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Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Greece
1 × Iceland
1 × Japan
1 × Switzerland
11 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.Maehara S.Kreutzer B.A.Reed P.Wollan B.Mohar Y.Kobayashi K.Eickmeyer M.Kusumoto E.D.Demaine M.Hajiaghayi T.Akiba A.Sidiropoulos M.Thorup M.Elberfeld Y.Yoshida A.Yabe N.Ohsaka P.N.Klein C.Sommer K.Hayashi M.Toyoda T.Soma N.Kakimura K.Inaba Y.Iwata M.Grohe D.Marx L.Amsaleg O.Chelly T.Furon S.Girard M.E.Houle M.Nett
Talks about:
graph (16) minor (9) algorithm (6) approxim (6) structur (4) theorem (4) linear (4) time (4) rank (4) decomposit (3)

Person: Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi

DBLP DBLP: Kawarabayashi:Ken=ichi

Contributed to:

ICALP (2) 20152015
ICML 20152015
KDD 20152015
STOC 20152015
ICML c1 20142014
KDD 20142014
SIGMOD 20142014
STOC 20142014
VLDB 20142014
LICS 20132013
STOC 20132013
ICALP (1) 20112011
STOC 20112011
STOC 20102010
ICALP (1) 20092009
STOC 20092009
ICALP (1) 20082008
STOC 20082008
STOC 20072007
STOC 20062006
CSL 20162016

Wrote 31 papers:

ICALP-v2-2015-KawarabayashiK #graph #theorem #towards
Towards the Graph Minor Theorems for Directed Graphs (KiK, SK), pp. 3–10.
ICML-2015-MaeharaYK #game studies #multi #perspective #problem
Budget Allocation Problem with Multiple Advertisers: A Game Theoretic View (TM, AY, KiK), pp. 428–437.
Estimating Local Intrinsic Dimensionality (LA, OC, TF, SG, MEH, KiK, MN), pp. 29–38.
KDD-2015-HayashiMTK #detection #realtime #topic #twitter
Real-Time Top-R Topic Detection on Twitter with Topic Hijack Filtering (KH, TM, MT, KiK), pp. 417–426.
KDD-2015-OhsakaMK #evolution #network #performance #rank
Efficient PageRank Tracking in Evolving Networks (NO, TM, KiK), pp. 875–884.
STOC-2015-KawarabayashiK #grid #theorem
The Directed Grid Theorem (KiK, SK), pp. 655–664.
STOC-2015-KawarabayashiS #approximate #graph
Beyond the Euler Characteristic: Approximating the Genus of General Graphs (KiK, AS), pp. 675–682.
STOC-2015-KawarabayashiT #graph
Deterministic Global Minimum Cut of a Simple Graph in Near-Linear Time (KiK, MT), pp. 665–674.
ICML-c1-2014-SomaKIK #algorithm #performance
Optimal Budget Allocation: Theoretical Guarantee and Efficient Algorithm (TS, NK, KI, KiK), pp. 351–359.
KDD-2014-AkibaMK #analysis #network
Network structural analysis via core-tree-decomposition Publication of this article pending inquiry (TA, TM, KiK), pp. 1476–1485.
KDD-2014-MaeharaKK #performance
Efficient SimRank computation via linearizationPublication of this article pending inquiry (TM, MK, KiK), pp. 1426–1435.
SIGMOD-2014-KusumotoMK #scalability #similarity
Scalable similarity search for SimRank (MK, TM, KiK), pp. 325–336.
STOC-2014-ElberfeldK #bound #graph
Embedding and canonizing graphs of bounded genus in logspace (ME, KiK), pp. 383–392.
STOC-2014-KawarabayashiKK #graph #grid #problem #theorem
An excluded half-integral grid theorem for digraphs and the directed disjoint paths problem (KiK, YK, SK), pp. 70–78.
VLDB-2014-MaeharaAIK #graph #personalisation #rank
Computing Personalized PageRank Quickly by Exploiting Graph Structures (TM, TA, YI, KiK), pp. 1023–1034.
LICS-2013-EickmeyerKK #first-order #graph #invariant #logic #model checking
Model Checking for Successor-Invariant First-Order Logic on Minor-Closed Graph Classes (KE, KiK, SK), pp. 134–142.
STOC-2013-KawarabayashiY #graph #testing
Testing subdivision-freeness: property testing meets structural graph theory (KiK, YY), pp. 437–446.
ICALP-v1-2011-KawarabayashiKS #approximate #bound #distance #graph
Linear-Space Approximate Distance Oracles for Planar, Bounded-Genus and Minor-Free Graphs (KiK, PNK, CS), pp. 135–146.
STOC-2011-DemaineHK #algorithm #composition #graph
Contraction decomposition in h-minor-free graphs and algorithmic applications (EDD, MH, KiK), pp. 441–450.
STOC-2011-GroheKMW #parametricity
Finding topological subgraphs is fixed-parameter tractable (MG, KiK, DM, PW), pp. 479–488.
STOC-2011-KawarabayashiK #algorithm #approximate #problem
Breaking o(n1/2)-approximation algorithms for the edge-disjoint paths problem with congestion two (KiK, YK), pp. 81–88.
STOC-2011-KawarabayashiW #algorithm #composition #graph #proving
A simpler algorithm and shorter proof for the graph minor decomposition (KiK, PW), pp. 451–458.
Odd cycle packing (KiK, BAR), pp. 695–704.
STOC-2010-KawarabayashiW #algorithm #graph #proving #theorem
A shorter proof of the graph minor algorithm: the unique linkage theorem (KiK, PW), pp. 687–694.
ICALP-v1-2009-DemaineHK #algorithm #approximate #graph
Approximation Algorithms via Structural Results for Apex-Minor-Free Graphs (EDD, MH, KiK), pp. 316–327.
STOC-2009-KawarabayashiR #decidability
Hadwiger’s conjecture is decidable (KiK, BAR), pp. 445–454.
ICALP-A-2008-Kawarabayashi #approximate
Approximating List-Coloring on a Fixed Surface (KiK), pp. 333–344.
STOC-2008-KawarabayashiM #graph #linear #morphism
Graph and map isomorphism and all polyhedral embeddings in linear time (KiK, BM), pp. 471–480.
STOC-2007-KawarabayashiR #linear
Computing crossing number in linear time (KiK, BAR), pp. 382–390.
STOC-2006-KawarabayashiM #approximate #graph
Approximating the list-chromatic number and the chromatic number in minor-closed and odd-minor-closed classes of graphs (KiK, BM), pp. 401–416.
CSL-2016-EickmeyerK #first-order #graph #invariant #logic
Successor-Invariant First-Order Logic on Graphs with Excluded Topological Subgraphs (KE, KiK), p. 15.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.