Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Ireland
1 × Spain
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ Michael Michalakopoulos M.Albakour U.Kruschwitz D.Song A.N.D.Roeck N.Nanas Spyridon Samothrakis Diego Perez Liebana S.M.Lucas I.A.Adeyanju I.Adeyanju Y.Kim
Talks about:
queri (4) search (2) evalu (2) game (2) log (2) relationship (1) preliminari (1) neuroevolut (1) methodolog (1) recommend (1)
Person: Maria Fasli
DBLP: Fasli:Maria
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- ECIR-2012-AlbakourKNASFR #analysis #query #web
- Analysis of Query Reformulations in a Search Engine of a Local Web Site (MDA, UK, NN, IA, DS, MF, ANDR), pp. 517–521.
- SIGIR-2012-AdeyanjuSAKRF #adaptation #concept #query #recommendation
- Adaptation of the concept hierarchy model with search logs for query recommendation on intranets (IAA, DS, MDA, UK, ANDR, MF), pp. 5–14.
- ECIR-2011-AlbakourKNKSFR #evaluation #named #query #using
- AutoEval: An Evaluation Methodology for Evaluating Query Suggestions Using Query Logs (MDA, UK, NN, YK, DS, MF, ANDR), pp. 605–610.
- SAC-2006-Fasli #on the
- On the relationship between roles and power: preliminary report (MF), pp. 313–318.
- CIG-2005-FasliM #design #game studies #implementation
- Designing and Implementing E-market Games (MF, MM).
- CIG-2015-SamothrakisLLF #game studies #video
- Neuroevolution for General Video Game Playing (SS, DPL, SML, MF), pp. 200–207.