Collaborated with:
Jennifer Jenson Suzanne de Castell ∅ Marcus Carter Darryl Woodford Christopher A. Paul Nick Webber Oskar Milik
Talks about:
player (2) avatar (2) onlin (2) what (2) eve (2) multiplay (1) cyberspac (1) construct (1) warcraft (1) detritus (1)
Person: Kelly Bergstrom
DBLP: Bergstrom:Kelly
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- FDG-2012-Bergstrom #difference #women
- Virtual inequality: a woman's place in cyberspace (KB), pp. 267–269.
- FDG-2012-BergstromJC #difference #what
- What's 'choice' got to do with it?: avatar selection differences between novice and expert players of World of Warcraft and Rift (KB, JJ, SdC), pp. 97–104.
- DiGRA-2013-BergstromCWP #online
- Constructing the Ideal EVE Online Player (KB, MC, DW, CAP).
- DiGRA-2015-CarterBWM
- EVE is Real (MC, KB, NW, OM).
- DiGRA-FDG-2016-BergstromCJ #game studies #multi #online #question #what
- Digital Detritus: What Can We Learn From Abandoned Massively Multiplayer Online Game Avatars? (KB, SdC, JJ).