Travelled to:
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Norway
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
K.Kawarabayashi ∅ M.Grohe S.Kreutzer
Talks about:
order (3) logic (3) first (3) successor (2) randomis (2) invari (2) graph (2) derandomis (1) subgraph (1) descript (1)
Person: Kord Eickmeyer
DBLP: Eickmeyer:Kord
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- LICS-2013-EickmeyerKK #first-order #graph #invariant #logic #model checking
- Model Checking for Successor-Invariant First-Order Logic on Minor-Closed Graph Classes (KE, KiK, SK), pp. 134–142.
- CSL-2011-Eickmeyer #first-order #logic #random
- Non-Definability Results for Randomised First-Order Logic (KE), pp. 218–232.
- CSL-2010-EickmeyerG #complexity
- Randomisation and Derandomisation in Descriptive Complexity Theory (KE, MG), pp. 275–289.
- CSL-2016-EickmeyerK #first-order #graph #invariant #logic
- Successor-Invariant First-Order Logic on Graphs with Excluded Topological Subgraphs (KE, KiK), p. 15.