Travelled to:
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Ferreira R.D.Lins S.J.Simske M.Riss R.J.Lima F.Freitas R.Ferreira H.Tomaz G.P.e.Silva
Talks about:
transform (1) represent (1) sentenc (1) quantit (1) overfit (1) extract (1) automat (1) system (1) summar (1) qualit (1)
Person: Jamilson Batista
DBLP: Batista:Jamilson
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DocEng-2015-BatistaFTFLSSR #assessment #automation #summary
- A Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of Automatic Text Summarization Systems (JB, RF, HT, RF, RDL, SJS, GPeS, MR), pp. 65–68.
- DocEng-2014-LimaBFFLSR #graph
- Transforming graph-based sentence representations to alleviate overfitting in relation extraction (RJL, JB, RF, FF, RDL, SJS, MR), pp. 53–62.