Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Croatia
1 × Denmark
1 × Finland
1 × France
1 × Iceland
1 × Japan
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
2 × Poland
3 × United Kingdom
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ A.Dawar K.Kawarabayashi E.Grädel N.Schweikardt M.Grohe S.Siebertz C.Riveros S.Tazari J.C.Bradfield M.Bojanczyk C.Dittmann Y.Kobayashi K.Eickmeyer V.Engelmann M.Otto
Talks about:
order (10) logic (8) point (6) fix (6) monad (5) model (5) first (5) theorem (4) second (4) graph (4)
Person: Stephan Kreutzer
DBLP: Kreutzer:Stephan
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 25 papers:
- ICALP-v2-2015-KawarabayashiK #graph #theorem #towards
- Towards the Graph Minor Theorems for Directed Graphs (KiK, SK), pp. 3–10.
- STOC-2015-KawarabayashiK #grid #theorem
- The Directed Grid Theorem (KiK, SK), pp. 655–664.
- LICS-CSL-2014-BojanczykDK #calculus #composition #model checking #theorem #μ-calculus
- Decomposition theorems and model-checking for the modal μ-calculus (MB, CD, SK), p. 10.
- LICS-CSL-2014-KreutzerS #on the
- On Hanf-equivalence and the number of embeddings of small induced subgraphs (SK, NS), p. 10.
- STOC-2014-GroheKS #first-order #graph
- Deciding first-order properties of nowhere dense graphs (MG, SK, SS), pp. 89–98.
- STOC-2014-KawarabayashiKK #graph #grid #problem #theorem
- An excluded half-integral grid theorem for digraphs and the directed disjoint paths problem (KiK, YK, SK), pp. 70–78.
- LICS-2013-EickmeyerKK #first-order #graph #invariant #logic #model checking
- Model Checking for Successor-Invariant First-Order Logic on Minor-Closed Graph Classes (KE, KiK, SK), pp. 134–142.
- LICS-2013-KreutzerR #higher-order #logic #monad
- Quantitative Monadic Second-Order Logic (SK, CR), pp. 113–122.
- LICS-2012-EngelmannKS #first-order #higher-order #model checking #monad
- First-Order and Monadic Second-Order Model-Checking on Ordered Structures (VE, SK, SS), pp. 275–284.
- LICS-2010-KreutzerT #bound #complexity #higher-order #logic #monad
- Lower Bounds for the Complexity of Monadic Second-Order Logic (SK, ST), pp. 189–198.
- CSL-2009-Kreutzer #higher-order #logic #monad #on the
- On the Parameterised Intractability of Monadic Second-Order Logic (SK), pp. 348–363.
- ICALP-B-2008-DawarK #datalog #on the
- On Datalog vs. LFP (AD, SK), pp. 160–171.
- ICALP-2007-DawarGKS #scalability
- Model Theory Makes Formulas Large (AD, MG, SK, NS), pp. 913–924.
- ICALP-2007-KreutzerOS #bound #monad
- Boundedness of Monadic FO over Acyclic Structures (SK, MO, NS), pp. 571–582.
- LICS-2007-DawarGK
- Locally Excluding a Minor (AD, MG, SK), pp. 270–279.
- LICS-2006-DawarGKS #approximate #first-order #optimisation #problem
- Approximation Schemes for First-Order Definable Optimisation Problems (AD, MG, SK, NS), pp. 411–420.
- CSL-2005-BradfieldK #complexity #fixpoint #logic
- The Complexity of Independence-Friendly Fixpoint Logic (JCB, SK), pp. 355–368.
- ICALP-2004-DawarGK #backtracking #fixpoint #game studies
- Backtracking Games and Inflationary Fixed Points (AD, EG, SK), pp. 420–432.
- LICS-2003-GradelK #fixpoint
- Will Deflation Lead to Depletion? On Non-Monotone Fixed Point Inductions (EG, SK), p. 158–?.
- CSL-2002-Kreutzer #fixpoint #infinity #logic
- Partial Fixed-Point Logic on Infinite Structures (SK), pp. 337–351.
- LICS-2002-Kreutzer #equivalence #fixpoint #logic
- Expressive Equivalence of Least and Inflationary Fixed-Point Logic (SK), p. 403–?.
- CSL-2001-DawarGK #fixpoint #logic
- Inflationary Fixed Points in Modal Logic (AD, EG, SK), pp. 277–291.
- PODS-2000-Kreutzer #constraints #database #fixpoint #linear #query
- Fixed-Point Query Languages for Linear Constraint Databases (SK), pp. 116–125.
- CSL-1999-GradelK #complexity #constraints #database
- Descriptive Complexity Theory for Constraint Databases (EG, SK), pp. 67–81.
- CSL-2017-Kreutzer #first-order #model checking #roadmap
- Current Trends and New Perspectives for First-Order Model Checking (Invited Talk) (SK), p. 5.