Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Belgium
1 × Sweden
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Germany
2 × Italy
2 × Portugal
3 × Spain
4 × France
Collaborated with:
M.Panunzio E.Mezzetti P.L.Martínez M.Bordin S.Mazzini J.A.d.l.Puente S.Puri J.Abella F.J.Cazorla A.Baldovin A.Zovi E.Quiñones ∅ Paolo Carletto G.Fernandez J.Jalle M.Ziccardi M.Schoeberl R.García G.Caspersen J.S.Pedersen Stefano Munari Sebastiano Valle A.Graziano A.Betts J.Ruiz A.Alonso R.López Laura Baracchi J.A.Pulido S.Urueña J.Zamorano M.D'Alessandro M.D.Natale A.Domenici G.Lipari L.Fossati M.Zulianello A.Cicchetti F.Ciccozzi S.Milutinovic Irune Agirre Mikel Azkarate-askasua F.Wartel L.Kosmidis A.Gogonel Z.R.Stephenson B.Triquet C.Lo I.Broster L.Cucu-Grosjean
Talks about:
time (14) develop (7) system (7) base (7) real (6) ravenscar (5) integr (5) high (5) ada (5) softwar (4)
Person: Tullio Vardanega
DBLP: Vardanega:Tullio
Facilitated 6 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 28 papers:
- DAC-2015-FernandezJAQVC #bound #realtime
- Increasing confidence on measurement-based contention bounds for real-time round-robin buses (GF, JJ, JA, EQ, TV, FJC), p. 6.
- DAC-2015-FernandezJAQVC15a #manycore #off the shelf #resource management
- Resource usage templates and signatures for COTS multicore processors (GF, JJ, JA, EQ, TV, FJC), p. 6.
- DATE-2015-WartelKGBSTQLMB #analysis #case study #hardware #platform
- Timing analysis of an avionics case study on complex hardware/software platforms (FW, LK, AG, AB, ZRS, BT, EQ, CL, EM, IB, JA, LCG, TV, FJC), pp. 397–402.
- SAC-2015-FernandezAQVFZC #multi #off the shelf
- Introduction to partial time composability for COTS multicores (GF, JA, EQ, TV, LF, MZ, FJC), pp. 1955–1956.
- SAC-2015-ZiccardiSV #operating system
- A time-composable operating system for the Patmos processor (MZ, MS, TV), pp. 1892–1897.
- AdaEurope-2013-BaldovinMV #operating system #towards
- Towards a Time-Composable Operating System (AB, EM, TV), pp. 143–160.
- SAC-2013-BaldovinGMV #kernel
- Kernel-level time composability for avionics applications (AB, AG, EM, TV), pp. 1552–1554.
- ASE-2012-CicchettiCMPPZV #development #industrial #modelling #named
- CHESS: a model-driven engineering tool environment for aiding the development of complex industrial systems (AC, FC, SM, SP, MP, AZ, TV), pp. 362–365.
- AdaEurope-2012-MartinezV #component #development #modelling #requirements
- Handling Synchronization Requirements under Separation of Concerns in Model-Driven Component-Based Development (PLM, TV), pp. 89–104.
- AdaEurope-2012-PanunzioV #ada #component #development
- Ada Ravenscar Code Archetypes for Component-Based Development (MP, TV), pp. 1–17.
- CBSE-2012-MartinezV #approach #component #realtime
- An MDE approach to address synchronization needs in component-based real-time systems (PLM, TV), pp. 125–134.
- AdaEurope-2010-MezzettiBRV #development
- Cache-Aware Development of High-Integrity Systems (EM, AB, JR, TV), pp. 139–152.
- AdaEurope-2010-MezzettiPV #ada
- Preservation of Timing Properties with the Ada Ravenscar Profile (EM, MP, TV), pp. 153–166.
- AdaEurope-2009-ZoviV #programming language #requirements
- Requirements on the Target Programming Language for High-Integrity MDE (AZ, TV), pp. 1–15.
- DATE-2009-MazziniPV #development #realtime
- An MDE methodology for the development of high-integrity real-time systems (SM, SP, TV), pp. 1154–1159.
- AdaEurope-2007-BordinV #approach #correctness #metamodelling #realtime
- Correctness by Construction for High-Integrity Real-Time Systems: A Metamodel-Driven Approach (MB, TV), pp. 114–127.
- AdaEurope-2007-PanunzioV #analysis #metamodelling #modelling #process
- A Metamodel-Driven Process Featuring Advanced Model-Based Timing Analysis (MP, TV), pp. 128–141.
- AdaEurope-2006-PulidoUZVP #ada #scheduling
- Hierarchical Scheduling with Ada 2005 (JAP, SU, JZ, TV, JAdlP), pp. 1–12.
- AdaEurope-2005-BordinV #ada
- A New Strategy for the HRT-HOOD to Ada Mapping (MB, TV), pp. 51–66.
- AdaEurope-2003-MazziniDNDLV #named #uml
- HRT-UML: Taking HRT-HOOD onto UML (SM, MD, MDN, AD, GL, TV), pp. 405–416.
- AdaEurope-2002-AlonsoLVP #case study #object-oriented #using
- Using Object Orientation in High Integrity Applications: A Case Study (AA, RL, TV, JAdlP), pp. 357–366.
- AdaEurope-2001-VardanegaGP #migration
- An Application Case for Ravenscar Technology: Porting OBOSS to GNAT/ORK (TV, RG, JAdlP), pp. 392–404.
- AdaEurope-1999-VardanegaCP #case study #embedded #realtime #reuse #using
- A Case Study in the Reuse of On-board Embedded Real-Time Software (TV, GC, JSP), pp. 425–436.
- ICSE-1994-Vardanega #ada #development #embedded #experience #realtime
- Experience with the Development of Hard Real-Time Embedded Ada Software (TV), pp. 301–308.
- AdaEurope-2016-BaracchiMPV #development #lessons learnt #modelling #towards
- Lessons Learned in a Journey Toward Correct-by-Construction Model-Based Development (LB, SM, SP, TV), pp. 113–128.
- AdaEurope-2017-CarlettoV #benchmark #comparative #metric #named #runtime
- Ravenscar-EDF: Comparative Benchmarking of an EDF Variant of a Ravenscar Runtime (PC, TV), pp. 18–33.
- AdaEurope-2017-MilutinovicAAAM #reliability
- Software Time Reliability in the Presence of Cache Memories (SM, JA, IA, MAa, EM, TV, FJC), pp. 233–249.
- AdaEurope-2018-MunariVV #agile #architecture
- Microservice-Based Agile Architectures: An Opportunity for Specialized Niche Technologies (SM, SV, TV), pp. 158–174.