Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Italy
2 × USA
4 × Germany
Collaborated with:
H.Ehrig ∅ A.Corradini U.Montanari H.König C.Schulz F.Rossi M.Tempelmeier M.Beyer H.Hansen M.Korff R.Heckel U.Wolter P.Boehm U.Hummert W.Fey D.Jacobs J.Padberg L.Ribeiro A.Wagner
Talks about:
graph (15) algebra (8) pushout (7) transform (6) approach (6) grammar (5) rewrit (5) categori (4) singl (4) doubl (3)
Person: Michael Löwe
DBLP: L=ouml=we:Michael
Contributed to:
Wrote 18 papers:
- GCM-2015-LoweT #algebra #category theory
- Single-Pushout Rewriting of Partial Algebras (ML, MT), pp. 82–96.
- ICGT-2015-Lowe #category theory #graph grammar #polymorphism
- Polymorphic Sesqui-Pushout Graph Rewriting (ML), pp. 3–18.
- FASE-2014-LoweKS #category theory #graph transformation #polymorphism
- Polymorphic Single-Pushout Graph Transformation (ML, HK, CS), pp. 355–369.
- ICGT-2014-KonigLSW #graph transformation
- Van Kampen Squares for Graph Transformation (HK, ML, CS, UW), pp. 222–236.
- ICGT-2012-Lowe #algebra #framework #graph grammar #graph transformation
- Refined Graph Rewriting in Span-Categories — A Framework for Algebraic Graph Transformation (ML), pp. 111–125.
- ICGT-2010-Lowe #graph grammar
- Graph Rewriting in Span-Categories (ML), pp. 218–233.
- CSMR-1997-Lowe #formal method
- Formal Methods (ML), p. 43.
- GG-Handbook-Vol1-CorradiniMREHL #algebra #approach #category theory #concept #graph transformation
- Algebraic Approaches to Graph Transformation — Part I: Basic Concepts and Double Pushout Approach (AC, UM, FR, HE, RH, ML), pp. 163–246.
- GG-Handbook-Vol1-EhrigHKLRWC #algebra #approach #category theory #comparison #graph transformation
- Algebraic Approaches to Graph Transformation — Part II: Single Pushout Approach and Comparison with Double Pushout Approach (HE, RH, MK, ML, LR, AW, AC), pp. 247–312.
- TAGT-1994-CorradiniELMP #category theory #graph grammar
- The Category of Typed Graph Grammars and its Adjunctions with Categories (AC, HE, ML, UM, JP), pp. 56–74.
- TAGT-1994-CorradiniELMR #graph grammar #parallel #semantics
- An Event Structure Semantics for Graph Grammars with Parallel Productions (AC, HE, ML, UM, FR), pp. 240–256.
- RTA-1993-LoweB #algebra #graph grammar #implementation #named
- AGG — An Implementation of Algebraic Graph Rewriting (ML, MB), pp. 451–456.
- GG-1990-CorradiniMREL #graph grammar #logic programming
- Graph Grammars and Logic Programming (AC, UM, FR, HE, ML), pp. 221–237.
- GG-1990-EhrigKL #algebra #approach #category theory #graph grammar #tutorial
- Tutorial Introduction to the Algebraic Approach of Graph Grammars Based on Double and Single Pushouts (HE, MK, ML), pp. 24–37.
- GG-1990-EhrigL #graph transformation
- Computing by Graph Transformation: Overall Aims and New Results (HE, ML), pp. 688–703.
- ALP-1988-HansenL #algebra #composition #specification
- Modular Algebraic Specifications (HH, ML), pp. 168–179.
- GG-1986-BoehmEHL #distributed #graph grammar #towards
- Towards distributed graph grammars (PB, HE, UH, ML), pp. 86–98.
- CCPSD-1991-LoweEFJ #algebra #on the #specification
- On the Relationship Between Algebraic Module Specifications and Program Modules (ML, HE, WF, DJ), pp. 83–98.