109 papers:
DATE-2015-BillointSRVBFRC #2d #3d #design #using- A comprehensive study of monolithic 3D cell on cell design using commercial 2D tool (OB, HS, IR, MV, PB, CFB, OR, GC, FD, AF, JM, OF, OT, JFC, ST, FC), pp. 1192–1196.
DATE-2015-SaifhashemiHBB #equivalence #logic #tool support #using- Logical equivalence checking of asynchronous circuits using commercial tools (AS, HHH, PB, PAB), pp. 1563–1566.
DUXU-IXD-2015-EliasFC #game studies #interactive- Ads-on Games and Fake Brands: Interactions, Commercials and Playful Branding (HE, EF, BJAdC), pp. 251–262.
HIMI-IKC-2015-YamadaAY #analysis #internet- An Analysis of the Synergistic Effect in the Advertisement — Between the Television Commercials and the Internet Commercials (TY, YA, KY), pp. 159–170.
ICSE-v1-2015-KalliamvakouDBS #collaboration #development #git #open source #using- Open Source-Style Collaborative Development Practices in Commercial Projects Using GitHub (EK, DED, KB, LS, DMG), pp. 574–585.
SPLC-2015-DomisAB #analysis #modelling #safety #tool support #uml #using #variability- Integrating variability and safety analysis models using commercial UML-based tools (DD, RA, MB), pp. 225–234.
CASE-2014-LiDZ #policy #social- Social incentive policies to engage commercial building occupants in demand response (SL, KD, MZ), pp. 407–412.
DATE-2014-SubramanyanA #design #security #verification- Formal verification of taint-propagation security properties in a commercial SoC design (PS, DA), pp. 1–2.
DHM-2014-Delgado-GonzaloRCSLBL #algorithm #embedded #energy #modelling #state of the art- Human Energy Expenditure Models: Beyond State-of-the-Art Commercialized Embedded Algorithms (RDG, PR, EMC, JS, CL, MB, ML), pp. 3–14.
DATE-2013-YakovlevVR #industrial #logic #roadmap #tool support- Advances in asynchronous logic: from principles to GALS & NoC, recent industry applications, and commercial CAD tools (AY, PV, MR), pp. 1715–1724.
ITiCSE-2013-ClarkeL #aspect-oriented #contract- Commercial aspects of contract cheating (RC, TL), pp. 219–224.
ICFP-2013-KeepD #compilation #development #framework- A nanopass framework for commercial compiler development (AWK, RKD), pp. 343–350.
HIMI-HSM-2013-OConnorRZKLDJBVS #empirical- Pre-study Walkthrough with a Commercial Pilot for a Preliminary Single Pilot Operations Experiment (RO, ZR, JZ, RWK, JL, AQVD, WWJ, VB, KPLV, TZS), pp. 136–142.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-Sun13a #metric #research #visual notation- Research on the Measurement of Product Sales with Relation to Visual Planning for Commercial Websites (CYS), pp. 540–545.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-LaneL #concept #prototype- Managing Knowledge in the Three States of Conceptual Discovery, Prototype Invention — Commercial Innovation (JPL, RML), pp. 539–542.
SIGIR-2013-CambazogluB #challenge #performance #scalability #web- Scalability and efficiency challenges in commercial web search engines (BBC, RABY), p. 1124.
SAC-2013-KannanMDS #navigation #predict #using- Predictive indoor navigation using commercial smart-phones (BK, FM, MBD, KPS), pp. 519–525.
SAC-2013-SteinbauerKK #community #on-demand- Building an on-demand virtual computing market in non-commercial communities (MS, IK, GK), pp. 351–356.
ICSE-2013-ZhangGV #empirical #predict- Predicting bug-fixing time: an empirical study of commercial software projects (HZ, LG, SV), pp. 1042–1051.
CSMR-2012-BurgerH #maintenance #metric- Applying Maintainability Oriented Software Metrics to Cabin Software of a Commercial Airliner (SB, OH), pp. 457–460.
CIKM-2012-BarajasAHKFA- Dynamic effects of ad impressions on commercial actions in display advertising (JB, RA, MH, JK, AF, VA), pp. 1747–1751.
KDD-2012-BellalaMALB #power management- Following the electrons: methods for power management in commercial buildings (GB, MM, MFA, GL, CB), pp. 994–1002.
SIGIR-2012-YilmazKCT #on the- On judgments obtained from a commercial search engine (EY, GK, NC, SMMT), pp. 1115–1116.
HCI-MIIE-2011-LimPJK #behaviour #experience- Driver’s Experience and Behavioral Patterns through the Observation of Commercial Vehicle Driving (YL, SP, ESJ, TK), pp. 426–434.
AdaEurope-2011-OLeary #reliability #using #web #web service- Assuring Software Reliability While Using Web Services and Commercial Products (JO), pp. 1–16.
ICEIS-v1-2011-Zenglian #research- Research of Credit Risk of Commercial Bank Personal Loan based on Association Rule (ZZ), pp. 129–134.
CIKM-2011-WangYZ #approach- A language model approach to capture commercial intent and information relevance for sponsored search (LW, MY, YZ), pp. 599–604.
SOSP-2011-YinMZZBP #empirical #fault #open source- An empirical study on configuration errors in commercial and open source systems (ZY, XM, JZ, YZ, LNB, SP), pp. 159–172.
ICPR-2010-PutpuekCLS #approach #detection #identification- Unified Approach to Detection and Identification of Commercial Films by Temporal Occurrence Pattern (NP, NC, CL, SS), pp. 3288–3291.
SEKE-2010-IbrahimWEF #analysis #development #off the shelf- Conflict Analysis in Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Based Development (HI, TW, AE, BHF), pp. 686–691.
RE-2010-Panis #deployment #requirements #traceability- Successful Deployment of Requirements Traceability in a Commercial Engineering Organization...Really (MCP), pp. 303–307.
ICFP-2009-Sampson #case study #experience #functional #haskell #lazy evaluation- Experience report: Haskell in the “real world”: writing a commercial application in a lazy functional language (CJS), pp. 185–190.
HCD-2009-Hong #design #mobile #research- User Research and User Centered Design; Designing, Developing, and Commercializing Widget Service on Mobile Handset (SMH), pp. 854–861.
CIKM-2009-AshkanC- Characterizing commercial intent (AA, CLAC), pp. 67–76.
KMIS-2009-BuchnerMN #analysis #concept #enterprise #open source #tool support- A Concept and Service based Analysis of Commercial and Open Source Enterprise 2.0 Tools (TB, FM, CN), pp. 37–45.
SIGIR-2009-AshkanC #analysis- Term-based commercial intent analysis (AA, CLAC), pp. 800–801.
ASPLOS-2009-DiceLMN #experience #hardware #implementation #memory management #transaction- Early experience with a commercial hardware transactional memory implementation (DD, YL, MM, DN), pp. 157–168.
ICPR-2008-CarulloBGL #clustering #documentation #web- Clustering of short commercial documents for the web (MC, EB, IG, NL), pp. 1–4.
SPLC-2008-Krueger08b #product line- Pragmatic Methods for Commercial Software Product Line Engineering Practice (CWK), p. 376.
SAT-2008-FaureNOR #formal method #linear #satisfiability- SAT Modulo the Theory of Linear Arithmetic: Exact, Inexact and Commercial Solvers (GF, RN, AO, ERC), pp. 77–90.
DRR-2007-Keif #cost analysis- Cost-estimating for commercial digital printing (MGK).
ICFP-2007-WelshG #case study #development #experience #web- Experience report: scheme in commercial web application development (NW, DG), pp. 153–156.
ILC-2007-Moller #lisp #owl- Building a commercial OWL reasoner with Lisp (RM), p. 5.
HCI-IDU-2007-Yenisey #approach #axiom #design #web- Axiomatic Design Approach for E-Commercial Web Sites (MMY), pp. 308–315.
RE-2007-PanisP #process #requirements- Deploying a System-wide Requirements Process within a Commercial Engineering Organization (MCP, BP), pp. 295–300.
DocEng-2006-Moore #documentation- Every page is different: a new document type for commercial printing (KM), p. 2.
CHI-2006-BentleyMH #music- Personal vs. commercial content: the similarities between consumer use of photos and music (FB, CJM, GH), pp. 667–676.
CSCW-2006-NomuraHH- The uses of paper in commercial airline flight operations (SN, EH, BEH), pp. 249–258.
CIKM-2006-PengH #comparison #retrieval- Direct comparison of commercial and academic retrieval system: an initial study (YP, DH), pp. 806–807.
ICSE-2006-BriandLS #automation #component #contract #testing- Automated, contract-based user testing of commercial-off-the-shelf components (LCB, YL, MMS), pp. 92–101.
ISSTA-2006-BoshernitsanDS #challenge #developer #testing- From daikon to agitator: lessons and challenges in building a commercial tool for developer testing (MB, RKD, AS), pp. 169–180.
ISSTA-2006-TkachukR #automation #generative- Application of automated environment generation to commercial software (OT, SPR), pp. 203–214.
DRR-2005-Lin #bibliography #off the shelf #research- DRR research beyond commercial off-the-shelf OCR software: a survey (XL), pp. 1–9.
ICDAR-2005-RijckeBHN- Issues in Developing a Commercial Parcel Reading System (MdR, MB, WH, MRN), pp. 1015–1019.
ICSM-2005-Dayani-FardGM- A Datawarehouse for Managing Commercial Software Release (HDF, JIG, JM), pp. 209–218.
SIGIR-2005-Singhal #challenge- Challenges in running a commercial search engine (AS), p. 432.
HPCA-2005-SpracklenCA #effectiveness #multi- Effective Instruction Prefetching in Chip Multiprocessors for Modern Commercial Applications (LS, YC, SGA), pp. 225–236.
VLDB-2004-BandiSAA #case study #database #hardware- Hardware Acceleration in Commercial Databases: A Case Study of Spatial Operations (NB, CS, AEA, DA), pp. 1021–1032.
HPDC-2004-DubnickiUK #distributed #named- FPN: A Distributed Hash Table for Commercial Applications (CD, CU, WK), pp. 120–128.
ICDAR-2003-AlamKNRTW #design #documentation #summary #using- Structured and Unstructured Document Summarization: Design of a Commercial Summarizer using Lexical Chains (HA, AK, MN, AFRR, YT, CW), pp. 1147–1152.
ICDAR-2003-ZhaoW #recognition- A High Accuracy Rate Commercial Flight Coupon Recognition System (SZ, ZW), pp. 82–86.
VLDB-2003-Schoning #database- Commercial Use of Database Technology (HS), p. 1034.
ITiCSE-2003-LassCBCPHZ #off the shelf #scalability #tool support #using- Tools and techniques for large scale grading using Web-based commercial off-the-shelf software (RNL, CDC, NTB, BWC, JLP, NH, PZ), pp. 168–172.
WICSA-2002-DePrinceH #component #modelling- Analyzing Commercial Component Models (WDJ, CH), pp. 205–219.
ICSM-2002-Penny #framework #maintenance- An Estimation-Based Management Framework for Enhancive Maintenance in Commercial Software Products (DAP), pp. 122–130.
FME-2002-Hall #correctness #development #process- Correctness by Construction: Integrating Formality into a Commercial Development Process (AH), pp. 224–233.
ICSE-2002-HissamSL #component- Building systems from commercial components (SAH, RCS, GAL), pp. 679–680.
HPDC-2002-KenyonC #architecture #grid #requirements- Architecture Requirements for Commercializing Grid Resources (CK, GC), pp. 215–224.
ICDAR-2001-LecoqNGT #benchmark #metric- Benchmarking Commercial OCR Engines for Technical Drawings Indexing (JCL, LN, OG, ÉT), pp. 138–1204.
CSMR-2001-Wendorff #assessment #design pattern #lessons learnt #re-engineering #scalability- Assessment of Design Patterns during Software Reengineering: Lessons Learned from a Large Commercial Project (PW), pp. 77–84.
AdaEurope-2000-Pflug #ada #question- Ada after 10 Years of Usage — Is There a Commercial Future? (BP), p. 4.
FSE-2000-HollingsworthBW #case study #experience #using- Experience report: using RESOLVE/C++ for commercial software (JEH, LB, BWW), pp. 11–19.
ASE-1999-CopenhaferS #component #interactive- Exploration Harnesses: Tool-Supported Interactive Discovery of Commercial Component Properties (MAC, KJS), pp. 7–14.
ICDAR-1999-KlinkJ #named- MergeLayouts: Overcoming Faulty Segmentations by a Comprehensive Voting of Commercial OCR Devices (SK, TJ), pp. 386–389.
ICDAR-1999-UrecheP #aspect-oriented #documentation #security- Document Transport, Transfer, and Exchange: Security and Commercial Aspects (OU, RP), pp. 585–588.
FM-v1-1999-WongC #case study #formal method #modelling- Formal Modeling in a Commercial Setting: A Case Study (AW, MC), pp. 590–607.
HCI-CCAD-1999-TakanoSS #behaviour #simulation- Intellectual simulation of operating team behavior in coping with anomalies occurring at commercial nuclear power plants (KT, WS, KS), pp. 1201–1205.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Vanderdonckt #web- Commercial web sites made accessible for all (JV), pp. 838–842.
HCI-EI-1999-FitzpatrickD #evaluation #process #usability- A Process for Appraising Commercial Usability Evaluation Methods (RF, AJD), pp. 1068–1072.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Monninger #design #object-oriented- Design of Commercial Object-Oriented Applications — The Patterns (FM), p. 478.
ICSE-1999-McKinney #interface #off the shelf #re-engineering- Impact of Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Software on the Interface Between Systems and Software Engineering (DM), pp. 627–628.
CSMR-1998-Sneed #architecture #re-engineering- Architecture and Functions of a Commercial Software Reengineering Workbench (HMS), pp. 2–10.
SAC-1998-MorinK #named- HyperNews: a MEDIA application for the commercialization of an electronic newspaper (JHM, DK), pp. 696–705.
DAC-1997-Kurshan #verification- Formal Verification in a Commercial Setting (RPK), pp. 258–262.
PEPM-1997-MullerVM #optimisation #partial evaluation #protocol #scalability- Scaling up Partial Evaluation for Optimizing the Sun Commercial RPC Protocol (GM, ENV, RM), pp. 116–126.
ICSE-1997-Gentleman #component #effectiveness #off the shelf #tutorial- Effective Use of COTS (Commercial-off-the-Shelf) Software Components in Long Lived Systems (Tutorial) (WMG), pp. 635–636.
ICSE-1997-Korson #development #object-oriented #process #robust #tutorial- A Realistic, Commercially Robust Process for the Development of Object-Oriented Software Systems (Tutorial) (TDK), pp. 626–627.
HPCA-1997-TrancosoLZT #memory management #multi #performance- The Memory Performance of DSS Commercial Workloads in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors (PT, JLLP, ZZ, JT), pp. 250–260.
VLDB-1996-Hess #database #scalability- Very Large Databases in a Commercial Application Environment (KHH), p. 2.
VLDB-1996-Kleewein #database- Practical Issues with Commercial Use of Federated Databases (JK), p. 580.
KDD-1996-IglesiaDR #database #heuristic #using- Discovering Knowledge in Commercial Databases Using Modern Heuristic Techniques (BdlI, JCWD, VJRS), pp. 44–49.
SIGMOD-1995-Ivinskis- High Availability of Commercial Applications (KI), pp. 433–434.
SOSP-1995-PuABCCIKWZ #incremental #operating system- Optimistic Incremental Specialization: Streamlining a Commercial Operating System (CP, TA, APB, CC, CC, JI, LK, JW, KZ), pp. 314–324.
CSEE-1994-Horton #automation #design #education #using- Using Commercial CASE Environments to Teach Software Design (TBH), pp. 97–115.
CSEE-1994-Zalewski #tool support- Cohesive Use of Commercial Tools in a Classroom (JZ), pp. 65–75.
CHI-1994-GongK94a #development #validation- A validation of the GOMS model methodology in the development of a specialized, commercial software application (RG, DEK), pp. 351–357.
ASPLOS-1994-MaynardDO #multi #performance- Contrasting Characteristics and Cache Performance of Technical and Multi-User Commercial Workloads (AMGM, CMD, BRO), pp. 145–156.
SIGMOD-1993-FushimiK #database #hardware #named #pipes and filters- GREO: A Commercial Database Processor Based on A Pipelined Hardware Sorter (SF, MK), pp. 449–452.
HCI-ACS-1993-ClarkH #automation #case study #human-computer #interactive- A Study of Human-Computer Interaction in the Selection of Commercial Pilots for Automated Flight Decks (REC, WFHI), pp. 350–355.
TRI-Ada-1993-Byrnes #ada #migration- Porting Applications Between Two Commercial Ada/Motif Bindings (CB), pp. 37–49.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Murphy #concept #database #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Databases: Concepts and Commercial Offerings (JM), p. 312.
CADE-1992-BoyerY #automation #correctness #proving #source code- Automated Correctness Proofs of Machine Code Programs for a Commercial Microprocessor (RSB, YY), pp. 416–430.
DAC-1984-Hinchliffe #array #automation #design #physics- Commercial gate array physical design automation packages (FHI), pp. 386–387.
PODS-1984-Batory #concept #database- Conceptual-To-Internal Mappings in Commercial Database Systems (DSB), pp. 70–78.
VLDB-1981-ArmisenC #database- A Commercial Back-End Data Base System (JPA, JYC), pp. 56–65.
DAC-1980-Sidle #database- Weaknesses of commercial data base management systems in engineering applications (TS), pp. 57–61.
LISP-1980-Greenberg #emacs #lisp #multi- Prose and CONS — Multics Emacs: A Commercial Text-processing System in LISP (BG), pp. 6–12.
SIGIR-1971-MulfordR #scalability- Data Compression Techniques for Economic Processing of Large Commercial Files (JEM, RKR), pp. 207–215.
DAC-1968-Murray-LassoK #analysis #online #optimisation- On-line circuit analysis and optimization with commercially available time-shared computer systems (MAML, FJK).