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Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Denmark
1 × Sweden
2 × Canada
2 × Hungary
2 × Portugal
2 × Spain
3 × Italy
4 × France
4 × United Kingdom
5 × The Netherlands
6 × Germany
9 × USA
Collaborated with:
F.Rossi A.Corradini R.Bruni F.Gadducci M.Pistore J.Meseguer P.Degano F.Bonchi G.L.Ferrari P.Baldan H.Ehrig M.G.Buscemi S.Gnesi A.Lluch-Lafuente D.Yankelevich M.Löwe A.Martelli S.Bistarelli P.Inverardi L.Ribeiro C.Laneve I.Castellani G.Ristori N.Hoch M.Sammartino B.König E.Tuosto H.C.Melgratti D.Hirsch R.D.Nicola F.Parisi-Presicce A.Catalano R.Gorrieri G.V.Monreale F.Santini F.Bueno M.V.Hermenegildo A.Fantechi J.Padberg R.Heckel G.Ferro P.Asirelli G.Levi G.Pacini F.Sirovich F.Turini
Talks about:
graph (13) constraint (10) program (10) grammar (9) rewrit (9) semant (8) logic (8) process (7) system (7) concurr (6)

Person: Ugo Montanari

DBLP DBLP: Montanari:Ugo

Facilitated 8 volumes:

ICGT 2006Ed
WRLA 2002Ed
ICALP 2000Ed
Software Development and Ada 1986Ed
TAPSOFT, Vol.1: AS 1987Ed
TAPSOFT, Vol.2: AS 1987Ed
TAPSOFT, Vol.1: CAAP 1987Ed
TAPSOFT, Vol.2: CFLP 1987Ed

Contributed to:

GaM 20152015
ICGT 20102010
ESOP 20092009
ESOP 20082008
FoSSaCS 20082008
WRLA 20082009
ESOP 20072007
QAPL 20072007
LICS 20062006
FoSSaCS 20052005
POPL 20052005
SFM-Moby 20052005
QAPL 20042005
ESOP 20022002
FoSSaCS 20022002
ICGT 20022002
WRLA 20022002
FASE 19991999
FoSSaCS 19991999
LICS 19991999
TACAS 19991999
WICSA 19991999
CAV 19981998
FoSSaCS 19981998
ICALP 19981998
TAGT 19981998
WRLA 19981998
Handbook of Graph Grammars 19971997
TACAS 19971997
ESOP 19961996
WRLA 19961996
WRLA 19962002
RTA 19951995
ALP 19941994
TAGT 19941994
ALP 19921992
ICALP 19921992
ICLP 19911991
ILPS 19911991
GG 19901990
NACLP 19901990
KR 19891989
LICS 19891989
LICS 19881988
ESEC 19871987
GG 19861986
STOC 19841984
GG 19821982
ICSE 19791979
GG 19781978
ICALP 19741974
TAPSOFT, Vol.1: AS 19851985
TAPSOFT, Vol.2: ADC 19911991

Wrote 57 papers:

GaM-2015-HochMS #graph #programming
Dynamic Programming on Nominal Graphs (NH, UM, MS), pp. 80–96.
ICGT-2010-BonchiGMM #lts #term rewriting
Saturated LTSs for Adhesive Rewriting Systems (FB, FG, GVM, UM), pp. 123–138.
ESOP-2009-BonchiM #algorithm #similarity
Minimization Algorithm for Symbolic Bisimilarity (FB, UM), pp. 267–284.
ESOP-2008-BuscemiM #bisimulation #concurrent #constraints #π-calculus
Open Bisimulation for the Concurrent Constraint π-Calculus (MGB, UM), pp. 254–268.
FoSSaCS-2008-BonchiM #revisited #semantics
Symbolic Semantics Revisited (FB, UM), pp. 395–412.
WRLA-2008-BruniLM09 #design #maude
Hierarchical Design Rewriting with Maude (RB, ALL, UM), pp. 45–62.
ESOP-2007-BuscemiM #constraints #named #specification
CC-Pi: A Constraint-Based Language for Specifying Service Level Agreements (MGB, UM), pp. 18–32.
QAPL-2007-BistarelliMRS #constraints #graph #logic programming #modelling #multi #using
Modelling Multicast QoS Routing by using Best-Tree Search in And-or Graphs and Soft Constraint Logic Programming (SB, UM, FR, FS), pp. 111–127.
LICS-2006-BonchiKM #semantics
Saturated Semantics for Reactive Systems (FB, BK, UM), pp. 69–80.
FoSSaCS-2005-FerrariMT #calculus #model checking
Model Checking for Nominal Calculi (GLF, UM, ET), pp. 1–24.
POPL-2005-BruniMM #composition
Theoretical foundations for compensations in flow composition languages (RB, HCM, UM), pp. 209–220.
SFM-2005-MontanariP #automaton
History-Dependent Automata: An Introduction (UM, MP), pp. 1–28.
QAPL-2004-Lluch-LafuenteM05 #calculus #constraints
Quantitative ?-calculus and CTL Based on Constraint Semirings (ALL, UM), pp. 37–59.
ESOP-2002-BistarelliMR #concurrent #constraints #programming
Soft Concurrent Constraint Programming (SB, UM, FR), pp. 53–67.
FoSSaCS-2002-FerrariMP #algebra #calculus
Minimizing Transition Systems for Name Passing Calculi: A Co-algebraic Formulation (GLF, UM, MP), pp. 129–158.
ICGT-2002-MontanariR #algebra #graph grammar #linear #order
Linear Ordered Graph Grammars and Their Algebraic Foundations (UM, LR), pp. 317–333.
WRLA-2002-BruniMM #logic #transaction
Tiling Transactions in Rewriting Logic (RB, JM, UM), pp. 90–109.
FASE-1999-BruniMM #calculus #execution #process #specification
Executable Tile Specifications for Process Calculi (RB, JM, UM), pp. 60–76.
FoSSaCS-1999-BaldranCM #graph grammar #semantics
Unfolding and Event Structure Semantics for Graph Grammars (PB, AC, UM), pp. 73–89.
LICS-1999-BruniM #category theory #π-calculus
Cartesian Closed Double Categories, Their λ-Notation, and the π-Calculus (RB, UM), pp. 246–265.
TACAS-1999-MontanariP #finite #verification #π-calculus
Finite State Verification for the Asynchronous π-Calculus (UM, MP), pp. 255–269.
WICSA-1999-HirschIM #constraints #graph grammar #modelling #theorem proving
Modeling Software Architecutes and Styles with Graph Grammars and Constraint Solving (DH, PI, UM), pp. 127–144.
CAV-1998-FerrariGMPR #mobile #process #verification
Verifying Mobile Processes in the HAL Environment (GLF, SG, UM, MP, GR), pp. 511–515.
FoSSaCS-1998-BaldanCM #semantics #symmetry
An Event Structure Semantics for P/T Contextual Nets: Asymmetric Event Structures (PB, AC, UM), pp. 63–80.
ICALP-1998-BaldanCM #graph #process
Concatenable Graph Processes: Relating Processes and Derivation Traces (PB, AC, UM), pp. 283–295.
ICALP-1998-GadducciM #axiom #process
Axioms for Contextual Net Processes (FG, UM), pp. 296–308.
TAGT-1998-BaldanCM #graph grammar
Unfolding of Double-Pushout Graph Grammars is a Coreflection (PB, AC, UM), pp. 145–163.
WRLA-1998-BruniMM #implementation
Internal strategies in a rewriting implementation of tile systems (RB, JM, UM), pp. 263–284.
GG-Handbook-Vol1-CorradiniMREHL #algebra #approach #category theory #concept #graph transformation
Algebraic Approaches to Graph Transformation — Part I: Basic Concepts and Double Pushout Approach (AC, UM, FR, HE, RH, ML), pp. 163–246.
TACAS-1997-FerrariFGMPR #automation #mobile #process #verification
An Automated Based Verification Environment for Mobile Processes (GLF, GF, SG, UM, MP, GR), pp. 275–289.
ESOP-1996-MontanariPY #equivalence #performance
Efficient Minimization up to Location Equivalence (UM, MP, DY), pp. 265–279.
Tiles, rewriting rules and CCS (FG, UM), pp. 1–19.
WRLA-J-1996-GadducciM02 #calculus #logic
Comparing logics for rewriting: rewriting logic, action calculi and tile logic (FG, UM), pp. 319–358.
RTA-1995-CorradiniGM #modelling #term rewriting
Relating Two Categorial Models of Term Rewriting (AC, FG, UM), pp. 225–240.
ALP-1994-BuenoHMR #concurrent #semantics #source code
From Eventual to Atomic Locally Atomic CC Programs: A Concurrent Semantics (FB, MVH, UM, FR), pp. 114–132.
TAGT-1994-CorradiniELMP #category theory #graph grammar
The Category of Typed Graph Grammars and its Adjunctions with Categories (AC, HE, ML, UM, JP), pp. 56–74.
TAGT-1994-CorradiniELMR #graph grammar #parallel #semantics
An Event Structure Semantics for Graph Grammars with Parallel Productions (AC, HE, ML, UM, FR), pp. 240–256.
ALP-1992-LaneveM #axiom #equivalence #permutation #λ-calculus
Axiomatizing Permutation Equivalence in the λ-Calculus (CL, UM), pp. 350–363.
ICALP-1992-MontanariY #approach #parametricity
A Parametric Approach to Localities (UM, DY), pp. 617–628.
ICLP-1991-MontanariR #constraints #logic programming
Perfect Relaxation in Constraint Logic Programming (UM, FR), pp. 223–237.
ISLP-1991-MontanariR #concurrent #constraints #programming
True Concurrency in Concurrent Constraint Programming (UM, FR), pp. 694–713.
GG-1990-CorradiniMREL #graph grammar #logic programming
Graph Grammars and Logic Programming (AC, UM, FR, HE, ML), pp. 221–237.
NACLP-1990-CorradiniM #algebra #logic programming #semantics #source code
An Algebraic Semantics of Logic Programs as Structured Transition Systems (AC, UM), pp. 788–812.
KR-1989-RossiM #constraints #linear #network #using
Exact Solution in Linear Time of Networks of Constraints Using Perfect Relaxation (FR, UM), pp. 394–399.
LICS-1989-DeganoMM #axiom #process
Axiomatizing Net Computations and Processes (PD, JM, UM), pp. 175–185.
LICS-1988-DeganoNM #concurrent #consistency #on the #semantics
On the Consistency of “Truly Concurrent” Operational and Denotational Semantics (PD, RDN, UM), pp. 133–141.
LICS-1988-MeseguerM #algebra #monad #petri net
Petri Nets Are Monoids: A New Algebraic Foundation for Net Theory (JM, UM), pp. 155–164.
ESEC-1987-FantechiGIM #ada
An Executon Environment for the Formal Definiton of Ada (AF, SG, PI, UM), pp. 327–335.
GG-1986-MontanariR #algorithm #constraints #network #performance
An Efficient Algorithm for the Solution of Hierarchical Networks of Constraints (UM, FR), pp. 440–457.
GG-1986-Parisi-PresicceEM #composition #graph grammar #unification
Graph rewriting with unification and composition (FPP, HE, UM), pp. 496–514.
STOC-1984-DeganoM #convergence #liveness #metric
Liveness Properties as Convergence in Metric Spaces (PD, UM), pp. 31–38.
GG-1982-CastellaniM #distributed #graph grammar
Graph Grammars for distributed systems (IC, UM), pp. 20–38.
ICSE-1979-AsirelliDLMMPST #development #flexibility #interpreter
A Flexible Environment for Program Development Based on a Symbolic Interpreter (PA, PD, GL, AM, UM, GP, FS, FT), pp. 251–264.
GG-1978-CatalanoGM #algebra #framework #problem
Shortest Path Problems and Tree Grammars: An Algebraic Framework (AC, SG, UM), pp. 167–179.
ICALP-1974-MartelliM #programming
Dynamic Programming Schemata (AM, UM), pp. 66–80.
AS-1985-DeganoM #distributed #specification
Specification Languages for Distributed Systems (PD, UM), pp. 29–51.
ADC-1991-FerrariGM #theorem
An Extended Expansion Theorem (GLF, RG, UM), pp. 29–48.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.