Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Portugal
1 × Sweden
1 × Switzerland
2 × Canada
2 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
O.Kouchnarenko J.Joly V.Hugot C.Nicaud F.Dadeau R.Courbis C.Masson ∅ A.Dreyfus R.Kheddam S.Schmitz J.Levrey Y.Boichut A.Armando D.A.Basin Y.Chevalier L.Compagna J.Cuéllar P.H.Drielsma J.Mantovani S.Mödersheim D.v.Oheimb M.Rusinowitch J.Santiago M.Turuani L.Viganò L.Vigneron
Talks about:
automata (7) generat (6) random (6) test (4) determinist (3) approxim (3) use (3) pushdown (2) protocol (2) properti (2)
Person: Pierre-Cyrille Héam
DBLP: H=eacute=am:Pierre=Cyrille
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- CIAA-2015-HeamJ #automaton #generative #morphism #on the #random
- On the Uniform Random Generation of Non Deterministic Automata Up to Isomorphism (PCH, JLJ), pp. 140–152.
- CIAA-2015-HeamJ15a #automaton #generative #random #realtime
- Random Generation and Enumeration of Accessible Deterministic Real-Time Pushdown Automata (PCH, JLJ), pp. 153–164.
- CIAA-2013-DreyfusHK #analysis #approximate #reachability
- Enhancing Approximations for Regular Reachability Analysis (AD, PCH, OK), pp. 331–339.
- CIAA-2012-HeamHK #bound #constraints #on the
- On Positive TAGED with a Bounded Number of Constraints (PCH, VH, OK), pp. 329–336.
- IJCAR-2012-HeamHK #linear #logic
- From Linear Temporal Logic Properties to Rewrite Propositions (PCH, VH, OK), pp. 316–331.
- CIAA-2011-HeamHK #automaton
- Loops and Overloops for Tree Walking Automata (PCH, VH, OK), pp. 166–177.
- ICST-2011-DadeauHK #generative #protocol #security #testing
- Mutation-Based Test Generation from Security Protocols in HLPSL (FD, PCH, RK), pp. 240–248.
- ICST-2011-HeamN #data type #generative #named #random #recursion #testing
- Seed: An Easy-to-Use Random Generator of Recursive Data Structures for Testing (PCH, CN), pp. 60–69.
- TAP-2011-HeamM #approach #automaton #random testing #testing #using
- A Random Testing Approach Using Pushdown Automata (PCH, CM), pp. 119–133.
- CIAA-2009-CourbisHK #approximate #model checking
- TAGED Approximations for Temporal Properties Model-Checking (RC, PCH, OK), pp. 135–144.
- CIAA-2009-HeamNS #automaton #generative #random
- Random Generation of Deterministic Tree (Walking) Automata (PCH, CN, SS), pp. 115–124.
- MBT-2009-DadeauLH #automaton #generative #on the #random #testing #using
- On the Use of Uniform Random Generation of Automata for Testing (FD, JL, PCH), pp. 37–51.
- RTA-2008-BoichutCHK #abstraction #approximate #refinement
- Finer Is Better: Abstraction Refinement for Rewriting Approximations (YB, RC, PCH, OK), pp. 48–62.
- CAV-2005-ArmandoBBCCCDHKMMORSTVV #automation #internet #protocol #security #validation
- The AVISPA Tool for the Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AA, DAB, YB, YC, LC, JC, PHD, PCH, OK, JM, SM, DvO, MR, JS, MT, LV, LV), pp. 281–285.
- CIAA-2000-Heam #automaton
- Automata for Pro-V Topologies (PCH), pp. 135–144.