Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Belgium
1 × Greece
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
1 × Sweden
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
2 × France
2 × Germany
2 × Italy
2 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
J.Zamorano A.Alonso S.Urueña J.A.Pulido J.L.Fernández T.Vardanega J.F.Ruiz J.Garrido Alejandro Alonso 0001 P.J.Bradley R.García J.C.Dueñas W.L.d.Oliveira A.Alvarez E.Salazar M.A.d.Miguel R.López J.López D.Berjón B.Álvarez F.J.G.Izquierdo Á.Pérez Á.Esquinas M.Masmano I.Ripoll A.Crespo
Talks about:
time (11) ada (10) real (9) system (6) ravenscar (5) softwar (4) integr (4) high (4) develop (3) profil (3)
Person: Juan Antonio de la Puente
DBLP: Puente:Juan_Antonio_de_la
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 21 papers:
- AdaEurope-2013-SalazarAMP #ada #framework #modelling #realtime #safety
- A Model-Based Framework for Developing Real-Time Safety Ada Systems (ES, AA, MAdM, JAdlP), pp. 127–142.
- AdaEurope-2011-EsquinasZPMRC #ada #clustering #framework #platform
- ORK+/XtratuM: An Open Partitioning Platform for Ada (ÁE, JZ, JAdlP, MM, IR, AC), pp. 160–173.
- SIGAda-2010-BradleyPZ #ada #development #realtime #using
- Real-time system development in ada using LEGO® mindstorms® NXT (PJB, JAdlP, JZ), pp. 37–40.
- AdaEurope-2009-UruenaZP #distributed #middleware #realtime #strict
- A Restricted Middleware Profile for High-Integrity Distributed Real-Time Systems (SU, JZ, JAdlP), pp. 16–29.
- AdaEurope-2008-UruenaPLZP #approach #clustering #memory management
- A New Approach to Memory Partitioning in On-Board Spacecraft Software (SU, JAP, JL, JZ, JAdlP), pp. 1–14.
- AdaEurope-2007-PulidoUZP #ada #fault
- Handling Temporal Faults in Ada 2005 (JAP, SU, JZ, JAdlP), pp. 15–28.
- AdaEurope-2006-PulidoUZVP #ada #scheduling
- Hierarchical Scheduling with Ada 2005 (JAP, SU, JZ, TV, JAdlP), pp. 1–12.
- AdaEurope-2006-UruenaZBPP #communication #distributed #protocol #realtime
- The Arbitrated Real-Time Protocol (AR-TP): A Ravenscar Compliant Communication Protocol for High-Integrity Distributed Systems (SU, JZ, DB, JAP, JAdlP), pp. 215–226.
- AdaEurope-2004-ZamoranoAPP #ada #implementation
- Implementing Execution-Time Clocks for the Ada Ravenscar Profile (JZ, AA, JAP, JAdlP), pp. 132–143.
- AdaEurope-2003-AlonsoPZ #development #testing
- A Test Environment for High Integrity Software Development (AA, JAdlP, JZ), pp. 359–267.
- AdaEurope-2002-AlonsoLVP #case study #object-oriented #using
- Using Object Orientation in High Integrity Applications: A Case Study (AA, RL, TV, JAdlP), pp. 357–366.
- AdaEurope-2001-VardanegaGP #migration
- An Application Case for Ravenscar Technology: Porting OBOSS to GNAT/ORK (TV, RG, JAdlP), pp. 392–404.
- AdaEurope-2001-ZamoranoRP #ada #implementation #kernel #realtime
- Implementing Ada.Real_Time.Clock and Absolute Delays in Real-Time Kernels (JZ, JFR, JAdlP), pp. 317–327.
- AdaEurope-2000-PuenteRZ #kernel #realtime
- An Open Ravenscar Real-Time Kernel for GNAT (JAdlP, JFR, JZ), pp. 5–15.
- AdaEurope-1998-FernandezAGPP #architecture #case study #evaluation #realtime
- A Case Study in Quantitative Evaluation of Real-Time Software Architectures (JLF, BÁ, FJGI, ÁP, JAdlP), pp. 213–224.
- CSMR-1998-DuenasOP #architecture #evolution
- Architecture Recovery for Software Evolution (JCD, WLdO, JAdlP), pp. 113–120.
- AdaEurope-1996-PuenteAA #ada #design #library
- Mapping HRT-HOOD ® Designs to Ada 95 Hierarchical Libraries (JAdlP, AA, AA), pp. 78–88.
- AdaEurope-1992-PuenteZAF #ada #realtime #reuse
- Reusable Executives for Hard Real-Time Systems in Ada (JAdlP, JZ, AA, JLF), pp. 104–115.
- AdaEurope-1991-FernandezP #component #library
- Constructing a Pilot Library of Components for Avionic Systems (JLF, JAdlP), pp. 362–371.
- AdaEurope-2017-GarridoZ0P #multi
- Evaluating MSRP and MrsP with the Multiprocessor Ravenscar Profile (JG, JZ, AA0, JAdlP), pp. 3–17.
- AdaEurope-2018-GarridoZAP #ada #on the #policy
- On the Effect of Protected Entry Servicing Policies on the Response Time of Ada Tasks (JG, JZ, AA0, JAdlP), pp. 73–86.