Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
K.Gharachorloo A.Gupta S.Dresser M.Heinrich J.Kuskin D.Ofelt J.Baxter J.P.Singh R.Simoni D.Nakahira M.Horowitz M.Rosenblum J.L.Hennessy
Talks about:
multiprocessor (2) stanford (2) flash (2) perform (1) flexibl (1) messag (1) memori (1) integr (1) impact (1) share (1)
Person: John Heinlein
DBLP: Heinlein:John
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ASPLOS-1994-HeinleinGDG #integration #memory management #message passing #multi
- Integration of Message Passing and Shared Memory in the Stanford FLASH Multiprocessor (JH, KG, SD, AG), pp. 38–50.
- ASPLOS-1994-HeinrichKOHBSSGNHGRH #flexibility #multi #performance
- The Performance Impact of Flexibility in the Stanford FLASH Multiprocessor (MH, JK, DO, JH, JB, JPS, RS, KG, DN, MH, AG, MR, JLH), pp. 274–285.