Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × China
2 × Spain
3 × Canada
3 × Germany
Collaborated with:
B.Caputo M.Wolf B.Kégl A.Krzyzak P.M.Baggenstoss V.Fischer J.Denzler C.Derichs F.Deinzer Y.Huang T.S.Huang S.Bouattour U.Ahlrichs D.Paulus W.Schmidt R.Deventer O.Kreis S.Wenhardt B.Deutsch J.Hornegger
Talks about:
function (4) base (4) object (3) use (3) recognit (2) classifi (2) theoret (2) network (2) complex (2) classif (2)
Person: Heinrich Niemann
DBLP: Niemann:Heinrich
Contributed to:
Wrote 13 papers:
- ICPR-v1-2006-WenhardtDHND #3d #approach #re-engineering
- An Information Theoretic Approach for Next Best View Planning in 3-D Reconstruction (SW, BD, JH, HN, JD), pp. 103–106.
- MLDM-2005-DerichsDN #integration #multi #recognition
- Cost Integration in Multi-step Viewpoint Selection for Object Recognition (CD, FD, HN), pp. 415–425.
- MLDM-2003-DeventerDNK #modelling #testing #using
- Using Test Plans for Bayesian Modeling (RD, JD, HN, OK), pp. 307–316.
- ICPR-v1-2002-HuangHN
- A Region-Based Method for Model-Free Object Tracking (YH, TSH, HN), pp. 592–595.
- ICPR-v3-2002-CaputoBN #markov #random #recognition #robust #using
- Robust Appearance-Based Object Recognition Using a Fully Connected Markov Random Field (BC, SB, HN), pp. 565–568.
- ICPR-v4-2002-CaputoN #classification #kernel
- To Each According to its Need: Kernel Class Specific Classifiers (BC, HN), pp. 94–97.
- ICPR-v2-2000-BaggenstossN #classification #probability #using
- A Theoretically Optimal Probabilistic Classifier Using Class-Specific Features (PMB, HN), pp. 2763–2768.
- ICPR-v2-2000-KeglKN #classification #complexity #learning #network
- Radial Basis Function Networks and Complexity Regularization in Function Learning and Classification (BK, AK, HN), pp. 2081–2086.
- ICPR-v4-2000-AhlrichsPN #aspect-oriented #knowledge-based
- Integrating Aspects of Active Vision into a Knowledge-Based System (UA, DP, HN), pp. 4579–4582.
- ICPR-1998-KeglKN #classification #learning #network #parametricity
- Radial basis function networks in nonparametric classification and function learning (BK, AK, HN), pp. 565–570.
- ICDAR-1997-WolfN #locality
- Form--Based Localization of the Destination Address Block on Complex Envelopes (MW, HN), p. 908–?.
- ICDAR-1997-WolfNS #image #performance
- Fast Address Block Location on Handwritten and Machine Printed Mail--piece Images (MW, HN, WS), pp. 753–757.
- ICPR-1996-FischerN #algorithm #comprehension #image #parallel
- A parallel any-time control algorithm for image understanding (VF, HN), pp. 141–145.