Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × France
1 × Turkey
2 × China
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
H.Hu B.Wang Y.L.0003 L.Song S.Dursun A.M.Grigoryan B.Wu X.Jia J.Gao A.Zhang Y.Liang M.Balcan C.Faloutsos L.Akoglu Y.Yang Yuan Zhou 0005 M.Farajtabar A.Ahmed A.J.Smola H.Liu W.Wang D.Liu H.Wang
Talks about:
network (4) system (3) petri (3) net (3) manufactur (2) communiti (2) structur (2) control (2) robust (2) autom (2)
Person: Nan Du
DBLP: Du:Nan
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- KDD-2015-DuFASS #clustering #documentation #process
- Dirichlet-Hawkes Processes with Applications to Clustering Continuous-Time Document Streams (ND, MF, AA, AJS, LS), pp. 219–228.
- CIKM-2014-JiaDGZ #analysis #community #network
- Analysis on Community Variational Trend in Dynamic Networks (XJ, ND, JG, AZ), pp. 151–160.
- ICML-c2-2014-DuLBS #information management #learning #network
- Influence Function Learning in Information Diffusion Networks (ND, YL, MFB, LS), pp. 2016–2024.
- CSCW-2012-LiuWLWD #named
- HappyGo: a field trial of local group buying (HL, WW, DL, HW, ND), pp. 505–508.
- ICPR-2010-DursunDG #2d #image #re-engineering #slicing #theorem
- Paired Transform Slice Theorem of 2-D Image Reconstruction from Projections (SD, ND, AMG), pp. 2395–2398.
- KDD-2009-DuFWA #communication #generative #network #scalability
- Large human communication networks: patterns and a utility-driven generator (ND, CF, BW, LA), pp. 269–278.
- CIKM-2008-DuWW #community #detection #network
- Overlapping community structure detection in networks (ND, BW, BW), pp. 1371–1372.
- CASE-2016-DuH #petri net #robust #using
- Robust control of Backward Conflict Free Systems with Resources using Petri nets (ND, HH), pp. 1034–1041.
- CASE-2016-HuYLD #automation #identification #petri net #scalability
- Critical stages and their identification in large scale automated manufacturing systems via Petri nets (HH, YY, YL0, ND), pp. 413–420.
- CASE-2017-DuHZL #automation #petri net #robust #using
- Robust control of automated manufacturing systems with complex structures using Petri Nets (ND, HH, YZ0, YL0), pp. 364–369.