516–519.
ICPR-v1-2004-Zou #adaptation #image- Reducing Artifacts in BDCT-Coded Images by Adaptive Pixel-Adjustment (JJZ), pp. 508–511.
KR-2004-Garbacz- The Four Dimensions of Artifacts (PG), pp. 289–299.
RE-2004-SousaC #non-functional #requirements- Improving the Separation of Non-Functional Concerns in Requirements Artifacts (GMCdS, JC), pp. 350–351.
ICSE-2004-FroehlichD #development #distributed #process #visual notation- Unifying Artifacts and Activities in a Visual Tool for Distributed Software Development Teams (JF, PD), pp. 387–396.
ICSE-2003-CubranicM #development #named #recommendation- Hipikat: Recommending Pertinent Software Development Artifacts (DC, GCM), pp. 408–418.
ICPR-v2-2002-ZouY #image- A POCS-Based Method for Reducing Artifacts in BDCT Compressed Images (JJZ, HY), pp. 253–256.
SEKE-2002-MorisioST- A new method to evaluate software artifacts against predefined profiles (MM, IS, AT), pp. 811–818.
IWPC-2000-AntoniolCM #identification- Identification of Lower-Level Artifacts (GA, GC, EM), p. 253.
ICPR-v4-2000-GriffinK #3d #sequence #video- Coping with 3D Artifacts in Video Sequences (AG, JK), pp. 4623–4626.
ICSE-2000-CattaneoNFLV #web- Managing software artifacts on the Web with Labyrinth (FC, EDN, AF, LL, GV), pp. 746–749.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MinnemanH #distributed #sketching- The DrawStream station: a tool for distributed and asynchronous chats about sketches and artifacts (SLM, SRH), pp. 221–225.
MLDM-1999-Sawaragi #data mining #effectiveness #interactive #mining- Reproductive Process-Oriented Data Mining from Interactions between Human and Complex Artifact System (TS), pp. 180–194.
ICSE-1999-LaitenbergerA #development #object-oriented- Generalizing Perspective-Based Inspection to Handle Object-Oriented Development Artifacts (OL, CA), pp. 494–503.
ASE-1998-ClaytonRW #framework #named- Dowsing: A Tool Framework for Domain-Oriented Browsing of Software Artifacts (RC, SR, LMW), p. 204–?.
CSMR-1998-DakhliT #framework #maintenance #reuse- Software Artifacts Reuse and Maintenance: An Organizational Framework (SD, CT), pp. 228–233.
CSMR-1998-Kutscha #case study #experience #re-engineering- The Task Artifact Cycle: Some Experiences from Reengineering Practice (SK), p. 234.
CSMR-1997-KutschaHK #approach #concept #maintenance #re-engineering- The Task Artifact Cycle: a Conceptual Approach to Maintenance and Reengineering (SK, KH, HK), pp. 17–19.
CAiSE-1995-GeppertD #database #reuse- Strategies and Techniques: Reusable Artifacts for the Construction of Database Management Systems (AG, KRD), pp. 297–310.
RE-1995-GotelF #requirements- Contribution structures (Requirements artifacts) (OG, AF), pp. 100–107.
SEKE-1994-GirardiI #similarity- A similarity measure for retrieving software artifacts (MRG, BI), pp. 478–485.
SEKE-1994-SpanoudakisC #similarity- Measuring similarity between software artifacts (GS, PC), pp. 387–394.
ICRE-1994-Rolland #evolution #modelling- Modeling the evolution of artifacts (CR), pp. 216–219.
CSCW-1992-JeffayLMSS #architecture #collaboration #matrix- Architecture of the Artifact-Based Collaboration System Matrix (KJ, JKL, JM, FDS, JBS), pp. 195–202.
CSCW-1992-ReevesS #communication #design #evolution- Supporting Communication Between Designers with Artifact-Centered Evolving Information Spaces (BR, FMSI), pp. 394–401.
JICSLP-1992-Mitchell #architecture #logic #physics #programming- The Logic of Architecture: Programming the Invention of Physical Artifacts (WJM), pp. 831–846.
HT-1991-SmithS #collaboration #hypermedia #named- ABC: A Hypermedia System for Artifact-Based Collaboration (JBS, FDS), pp. 179–192.
SEI-1989-Tomayko #education #maintenance #scalability #using- Teaching Maintenance Using Large Software Artifacts (JET), pp. 3–15.
CHI-1989-CarrollK #design- Artifact as theory-nexus: hermeneutics meets theory-based design (JMC, WAK), pp. 7–14.
CHI-1989-MacLeanYM #design- Design rationale: the argument behind the artifact (AM, RMY, TPM), pp. 247–252.