Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Italy
1 × The Netherlands
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
H.Gall M.Pinzger H.C.Gall J.Ratzinger J.Oberleitner M.Jazayeri T.Gschwind M.Lanza
Talks about:
system (3) evolut (3) track (3) analysi (2) data (2) bug (2) evolutionari (1) lightweight (1) architectur (1) structur (1)
Person: Michael Fischer
DBLP: Fischer:Michael
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- WCRE-2006-FischerG #analysis #approach #lightweight #named #scalability
- EvoGraph: A Lightweight Approach to Evolutionary and Structural Analysis of Large Software Systems (MF, HG), pp. 179–188.
- IWPC-2005-FischerOGG #analysis #evolution #execution
- System Evolution Tracking through Execution Trace Analysis (MF, JO, HCG, TG), pp. 237–246.
- MSR-2005-FischerORG #evolution #mining #product line
- Mining evolution data of a product family (MF, JO, JR, HCG), pp. 36–40.
- MSR-2005-RatzingerFG #refactoring
- Improving evolvability through refactoring (JR, MF, HCG), pp. 96–100.
- SOFTVIS-2005-PinzgerGFL #evolution #metric #multi #visualisation
- Visualizing multiple evolution metrics (MP, HCG, MF, ML), pp. 67–75.
- ICSM-2004-PinzgerFJG #source code
- Abstracting Module Views from Source Code (MP, MF, MJ, HG), p. 533.
- ICSM-2003-FischerPG #database #debugging #version control
- Populating a Release History Database from Version Control and Bug Tracking Systems (MF, MP, HG), p. 23–?.
- WCRE-2003-FischerPG #debugging
- Analyzing and Relating Bug Report Data for Feature Tracking (MF, MP, HG), pp. 90–101.
- WCRE-2002-PinzgerFGJ #architecture #named #pattern matching
- Revealer: A Lexical Pattern Matcher for Architecture Recovery (MP, MF, HG, MJ), p. 170–?.