Collaborated with:
J.Denzinger Kevin Loose Darryl Gates F.Southey G.Xiao R.C.Holte Mark Trommelen
Talks about:
parameter (1) gameplay (1) commerci (1) behavior (1) analysi (1) machin (1) comput (1) action (1) learn (1) autom (1)
Person: John W. Buchanan
DBLP: Buchanan:John_W=
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- AIIDE-2005-SoutheyXHTB #analysis #automation #machine learning
- Semi-Automated Gameplay Analysis by Machine Learning (FS, GX, RCH, MT, JWB), pp. 123–128.
- CIG-2005-DenzingerLGB #behaviour #game studies #testing
- Dealing with Parameterized Actions in Behavior Testing of Commercial Computer Games (JD, KL, DG, JWB).