Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × Denmark
1 × Finland
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.d.Alfaro A.Murano M.Stoelinga S.L.Torre A.Legay A.Bianco F.Mogavero R.Alur S.Kannan N.Singhania T.A.Henzinger R.Majumdar B.T.Adler L.D.d.Silva V.Raman P.Roy
Talks about:
game (6) time (4) quantit (3) linear (2) model (2) decis (2) check (2) algorithm (1) properti (1) interfac (1)
Person: Marco Faella
DBLP: Faella:Marco
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- QAPL-2010-BiancoFMM #game studies
- Quantitative Fairness Games (AB, MF, FM, AM), pp. 48–63.
- QAPL-2008-FaellaLS #linear #logic #model checking
- Model Checking Quantitative Linear Time Logic (MF, AL, MS), pp. 61–77.
- CAV-2007-AlfaroF #algorithm #game studies
- An Accelerated Algorithm for 3-Color Parity Games with an Application to Timed Games (LdA, MF), pp. 108–120.
- CAV-2006-AdlerASFLRR #composition #interface #named
- Ticc: A Tool for Interface Compatibility and Composition (BTA, LdA, LDdS, MF, AL, VR, PR), pp. 59–62.
- ICALP-2004-AlfaroFS #branch #linear #metric
- Linear and Branching Metrics for Quantitative Transition Systems (LdA, MF, MS), pp. 97–109.
- TACAS-2004-AlfaroFHMS #model checking
- Model Checking Discounted Temporal Properties (LdA, MF, TAH, RM, MS), pp. 77–92.
- ICALP-2003-AlfaroF #concurrent #data flow #game studies
- Information Flow in Concurrent Games (LdA, MF), pp. 1038–1053.
- LICS-2002-FaellaTM #game studies #realtime
- Dense Real-Time Games (MF, SLT, AM), pp. 167–176.
- VMCAI-2002-FaellaTM #game studies
- Automata-Theoretic Decision of Timed Games (MF, SLT, AM), pp. 94–108.
- CSL-2016-AlurFKS #markov #process
- Hedging Bets in Markov Decision Processes (RA, MF, SK, NS), p. 20.