Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Denmark
1 × Estonia
1 × Portugal
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
Y.Chevalier M.Rusinowitch ∅ R.Küsters L.Vigneron A.Armando L.Compagna S.Mödersheim L.Viganò A.Datta A.Derek J.C.Mitchell V.Shmatikov D.A.Basin J.Cuéllar D.v.Oheimb M.Bouallagui Y.Boichut P.H.Drielsma P.Héam O.Kouchnarenko J.Mantovani J.Santiago W.Arsac T.Avanesov M.Barletta A.Calvi A.Cappai R.Carbone G.Erzse S.Frau M.Minea G.Pellegrino S.E.Ponta M.Rocchetto M.T.Dashti
Talks about:
protocol (5) secur (4) valid (2) autom (2) tool (2) probabilist (1) architectur (1) avantssar (1) procedur (1) polynomi (1)
Person: Mathieu Turuani
DBLP: Turuani:Mathieu
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- TACAS-2012-ArmandoAABCCCCCCEFMMOPPRRDTV #architecture #automation #framework #platform #security #trust #validation
- The AVANTSSAR Platform for the Automated Validation of Trust and Security of Service-Oriented Architectures (AA, WA, TA, MB, AC, AC, RC, YC, LC, JC, GE, SF, MM, SM, DvO, GP, SEP, MR, MR, MTD, MT, LV), pp. 267–282.
- RTA-2006-Turuani #protocol
- The CL-Atse Protocol Analyser (MT), pp. 277–286.
- CAV-2005-ArmandoBBCCCDHKMMORSTVV #automation #internet #protocol #security #validation
- The AVISPA Tool for the Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AA, DAB, YB, YC, LC, JC, PHD, PCH, OK, JM, SM, DvO, MR, JS, MT, LV, LV), pp. 281–285.
- ICALP-2005-DattaDMST #logic #polynomial #probability #protocol #security #semantics
- Probabilistic Polynomial-Time Semantics for a Protocol Security Logic (AD, AD, JCM, VS, MT), pp. 16–29.
- CSL-2003-ChevalierKRTV #bound
- Extending the Dolev-Yao Intruder for Analyzing an Unbounded Number of Sessions (YC, RK, MR, MT, LV), pp. 128–141.
- LICS-2003-ChevalierKRT #protocol
- An NP Decision Procedure for Protocol Insecurity with XOR (YC, RK, MR, MT), pp. 261–270.
- CAV-2002-ArmandoBBCCMRTVV #analysis #protocol #security
- The AVISS Security Protocol Analysis Tool (AA, DAB, MB, YC, LC, SM, MR, MT, LV, LV), pp. 349–353.